Review & Blog Tour/ The Travel Adventures of PJ Mouse


Book Title The Travel Adventures of PJ Mouse – in Canada by Gwyneth Jane Page and Illustrated by Megan Elizabeth
Category:  Children’s fiction, 72 pages
Genre:  Adventure / travel
Publisher:  Self-published
Release date:  Feb 13, 2014
Available for review in:  Print, ebook (PDF)
Will send print books:  Internationally
Tour dates:  Nov 30 – Dec 18, 2015
Content Rating:  G

Book Description:

PJ Mouse, an adorable little stuffed animal, was lost and alone until young Emily heard his cries for help. Now, along with his new family, PJ gets to travel the world-discovering exciting new places and people along the way!

Come join PJ on his first adventure across Canada as he hikes on a glacier in the Rockies, finds a salt lake in the prairies, and walks on the ocean floor in Nova Scotia.

Buy the book:
Author’s Website
Barnes & Noble


Book Title The Travel Adventures of PJ Mouse – in Queensland by Gwyneth Jane Page and Illustrated by Megan Elizabeth
Category:  Children’s fiction, 60 pages
Genre:  Adventure / travel
Publisher:  Self-published
Release date:  Dec 2014
Available for review in:  Print, ebook — mobi (for Kindle), ePub, PDF
Will send print books:  Internationally
Tour dates:  Nov 30 – Dec 18, 2015
Content Rating:  G

Book Description:  

PJ Mouse, an adorable little stuffed animal, was lost and alone until young Emily heard his cries for help. Now, along with his new family, PJ gets to travel the world – discovering exciting new places, people, and animals along the way!

​Come join PJ on this, his second adventure, along the coast of Queensland, as he snorkels at the Great Barrier Reef, chats with a Loggerhead turtle in the midst of a great undertaking, and explores the tropical rainforest- until he has to be rescued by one of the local friendly wildlife.

Buy the book:
Author’s Website
Barnes & Noble


I was so happy when I was selected to be a part of this blog tour because I have to say the books sounded really cute and I knew I had to support Canadian authors.

They both are quick reads. I loved the illustrations in  both books. I loved how almost every page had a little illustration on the pages.

I am going to combine both my reviews in this one post. You don’t have to read the books in order but I think you might want to to get the feel of who everyone is and how PJ Mouse came to Emily and her family.

In Canada we are introduced to PJ Mouse who gets lost from his original owner and he is scared and calls out for help and Emily founds him. She takes PJ Mouse home and cleans him up. I should warn you now that PJ Mouse is a very special mouse and only a selected few get to hear speak.

PJ Mouse has arrived just in time because Emily and her family are going on a cross Canada adventure in a motor home. They are traveling from the west coast of Canada to the east coast. Their first stop is the Rocky Mountains. Its at the Athabasca Glacier that I thought we lost PJ Mouse (because he fell through a crack of a glacier) but with the smart thinking of family they rescue PJ.

I loved how the story included some facts about each of their stops. I loved that they stopped in Quebec City and The Bay of Fundy. Two of my favorite places.

In Queensland, everyone is flying to Australia. The adventures continue for PJ Mouse and Emily’s family. PJ is included in every activity the family does. After reading this my desire to Australia one day is very real and seeing it through PJ’s eyes makes me wish I was on that trip with him because he goes wake boarding, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, and he gets to go and visit the rain forest.

I think the cutest part of the book was when PJ mistook a kangaroo for a mouse. I guess if you have never left your own little world you would think the same thing.

This is very much like the first book in which you are learning something as you read the book.

I am excited for the third book in the series because I can’t wait to see what PJ Mouse’s next adventure will be.

the-travel-adventures-of-PJMouseAuthors Meet the author and illustrator:  

Gwyneth Jane Page (Jane), who holds an MBA from Simon Fraser University, has called many countries home. She grew up in such places as England, Peru, the USA, and the Caribbean, and has also lived in Australia and Canada. She now resides in Victoria, BC with her husband and four children. The PJ Mouse books are based on Jane’s family trips with the real stuffed animal, PJ, who was found by Emily, Jane’s youngest daughter.

Megan Elizabeth, Jane’s second oldest daughter, has lived in Canada and Australia and travelled extensively with her family-and PJ. Having been artistic since she was a little girl, illustrating the PJ Mouse books has enabled her to combine her love of travel with her love of art. Megan completed her studies at VanArts and is now building her career as a professional photographer as well as an illustrator. She currently resides in Victoria, BC with her family.

Connect with the author:  Website   Twitter   Facebook

The third book in The Travel Advetures of PJ Mouse is called The Travel Adventures of PJ Mouse In a Small Corner of England and its out now.

I just want to quickly thank the author for doing this quick guest post for me.

A Little Bit About Me by Gwyneth Jane Page

I grew up as an only child (pretty much – I have a half brother 12 years older than me, and step sisters, but no full siblings) and lived all over the world. I loved going to all the different countries. It made my childhood very memorable with so many distinctive scenes that stand out in each place. The down side to living in so many countries (USA, England, Canada, St. Lucia, Peru) without siblings, and having to make new friends all the time, is that it was a bit lonely. I now greatly value having a larger family and being very close.

I am married with 4 kids, ages 22, 21, 16 and 14. We have always travelled with our kids from the time they were tiny. I love the time together as a family, away from everyday demands, and I also value the education that exploring the world gives to my kids. Having fun with my family and being the best mom I can be is one of my top priorities.

We have lived in Victoria, BC and on the Gold Coast in Australia. We have good friends in both places but I prefer the climate and lifestyle of the Gold Coast. In the future I would really like to move to England to be closer to my extended family and to be able to travel to various parts of Europe easily.

Tour Schedule:

Nov 30 – Experiencing Parenthood – reviews

Nov 30 – That Artsy Reader Girl – reviews / giveaway

​Nov 30 – The Pen and Muse Book Reviews – reviews / author interview / giveaway

Dec 1 –    Heidi’s Wanderings – reviews

​Dec 1 –    Christy’s Cozy Corners – reviews / giveaway

Dec 2 –    Working Mommy Journal – reviews / giveaway

​Dec 2 –    Fantastic Feathers – book spotlight / giveaway

Dec 2 –    Book Loving Hippo – reviews / author interview / giveaway

Dec 3 –    Sara’s Organized Chaos – reviews / guest post / giveaway

Dec 3 –    The Autistic Gamer – reviews

​Dec 3 –    alwaysjoart – reviews / giveaway

Dec 4 –    Rockin’ Book Reviews – reviews / guest post / giveaway

Dec 4 –    Sincerely Stacy – reviews

​Dec 4 –    Cindy’s Love of Books – reviews / guest post / giveaway

Dec 7 –    One Frugal Girl – reviews / giveaway

Dec 7 –    Bless Their Hearts Mom – reviews / giveaway

Dec 7 –    A Mama’s Corner of the World – review of Queensland

Dec 8 –    fuonlyknew – reviews / giveaway

​Dec 8 –    Laura’s Interests – reviews / guest post / giveaway

Dec 9 –    One Curvy Blogger – reviews / guest post

​Dec 9 –    Bookworm for Kids – reviews / giveaway

Dec 9 –    T’s Stuff – reviews / giveaway

Dec 10 –  Bookroom Reviews – reviews / guest post / giveaway

Dec 10 –  I’d Rather Be At The Beach – reviews / giveaway

Dec 10 – – book spotlight / giveaway

Dec 11 –  Writer With Wanderlust – reviews / giveaway

Dec 11 –  Blooming With Books – reviews / author interview / giveaway

Dec 14 –  Create With Joy – reviews / giveaway

Dec 14 –  Library of Clean Reads – reviews / giveaway

Dec 14 –  Maddie & Books – reviews / author interview

Dec 15 –  Jorie Loves a Story – reviews / guest post

​Dec 15 –  JBronder Book Reviews – reviews / guest post

Dec 16 –  Pause for Tales – reviews / guest post

​Dec 16 –  Bound 4 Escape – reviews / giveaway

Dec 17 –  Singing Librarian Books – reviews / author interview / giveaway

​Dec 17 –  The Cubicle Escapee – reviews / giveaway

Dec 18 –  Jessica Cassidy – reviews / author interview / giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Holiday Gift Guide Day 16 & Blog Tour-Review/ The Sparkle Box

Holiday Gift Guide Day 16 & Blog Tour-Review/ The Sparkle BoxThe Sparkle Box by Jill HardieChristine Kornacki
Format: Hardcover
Published by Ideals Children's Books on 2012
Pages: 18
Genres: Christian, Christmas & Advent, Holidays & Celebrations, Religious, Values & Virtues, Young Adult

Sam is so excited about Christmas! He's thinking about his Christmas list, anticipating holiday parties, and puzzling over one very mysterious gift -- a sparkly box sitting on the mantel above the fireplace. In the midst of the festivities, Sam and his family participate in various acts of kindness to others. On Christmas morning, when Sam finally opens the Sparkle Box, he finds only slips of paper that record the family's good deeds. Sam's parents explain that the things that they've been doing for others are, in fact, a gift for Jesus -- for Jesus said that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Him. This heartfelt story will inspire readers to adopt this faith-centered tradition in their own homes, using the included Sparkle Box.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I am super excited to share with you today a book I received for a blog tour I am on today called The Sparkle Box by Jill Hardie and Illustrated by Christine Kornacki.

I have to saw right away that I love the cover with the embossing and glitter box. The illustrations inside the book are beautifully done they are vibrant and beautiful to look at. The images are very realistic looking.

Before I begin my review I should share with you the website for The Sparkle Box all you have to do is click on the book title and it will take you to the page.

Sam is a young boy who is excited about Christmas, like any other child is during the holiday.

This isn’t going to be your typical Christmas book. Its not going to focus on Santa Claus or about the presents that Sam wants and will probably get instead the story will center around caring and helping others in need during this time of the year and about Jesus.

The story begins with Sam’s mother having a sparkly box on the mantle that catches Sam’s eye. He questions his mom about the box and all she will tell him is that they have to fill the box before it can be opened. As time goes on he keeps asking him mom about the box. She tells him there is something int he box but they can’t open it yet because they still need to add things.

Throughout the book the story is showing us the family is helping the less fortunate with dropping off food and blankets to a shelter, how the father’s company has donated to a village in Africa and how Sam’s school has a tree and they decorate it with hats, scarves & mittens.

I loved this book and the message behind it and what I loved the most was the author showed us that Sam who is young notices things in the world that most ignore and he took it upon himself to help someone in need without being asked to.

Finally Christmas morning arrives and they can open their presents. As much as Sam is excited to open his presents its the sparkly box that attracts him the most. When he opens the box he notices small pieces of paper inside with things written on them. He is puzzled at first but then begins to read them.

Mittens and a candy bar given to someone in need.

Warm blankets and food for the homeless

A well in Africa that will provide clean drinking water.

His mother explains that they are the gifts to Jesus in honor of his birthday. This confuses Sam but his mother explains that when we give to others or help others we are giving it to Jesus.

I think this is the perfect book to give children this year and I highly recommend it. The book also include a box to make in the back of the book and I think we will be filling it up this holiday season. This would also make a fantastic family tradition in families that are just starting out who want to teach thei

There were so many things I liked about this book. First, Christmas was being celebrated with all the decorations and special traditions, but that was not the emphasis. The focal point was Christ and the less fortunate. It is quite the opposite nowadays as else is highlighted by all the worldly activities and Jesus is pushed aside.
I also liked the fact that Santa wasn’t mentioned once. His image as grown to such proportions that he takes the place of Christ. Not only in celebrating Christmas but sadly in the hearts of children. Little ones love to give and this book introduces them to the idea of how to give gifts to Jesus by helping the needy.
I was surprised and delighted to see in the back of the book was a Sparkle Box to put together! You can start your own family tradition of giving gifts to the One Who gave all to us! A must have for anyone that has children or works with children! It is a book to be treasured through generations!



Stocking Stuffers for Ladies



Good morning everyone and welcome to my final Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas post for Christmas 2015. Today I am going to offer you some suggestions for stocking stuffers for girls, aunts, moms etc. that special girl in your life.

This is items that I had picked up for myself last Christmas (2014). I am hoping that one year my DH will decided to take it upon himself and do this for me but so far its been a no go. I have told him that one year I would like to be surprised when I open my stocking although he did slip a few things in without me knowing.





So here is what was in my stocking I hope that it will offer you some suggestions for your own and if you think of anything else please share it with me. I am always on the hunt for good stocking stuffers items.

  • a note pad and pen (because I have turned into a note taker this few years)
  • a new tooth brush and tooth paste (like I said staples in out stocking)
  • deodorant (another staple)
  • chocolate (for some reason its not all pictured here but another staple)
  • a magazine (I always pick up something different each year)
  • hand warmers
  • a bath and body works shower gel in vanilla bean
  • two friend chain bracelets/necklace one is Ugly Sweater Rafiki Friend Chainand the other is Snowflake Rafiki Friend Chain
  • Bourjois traveling pouch with 5 different brushes
  • a few foil samples
  • Yves Rocher 4 pack of mini nail polishes (silver, rose, green & coral)
  • eos lip balm a Ray of holiday Sunshine  (Rachel Roy collection)
  • covergirl full lash bloom mascara
  • almay intense i-color  (green)
  • essence 3d shadow (irresistible caramel cream)
  • nail polishes ( essence aquatix collection under water love/finding dori/aquatix bay) and NYC tribeca silver)
  • lipsticks/lipglosses (NYC 314 petal/ 301 cafe) (Revlon ultra HD lip lacquer Rose Quartz & Revlon Color burst 001 honey) (Maybelline matte 655 daringly nude) (L’oreal in fallible le gloss 8hr 405 coral sand) (annabelle lipsies hot chocolate/roasted marshmallows)

You can throw in a gift cards to her favorite stores, book marks, and so much more.

I hope these ideas help you out some.

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Men


Good Morning and welcome to another Stocking Stuffer ideas post.

Today I am going to talk about stocking stuffers that you can get the man in your life. I have to admit I always have a hard time finding items to put into the stocking. Do you? I did start pretty early this year and was on the hunt for anything that was small, fun, unique and things that I knew he would like.

This is stocking from last Christmas (2014) and the ideas are usually the same. So I hope that this list will help you come up with some ideas of your own and please share anything that I could put in future stockings.


  • A new tooth brush and new paste (this is always a staple in our stockings)
  • chocolates (last year I went with our standard Lindt gold bear and some Kinder eggs)
  • hand warmers
  • deodorant (another staple)
  • a magazine (he never buys this but enjoys reading it)
  • a little note pad with a pen
  • a kool aide drink mix (he loves this)
  • a package of lottery tickets
  • gift cards for gas, Tim Horton’s and subway
  • a coupon booklet that he can redeem for things

There was some things missing since we cleaned up the tree the day after Christmas but some other ideas you can use are key chains, little pocket flashlights, shower gels, lip balms etc


All I Want For Christmas Is… #1

alliwantforchristmas (1)

Danya from A Tapestry of Words started this fun little feature on her blog called All I Want For Christmas Is… and basically what you do is share your wishlist of books. I thought that this would be something fun to do perhaps on a weekly bases until Christmas. Can you believe we are in December and Christmas is in a few short weeks?

I am no where near being started so over the next week or so I will be shopping, shopping and more shopping for gifts for my family. The only gifts I have done are for my two secret Santa’s I am taking part in this year.  Are you ready?

Today my wishlist book is:

I had read the little sampler I got from BEA and I have to say Adriana’s newest book sounds amazing

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids

Stocking Stuffer Ideas @cindysloveofbooks

If your a parent like me you probably wonder what to put in a stocking for Christmas especially for kids right? I know every year I am in the same boat of just not knowing what to put into one so I tend to shop early and pick up cute little things as I see then and I also hit the dollar store often to see what new things that have.



Today I am going to show you what was in my son’s stocking from last Christmas (2014). I can’t show you this years because then he will know what he is getting and it will spoil the fun.

I think this year we will need to upgrade his stocking because as he is getting older (12) its getting harder to fit it all in.

This Montreal Canadiens stocking has been his favorite for the past few years and he always wants to use it so we will see if we can find a bigger version of this.

Here is what was in this jammed packed stocking:

  • The Simpson’s comic book (I love including a magazine in our stockings each year)
  • a pack of Pixi Stixs
  • assorted Kinder chocolates
  • a new tooth brush and toothpaste (we all get new ones)
  • Kool aide drink
  • Lindt chocolate bar (we all get one of these each year)
  • a note pad and pen (he loves doodling and making notes)
  • BBW Shower Gel in Endless Weekend
  • Lego (anything in poly bags)
  • Lego mini figures pouches
  • minecraft little figures (another thing he loves)
  • Ice Breaker candy
  • loom bands (he will take his own and make some every once in awhile)
  • lollipops
  • stickers

This is just some of the things that he always gets but as he gets older I am sure it will change. I hope this little list helps you and gives you a few ideas. Please let me know in the comments below some of the things you put in for kids stockings.