Review/ Dangerous Lies

Review/ Dangerous LiesDangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick
Format: eARC
Published by Simon and Schuster on November 10th 2015
Pages: 400
Genres: Love & Romance, Mysteries & Detective Stories, New Experience, Social Issues, Young Adult

Book Summary:

A teen is forced to make a fresh start after witnessing a violent crime—but love and danger find her anyway in this novel from Becca Fitzpatrick, the New York Times bestselling author of the Hush, Hush saga.Stella Gordon’s life is a lie. She does not belong in Thunder Basin, Nebraska. As the star witness in a murder trial against a drug dealer, Stella is now in the Witness Protection Program. The small town locals can never know who she really is. Not even Chet Falconer, the one boy who makes her want to reveal her true self. She knows that telling the truth will only bring violence to this safe haven. Despite how hard Stella tries to stay under the radar, danger is fast-approaching. Criminals have a way of getting rid of witnesses, and Stella may have made the one mistake that could lead the cold-blooded men hunting for her right to her doorstep.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I was recently contacted by Simon & Schuster Canada asking if I would be interested in reading and reviewing this for my blog and I instantly said yes because its been a book that has peaked my curiousity since first hearing about it.

I recently saw the hardcover of the book and I have to say that I love the cover. The rain drops on the final cover are all embossed and it makes the book stand out although I have to say that I feel the cover really doesn’t go with the book per say but I did love it just the same.

I know I am going to get some flack when I say this but I have never read any of Becca’s previous books (The Hush Hush Sage and Black Ice) and I do own them all and I think I might have to dig them out to read because I loved Dangerous Lies.

Dangerous Lies was pretty much a quick read for me. I started it Wednesday night at bed time and by Thursday night I had finished the book. I literally could not put it down because it was a fast paced action thriller, mystery book to say the least.

Estella (AKA Stella) is placed in the witness protection because she is suppose to testify against a drug cartel that her mother was involved with. She stumbled upon a dead body in her living room and witness the killer kidnapping someone.

Her mother is sent to rehab and Stella is sent to Thunder Basin, Nebraska. Stella is not happy to say the least because she is basically dropped off in the middle of no where USA and placed with a lady, Carmina who thinks she knows whats best for a soon to be adult in a few months and has laid down the ground rules for Stella staying with her. Of course Stella tries  to rebel but gradually things begin to change between these two stubborn headed girls.

When Stella lands in Thunder Basin its basically until she turns 18 and then she is out of there but I think once she is there she just might have a few people who will change her mind such as Chet. I loved Chet and I think he was the perfect match for Stella. In the beginning Stella was trying to remain true to Reed her boyfriend from back home who was also placed in the witness protection program because he also was there and he actually witnessed it all. Then gradually Chet broke down the wall and Stella realized she couldn’t resist him.

I have to admit at first I didn’t care for Stella because of her attitude and I got it and it sucks being torn away from what and who you know and resume your life as a new person but still have all those previous memories. Gradually I did warm up to her and I loved that she was going to make the changes so that this process could work.

I don’t want to say much more because I feel as though I will give it away but I will say that the last part of the book is insane and you will literally be glued to the pages because you can’t and won’t be able to put it down. The ending/plot literally threw me for a loop and left me saying “WTH”  as I did not see that coming.

I really hope there is a book two because I don’t think this story is done. I would love to know what happens to Stella and Chet as well as Chet’s brother Dusty and his girlfriend, Inny.



Review/ Ghost

Review/ GhostGhost Series: An Evil Dead MC Story #5

Format: eBook
on October 24, 2015
Pages: 290
Buy on Amazon
This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

Ghost has been living his life under one rule…never fall in love, never get too close, never get tied down to just one woman. Focusing solely on his club, he is able to remain unattached and free…. until a girl from his past is dropped in his lap. She was a line he swore he’d never cross. And now, in order to obtain an alliance his club needs, he’s forced to use her in ways he’d never imagined.

She needs his protection, and she’s the one woman he can’t refuse.

When Ghost finds himself unable to keep his distance from her, will he be able to push his feelings aside and use her as a pawn for the attainment of his club’s goals? Or will he put the club and their lives at risk to follow his heart?

When lies and secrets come between them, can they overcome everything to find their own piece of heaven?

This is part of The Evil Dead MC Series, but each book can be read as a standalone.
Check out other books in The Evil Dead MC Series…
Outlaw – Book 1
Crash – Book 2
Shades – Book 3
Wolf – Book 4
Ghost – Book 5

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I should state right away that this can be read as a stand alone but I personally think I would have enjoyed the story more knowing more of a back ground history of the characters and the story line but that is just me.

With that being said I did enjoy reading this book and it has peaked my interest in the series now. So this won’t be a in depth review just because its book 5 in a series and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who might be reading this.

Ghost is a member of the Evil Dead MC. Ghost is just going about his daily life when he accidently bumps into his once step sister Jessie who is on the run and her life is in danger because she over heard a conversation that she shouldn’t have. When she bumps into Ghost at a bar she tells him what is going on and he has taken it upon himself to protect her.

Ghost has a hard decision to make on how he will keep her out of harms way as well protect himself. He realizes that he has to keep her at arms length because of their past and he had already almost cross that line many years ago and doesn’t want to cross it again. Its hard for Ghost to do because she has been that one person he couldn’t get out of his head.

Growing up Jess entered Ghost’s live when he father married her mother. He always thought of her as his step-sister until one day when she was a teen when they kissed. In his mind he knew it was wrong so he left. Can he resist Jess?

Ghost will do anything to protect Jess so when he informs his brothers of what Jess knows they come up with a plan and this plan makes Ghost feel uncomfortable, will he risk Jess to protect her? With Jess being in danger when guns go off will Ghost realize just how much he truly cares about her?

This isn’t something that I typically don’t read but I have to say it was a nice little change in my reading.

Have you read this series? Is it something I should continue to read if you have read it?

Review/ Until We Meet Again

Review/ Until We Meet AgainUntil We Meet Again by Renee Collins
Format: ARC
Published by Sourcebooks, Inc. on November 3rd 2015
Pages: 336
Genres: 20th Century, Dating & Sex, Historical, Love & Romance, Social Issues, United States, Young Adult

Country clubs and garden parties. The last thing Cassandra wants is to spend the summer before her senior year marooned in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. Cass craves drama and adventure, which is hard when she just feels stuck.But when a dreamy stranger shows up on her family's private beach, claiming that it is his property-and that the year is 1925-Cass is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making. As she searches for answers in the present, Cass discovers a truth that thrusts Lawrence's life into jeopardy. It won't matter which century he is from if he won't live to see tomorrow.Desperate to save the boy who's come to mean everything to her, Cassandra must find a way to change history...or risk losing Lawrence forever.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I was lucky enough to pick up this book at BEA this past May and I have held off on reading it until now.

I have to begin by saying that I loved the book and I couldn’t put it down. I was literally reading this every chance I could get. Its been awhile since I have read time traveling books. I use to be a big fan when they came out and I stopped reading them but now I feel like I want to dig out what ones I have sitting in my tbr pile and read them again. Do you like time traveling books? Have you read any time traveling books?

This is the perfect book to read on a beach during a summer vacation. I was getting home sick reading this because I grew up on the beach and this is your typical summer vacation romance kind of story.

Cassandra is your typical teen age girl. She is on vacation with her mother and new step father and is clearly not having the time of her life because she misses her friends back home. Its when she is on the beach that she is at peace and one night she meets this cute boy named Lawrence. Cassandra knows there is something different about Lawrence but she just can’t think what is so different about him until the story line progresses.

Instantly Cassandra and Lawrence connect and you can see the instant love happening. Your typical but not so typical summer love story.

I really loved that it was told in Cassandra’s and Lawrence’s point of views because you got the back ground story which I think added to the storyline.

It doesn’t take long before they both come to realize that Lawrence is from the 1920’s and Cassandra is from the present day. The realize that the beach is the only connecting spot for them and they take to spending alot of time on the beach. The only think I kept worrying about was the fact Cassandra was trying to help Lawrence out  and provide him with information and if all that would alter history that has already been written. Could their romance change the course of their history?

You might think this is just a typical summer romance story but there is so much more to the book then just that. There is tons of twist and turns (lets just say a mob family from NYC, mixed with murder, mystery, jealous and tragedy) that make you turn the page to find out what is going to happen next.  I really wanted to zip through the book but a part of me just wanted to bask in the story line because it was so beautifully written and it made me long to be on the beach.

Reading this book came at the perfect time to cure my little reading slump I was in.


Book Spotlight/ Until We Meet Again


until-we-meet-again Title: UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN
Author: Renee Collins
Release Date: November 3, 2015
Pages: 336
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Find It: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |iBooks

They exist in two different centuries, but their love defies time
Cassandra craves drama and adventure, so the last thing she wants is to spend her summer marooned with her mother and stepfather in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. But when a dreamy stranger shows up on their private beach claiming it’s his own—and that the year is 1925—she is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making.

As she searches for answers in the present, Cassandra discovers a truth that puts their growing love—and Lawrence’s life—into jeopardy. Desperate to save him, Cassandra must find a way to change history…or risk losing Lawrence forever.

until-we-meet-again-ReneAbout Renee:
I’m a YA writer who loves historical settings, magic, and semi-tragic romance. I’m represented by the amazing Mollie Glick of Foundry Literary + Media.

Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook | Blog

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive a finished copy of UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. US Only.

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Tour Schedule:
Week One:
10/26/2015- Two Chicks on Books– Interview
10/27/2015- Cindy’s Love of Books– Review
10/28/2015- Gone with the Words– Guest Post
10/29/2015- Seeing Double In Neverland– Interview
10/30/2015- Wishful Endings– Review

Week Two:
11/2/2015- My So-Called Book Reviews– Revie
11/3/2015- The Cover Contessa– Guest Post
11/4/2015- Head Stuck In A Book– Review
11/5/2015- Fictitious Delicious– Interview
11/6/2015- Fiction Fare– Review

**Check back shortly for my review of Until We Meet Again**

The Book Blogger TMI Tag


I spotted this on Emma’s blog The Terror of Knowing and it sounded like alot of fun so I thought I would do this tag. If you happen to do it please leave me a comment so I can go and check out your answers.

How old are you?
I am in my 40’s and thats all I am saying about it 🙂

What book are you reading?
I am currently reading Smoke by Catherine MacKenzie.

What are you wearing?
I am currently wearing a tshirt with capri joggers because I spent the day cleaning.

OTP? (One True Pairing)
This is a hard one for me. If I can think of something I will come back.

Blogger or WordPress?
I have to say WordPress after being on it for over a year. If you would have asked me in the beginning I would have said Blogger but I really love this format now.

Going outside being active or staying in and reading a book?
I would love to stay in and read a book but at some point you do need to get out and be a little active especially when you live in Canada where we really don’t have seasons because the weather can change at the drop of a hat.

What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was Until We Meet Again by Rene Collins. I loved the book.

What is the book you’re going to read next?
I have so many books that I want to read next but I am hoping to get to at least a few of the following since I borrowed them from the library: An ember in the ashes, The Sin Eaters Daughter, The Cage, Vicious, A Darker Shade of Magic, or A Court of thorns and roses.

Ebooks – yes or no?
If you asked me this a few years ago I would say no but now I am a yes..

Where do you prefer to read?
My two favorite spots are in bed or on the sofa curled up with a blanket. Those are by far my two favorite spots to sit and read.

Who is the last person you tweeted?
My friend and cohost Michael. We were trying to figure out if we were doing our show this week.

Whose blog did you look at last?
It would be Emma’s blog because  I am getting the questions for this tag there.

Who is your favorite blogger?
There is too many to list but you all know who you are 🙂

Who is your favorite book-tuber?
This is probably bad of me but I don’t tend to watch alot of book-tubers. Who should I be watching?

What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?
If someone tells me that reading is boring I tell them you just haven’t found that right book yet and once you do it will change your world. It takes finding that one right book to hook you.

Who is the last author you spoke to?
No one 🙁

Who is the last person you texted?
It was my son he was texting me to let me know he was leaving school.

Who is your all-time favorite book character?
Another hard question that I will have to think about and come back and answer.

I think I tend to read alot of USYA.

What is your preferred drink whilst reading?
Lately its been coffee.

If you hated reading, what would you be doing instead?
I would probably be doing cross stitching.

How many bookshelves / bookcases do you have?
I have five bookcases.

If you had the choice to meet all of your favorite book bloggers or all of your favorite authors, which would you pick? You can only pick one.
I think I would have to pick book bloggers only because I am able to attend book events so I get the chance to meet authors but not always my favorite bloggers.

Insta-love: yes or no?
I am on the fence with this and I am a yes and a no person.

Favorite author?
I would have to say Terry Spear but I have a long list of author that I love reading.

What is the number-one book on your wishlist?
Isn’t every book on a wishlist the number one book? But if I had to chose I would pick the new Sophie Kinsella book coming out very soon.

Do you prefer books with female or male protagonists?
It doesn’t make a difference to me.

Which is your favourite book-to-film adaption?
The Princess Bride is one of my favorite.

What is the last song you listened to?
It would have to be Sam Hunt’s Take Your Time

Which do you enjoy reading more – negative reviews or positive reviews?
I really prefer to read positive reviews but in all honesty if a review is both negative and positive I will read those first. I think there is alway something negative in a book but you can make it positive.

Wow that was a long one, I hope you enjoyed my answers.


Cover Reveal/ Grudging


Today Michelle Hauck and Rockstar Book
Tours are revealing the cover for GRUDGING, Birth of Saints Book One series which
releases November 17, 2015! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to win a copy
if the eBook!
On to the reveal! 


Author: Michelle Hauck
Pub. Date: November 17, 2015
Publisher: Harper Voyager Impulse
Format: eBook
Find it: 

A world of chivalry and witchcraft…and
the invaders who would destroy everything.
The North has invaded, bringing a cruel
religion and no mercy. The ciudades-estados who have stood in their way have
been razed to nothing, and now the horde is before the gates of Colina
Hermosa…demanding blood.
On a mission of desperation, a small
group escapes the besieged city in search of the one thing that might stem the
tide of Northerners: the witches of the southern swamps.
The Women of the Song.
But when tragedy strikes their
negotiations, all that is left is a single untried knight and a witch who has
never given voice to her power.  And time is running out.
A lyrical tale of honor and magic,
Grudging is the opening salvo in the Book of Saints trilogy.
About Michelle: 


Michelle Hauck lives in the bustling
metropolis of northern Indiana with her hubby and two teenagers. Two papillons
help balance out the teenage drama. Besides working with special needs children
by day, she writes all sorts of fantasy, giving her imagination free range. A
book worm, she passes up the darker vices in favor of chocolate and looks for
any excuse to reward herself. Bio finished? Time for a sweet snack.
She is a co-host of the yearly contests Query Kombat and Nightmare on Query
Street, and Sun versus Snow.Her epic fantasy, Kindar’s Cure, is published by Divertir
Publishing. Her short story, Frost and Fog, is published by The
Elephant’s Bookshelf Press in their anthology, Summer’s Double Edge.
She’s repped by Sarah Negovetich of Corvisiero Literary.

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive an eBook of


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