Blog Ahead October 2015 Edition Goals

blog ahead 2015

Last month I made a blog post about the Blog Ahead October 2015 Edition (click here to see post) and today is the day I begin this 31 day Blog Ahead Challenge. Thanks to  Anna from herding cats & burning soup and the  Caffeinated Book Reviewer for doing this once again.

  • For the next 31 days apart from doing my regular posts and I going to attempt to write up at least 31 additional posts that I can have as back ups just in case something happens and I have nothing ready to post on a certain day.
  • I am hoping that I can squeeze in some posts to cover some of December. I have a few ideas that I am currently working on.
  • I want to get back into posting  Top Ten Tuesdays and Waiting on Wednesdays and since TTT has the list of topics available it will be easy to squeeze this into the challenge as well.

I don’t want to put to much onto my plate because then I will get overwhelmed and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything so I think this is a good start.

Are you taking part in this 31 day Blog Ahead? If so please let me know so I can go and cheer you on.


Review/ Moletown

Review/ MoletownMoletown Format: eARC
on October 1, 2015
Pages: 32

Torben Kulhmann's stunningly illustrated, nearly wordless tale offers a fascinating window into an imaginary, yet hauntingly familiar word under our feet, where a mole suddenly recognizes the precarious balance between progress and preservation. Kulhmann's open ended text encourages thoughtful exploration into possible solutions, and his delightful endpapers depict a montage of solutions that could very well save the moles' world and ours.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I opened this picture book but I have to say I was blown away with the illustrations in the book. The illustrations are beautiful.

There isn’t a written story per say but the illustrations tell the story.

The history of Moletown is very similiar to our history. When Moletown was founded back in the day it was all very simple and nothing fancy like it was for us but as time evolves and changes with technology happen so do our lives and the lives around us. This is the case for Moletown.

A mole discovers this beautiful green spot that no one has discovered yet but that doens’tand slowly as time moves on this little green spot is no longer there much like our world right?

This will definitely be a picture book I plan on purchasing.


Review/ George

Review/ GeorgeGeorge by Alex Gino
Published by Scholastic Inc. on August 25th 2015
Pages: 208
Genres: Bullying, Friendship, Social Issues, Young Adult

BE WHO YOU ARE. When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl. George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part . . . because she's a boy.   With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte -- but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all.

George by Alex Gino has been a book that has been on my radar for quite some time now and its been on my wishlist since then so this past weekend I decided to pick it up when I visited a little indie bookstore in my area.

BE WHO YOU ARE is literally something I live by and I wish more people would actually do this. I loved the message behind the book and I can’t even image the struggles some children and people must go through in life.

If you look at George you will see a boy because he looks, dresses and acts like a boy but on the inside there is a girl screaming to get out and be recognized for who she is. George is only ten years old and she is struggling to keep this deep dark secret inside her. Being a kid is always a hard  but when you have a secret that could possibly make things worse for you its even harder for you and throw in a bully who likes to make fun of you and wants to fight you.

George is in the fourth grade and this year her class is putting on the play, Charlotte’s Web. Which is a favorite of mine. Who doesn’t like Charlotte’s Web?

George decides she wants to play Charlotte which we all know is a girl’s part but for George its a way that she can actually feel like a real girl for once and be who she feels inside around her friends and family who have no clue about what is going on.

George’s best friend is Kelly and they both decide to rehearse together for the part. Eventually George decides to let Kelly in on her secret and knowing its a huge risk she is taken but I have to say I thought Kelly handled the situation extremely well and I would only wish more kids had a friend like Kelly in their lives.

When the day for the auditions happen Ms. Udell is not happy that George wants to audition for the part of Charlotte and tells George that it won’t happen that he can have another part but George says no that if she can’t be Charlotte she wants no other part in the play.

Fast forward to the day of the play and Kelly and George come up with a plan that in the second performance they would switch. Ms Udell is not happy but thankfully Principal Maldonado came to the  rescue and told George that if she ever needed to talk her door was always open and I think that is what kids need to hear that someone will be there to hear them speak.

As a parent I have always let Michael know that we are not all the same but we all deserve love and respect from one another and that it doesn’t matter who we are, what color our skin is its whats inside that counts. When I look back over the last 12 years of Michael’s life I see that I have instilled those values and he treats everyone with kindness, love and respect and that everyone is a person no matter what.



Book Spotlight/ Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Publication Date: October 6th, 2015

Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers.

One day, he’s tracked down by a man he’s never met-a man his mother claimed was dangerous. The man tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god.

The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years.

When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision.

Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .



I was able to pick up an exclusive sneak peek sampler of this book at #BEA15 and I have to admit I have never read anything by Rick Riordan before this. After reading this one chapter sampler I really want to pick up this book to read and see what happens.

Its a brand new series for Rick and its based on Norse Mythology which is something else I have never read anything on.

Have you read any Rick Riordan books? Which should I read next?

Book Spotlight/ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Book Spotlight/ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s StoneHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Format: eARC
on October 6, 2015
Pages: 256

For the first time, J. K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter books will be presented in lavishly illustrated full-color editions. Kate Greenaway-award winning artist Jim Kay has created over 100 stunning illustrations, making this deluxe format a perfect gift as much for a child being introduced to the series, as for the dedicated fan.

Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I was able to pick up a little sampler of this book at #BEA15.

I have yet to read the Harry Potter series (yes I know where have I been and why have I not read the books?) of books but I have to say after seeing this little sneak preview of the illustrated book I think I might just have to pick it up to read. Perhaps this is what I need to get me into the series.

The illustrations in this sampler were amazing and I can’t wait to see what the actually book will look like.

Are you a Harry Potter fan?

Book Spotlight/ Under A Mating Moon

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Title:   Under A Mating Moon
Author:  Celia Breslin
Published:  September 18th, 2015
Publisher:  Decadent Publishing
Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Content Warning:  Graphic violence and adult sexual content
Recommended Age:  18+

BritishAlpha wolf Jake Marsden spends his days among humans, pursuing a lucrative
music career and avoiding his pack’s politics. When his current DJ tour takes
him to the US, he stops in Los Lobos to visit family, and runs into the one
Wolf he never wants to see again—the mate who rejected his claim.

While visiting her brother in Los Lobos, free-spirited Lexi Luparell is shocked to encounter the Wolf she’d denied when they were teens. Now she must face her guilt for the cruel way she spurned him all those years ago, make amends, and admit the truth. Jake was right all along—they’re meant to

Lexi would love to explore the mate concept and her
overwhelming attraction to virile, Alpha Wolf Jake, but he wants nothing to do
with her. How can she break down his defenses when she’s the reason he built
them in the first place?

Jake dates only human women now. Lexi had her shot at being
his mate, and she threw it away. But when her life is threatened, he may have
to rethink his position and do whatever it takes to claim his one true mate.

Amazon | GoodReads

from Under a Mating Moon by Celia Breslin:
A billion butterflies battered Lexi’s stomach. She
shifted her attention from Ross to the piano. Sure enough, the music had
stopped, and Jake faced her from his seat on the bench. Man oh man, the heavy
stare from those sky blue eyes sent shivers skittering down her spine. His gaze
held the same intensity she remembered from him as a kid, as if he saw into the
heart of people, exposing their deepest secrets. It drove her crazy back then,
and she’d spent much time teasing him, pulling his hair, trying to distract him
from being so serious all of the damn time. They were teenagers—partying was
supposed to be their sole focus.
With his ice blue stare locked on her, Jake rose to his
feet, all taut muscle and predatory power. His energy swept over her like a
tsunami, forcing all of the moisture to abandon her mouth while parts much
lower wept with want. Her inner Wolf howled, answering the call of this Alpha,
the first Dominant male ever to make her sit up and take notice. Holy crap. Her
muscles shook with the need to bound over to him, jump in his arms, wrap her
legs around his torso and writhe against his hard, hot, tattooed body.
Jake said something to his uncle then stalked straight at
her, cutting a path right through the middle of the tables and the many,
too-curious patrons.
A whimper escaped her throat.
Surprise sparked in her brother’s brown eyes.
“You’re kidding me. Him?” He burst out laughing. “Wow, sis,
that’s some major, big time irony right there.”
Darci’s expression conveyed her bewilderment. “Now
what are you two talking about?”
Her annoying brother grinned. “See that angry Alpha
headed our way?  My sister here rejected
him when they were teens and he’s apparently her—”
Lexi socked her brother in the ribs. “Shut it,
“Ouch.” Ross rubbed his side and chuckled at
her plight. The jerk.
“Come on, Lexi, you have to admit the hilarity of
the situation.”
No, she did not. Nor did she have to admit that J-Bird
was right all those years ago. He was her mate. O to the M to the G… They
were mates.
Even so, he didn’t look happy to see her at all. In fact,
he looked positively enraged. Shit, shit and triple shit. What a mess she’d
made eight years ago. Well, she was woman enough to pull on her big girl panties
and fix it. She straightened her spine and lifted her chin in challenge,
meeting Jake’s stormy stare. He halted before her.
I can do this. “Hey J-Bird. Nice to see you.”
Lovely. Her voice sounded like she’d eaten the gravel from the lot in front of
Gee’s bar. Embarrassment heated her cheeks.
One breath, two breaths, three… J-Bird glared. Tension
coiled between them in the silence. Lexi bit the inside of her cheek to avoid
babbling at him. She’d said hello. It was his turn. Damn it, J-Bird, say
something. He wasn’t making this easy.
His arctic tone dismissed her and slapped her in the face at the same
time, leaving her disappointed and confused. No one called her by her full
name. No one except her parents when she’d done something wrong as a kid. He
might as well have said, “screw you,” while slamming a door in her
His focus shifted to her brother. “Hello, Ross. Been
a while.” His hand shot out to grasp her brother’s in a cordial shake.
“Good to see you, Jake. Join us for lunch? My treat.
We can catch up on old times.”
“No, thank you. I’m done. Nice to see you again,
Ross.” Jake nodded at Darci. “Miss.” He brushed past them and
out the door.
“What. Just. Happened?” The, “I’m done,” he
uttered in his delicious British accent seemed aimed more at her than at her
brother’s offer. And the fact he hadn’t even looked at her before stalking out
all sexy in his gloom and doom? Yeah, that hurt.
“I think you know, sis.” The amusement left her
brother’s face and sympathy glimmered in his gaze. “Question is, what are
you going to do about it?”


She’d never run from a fight in her life. She wouldn’t
start now. “Grab a table. I’ll be back in a second. Or not.” She
ignored her brother’s knowing grin and hurried out the door.

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About the Author:
lives in California with her family and two feisty cats. She writes urban
fantasy and paranormal romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves,
vampires, and the Fae. Her award-winning vampire series – The Tranquilli
Bloodline – is available from Champagne Books. Under A Mating Moon is her
second werewolf story for Decadent Publishing’s, multi-author, Black Hills
Wolves shifter line.

not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with
her family, or indulging her addiction to Joss Whedon’s TV shows and movies.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A $10 Amazon gift card.
Giveaway is International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Cover Reveal/ Ignited by Liz Long

Ignited CR.jpg
Lucy might’ve beaten Alex the Chameleon, but the cost of his defeat was too much to bear. After losing a beloved member, Sheffield Donovan temporarily disbands the show. Abandoned by the ringmaster and her friends, Lucy is left to pick up the pieces of their ruined circus – and defend it against those waiting for the opportunity to strike.
During one of these attempts, Lucy learns of Augustus Rivers, the leader of his so-called gifted mafia. When Lucy is offered a chance to infiltrate the Rivers’ household, she jumps at the opportunity to seek vengeance on the mastermind. Augustus instead surprises everyone by proposing that the powerful female Firestarter work for him. It’s everything the Donovan Circus isn’t, an offer Lucy finds more enticing than she ever expected.
With the Donovan Circus in shambles and the gifted
world on the cusp of war, can Lucy Sullivan figure out who she’s meant to be? Or will her fire destroy everything they’ve built?
About the Author
Liz Long is a ridiculously proud graduate of Longwood University with a BA in English. Her inspiration comes from action and thriller genres and she spends entirely too much time watching superhero movies. Her fabulous day job as a social media editor includes writing for a publishing company in Roanoke, VA.
Her first book, Gifted, is the first book in the Donovan Circus series, where superpowers meets the circus. Burned is the second adventure. Her standalone book Witch Hearts, is a story about a serial killer hunting witches for their powers. Her newest book A Reaper Made is an NA Paranormal tale of a Reaper using magic to save her family from demons. All titles are available at Amazon on Kindle and paperback, Barnes & Noble for Nook, and iBooks.