Meme/Waiting on Wednesday Secret Santa Edition #1


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking The Spine and its spotlights upcoming books that we are eagerly waiting for. I plan on including upcoming releases and books that are already released.

For the next month all my Waiting On Wednesday posts will be called the Secret Santa Edition because I am taking part in a secret Santa and I just want a place so that my secret Santa can see all the book suggestions.

So this week I am featuring 6 books and they are:

  • Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood
  • Sister’s Fate by Jessica Spotswood
  • One Past Midnight by Jessica Shirvington
  • Emblaze by Jessica Shirvington
  • Endless by Jessica Shirvington
  • Enpower by Jessica Shirvington

2015 Christmas Recipe Exchange

Christmas Recipe Exchange
I believe this is the second annual Christmas Recipe Exchange that Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup is hosting.
I took part in this last year and it was alot of fun. I got quite a few recipes and I managed to make them all. I didn’t share them and I should have so this year I am going to make the effort to share them as soon as they come in.
Each person will be matched with 1-3 others (depending on preference) and then you send them an actual recipe in the mail. A recipe you love or want to try or think they’ll love.
You can include a little note with your recipe too!
Everyone is welcome: Reader, Blogger, Author
Matches will be made Nov 25th so you’ll have plenty of time to send them out 🙂
Please sign up HERE!
And feel free to spread the word and invite your friends or followers!
The more the merrier 🙂
Will you be taking part?

6th Annual Broke and Bookish Secret Santa


I just have to take a moment to do the happy dance because I think this is actually the first year that I spotted the Broke & Bookish Secret Santa in advance and its not just slidding in under the radar.

Its hard to believe that this is the 6th annual secret Santa. I have been lucky enough to take part in 4 of these. I still don’t know how I missed out one of them. I presume its because I never saw it.

The Broke & Bookish Secret Santa has been one of my favorite secret Santa’s to take part in. We are teamed up with fellow bloggers and I have to say that I have been very lucky with my partners. I was very lucky to meet up with one of my fellow Canadian swap partners. You can read about it here.

Sign up for the Broke & Bookish Secret Santa is until November 13th, 2015 and all you have to do is click on the above graphic to take you to the site so you know how to take part if you want too.

I plan on taking part once again and I hope you will too.



CD Review/ 7 by Seal

  • Band/Artist: Seal
  • Title: 7
  • Date: November 6th, 2015
  • Label: Warner Music

I didn’t realize that this was Seal’s 7 cd. For some reason I thought he had more then that out. I enjoy listening to Seal’s music so you can only imagine my surprise when I found out that I was going to get the chance to listen to his lastest cd before it hit the stores.

Seal reunited with longtime collaborator producer Trevor Horn, who he has worked with in the past on his debut, 1991’s platinum-certified Seal, continued with the quadruple-platinum Seal II [1994], the gold-selling Human Being [1998] and Seal IV [2003], and most recently Soul 2 [2011].

I really enjoyed listening to 7. Each song is different from the next but the theme to each song is LOVE. Its like each song is at various stages of the love phase. I am trying to figure out what is my favorite or favorites and I honestly have to say that I love each song because it invokes a different kind of feeling for me.

I love how different each song is in beat and the instruments that are used and I think thats what makes Seal so unique. You can tell that Seal is pouring his heart out in this cd and I am sure most of it is in reference to his break up with Heidi and I have to say that I think this has got to be his best cd to date and that is only my opinion. I really like this side of Seal.

I have always enjoyed listening to Seal’s music. There is something just a little different about Seal’s voice and his music that attract me.

This is definitely a cd I can play all day because its got a great mix of all kinds of music and it will appeal to all kinds of music fans. This would make the perfect Christmas gift to the music lovers out there.

Where to purchase 7:

Track Listing:
1-Daylight Saving
2-Every Time I’m With You
3-Life on the Dancefloor
4-Padded Cell
5-Do You Ever
6-The Big Love Has Died
7-Redzone Killer
9-Half A Heart
10-Let Yourself
Where to connect with Seal:

I participated in the 7 album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided an album to review but all opinions are my own.

Review & Blog Tour/ Peanuts ABC & Peanuts 123

PeanutBooks1 Today I am lucky enough to be taking part in the Put Me In The Story and Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang Celebrating Personalized Peanuts Books blog tour.

If you are new to Put Me In The Story they are a company that will personalize books for you. There is so many great books to select from and if you have no idea what to select you can go by gender, age, occasion etc.

Continue reading for a special offer that I have for you my lucky readers.

My First Peanuts: ABC – An Alphabet Adventure

Hurry, friend! Your Peanuts pals have made a mess of the letters of the alphabet and they need your help to get them back in order. Go on an alphabet adventure with the Peanuts gang as they hop from A to Z and teach your little one just how fun learning can be! Find fun little phrases and colorful letters on each page to help your child recognize every letter of the alphabet. Delight your little reader with their first Peanuts ABC book and begin a lifelong alphabet journey. Practicing the alphabet has never been this fun!

 My First Peanuts: 123 – A Counting Adventure

Come along for some counting fun! Your favorite Peanuts pals are ready to play and teach a new friend to count along the way! Show your silly Peanuts friends how to keep their numbers in order, then rhyme from 1 to 10 to start your counting adventure. You will play hide and seek, splash at the beach, visit the library and find a pumpkin patch. Through every adventure, your smiling friends are counting on you to learn something new. Join this bright bunch and jump into the fun. Discover lessons that last a lifetime with your first Peanuts 1-2-3 book!

 As you can see I was lucky enough to get to review both books Peanuts A-B-C and Peanuts 1-2-3 and they were personalized for Michael as you can see from the photo.

I was graciously provide with a code that I could redeem to get both books for free. They retail for $29.99 US each. As you can see they are personalized so you just follow the easy instructions on the page and that is is within 10 minutes I had both books in my cart and ready to go. Shipping was super fast and I had both books within a week of ordering them.

They are beautifully bound like a regular hard cover picture book. What I loved about the books was that it the personalized fonts blended into the story line and not once did Michael’s name stand out like it didn’t belong.

The Peanuts A-B-C introduces the alphabet to the kids with words that begin with each letter of the alphabet. As Michael was reading the book I asked him if he thought anything would be to over the top for younger kids and he said he didn’t think so apart from a word here and there but he said he thought kids would enjoy this little personalized book.

The next book we read was Peanuts 1-2-3. This is all about numbers and being able to count to 10. We loved the story because it made the book a little bit more interactive as you read because as someone is reading it the child could count the objects mentioned in the story and it was nice how different Charlie Brown things that he is known for was included in the story. This was a favorite for us.

Thanks to Put Me In The Story and Sourcebooks for sending the books and allowing us to be a part of the Celebrating Personalized Peanuts Books blog tour.

Use code SNOOPY to receive $10 OFF on personalized Peanuts books.

My First Peanuts: ABC – An Alphabet Adventure & My First Peanuts: 123 – A Counting Adventure

will both be discounted to $19.99. Code valid 10/25-10/31.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Win a $30 Movie Gift Card so you & your family can see The Peanuts Movie!

Winner will be notified on November 2.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Review/ Ghost

Review/ GhostGhost Series: An Evil Dead MC Story #5

Format: eBook
on October 24, 2015
Pages: 290
Buy on Amazon
This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

Ghost has been living his life under one rule…never fall in love, never get too close, never get tied down to just one woman. Focusing solely on his club, he is able to remain unattached and free…. until a girl from his past is dropped in his lap. She was a line he swore he’d never cross. And now, in order to obtain an alliance his club needs, he’s forced to use her in ways he’d never imagined.

She needs his protection, and she’s the one woman he can’t refuse.

When Ghost finds himself unable to keep his distance from her, will he be able to push his feelings aside and use her as a pawn for the attainment of his club’s goals? Or will he put the club and their lives at risk to follow his heart?

When lies and secrets come between them, can they overcome everything to find their own piece of heaven?

This is part of The Evil Dead MC Series, but each book can be read as a standalone.
Check out other books in The Evil Dead MC Series…
Outlaw – Book 1
Crash – Book 2
Shades – Book 3
Wolf – Book 4
Ghost – Book 5

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I should state right away that this can be read as a stand alone but I personally think I would have enjoyed the story more knowing more of a back ground history of the characters and the story line but that is just me.

With that being said I did enjoy reading this book and it has peaked my interest in the series now. So this won’t be a in depth review just because its book 5 in a series and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who might be reading this.

Ghost is a member of the Evil Dead MC. Ghost is just going about his daily life when he accidently bumps into his once step sister Jessie who is on the run and her life is in danger because she over heard a conversation that she shouldn’t have. When she bumps into Ghost at a bar she tells him what is going on and he has taken it upon himself to protect her.

Ghost has a hard decision to make on how he will keep her out of harms way as well protect himself. He realizes that he has to keep her at arms length because of their past and he had already almost cross that line many years ago and doesn’t want to cross it again. Its hard for Ghost to do because she has been that one person he couldn’t get out of his head.

Growing up Jess entered Ghost’s live when he father married her mother. He always thought of her as his step-sister until one day when she was a teen when they kissed. In his mind he knew it was wrong so he left. Can he resist Jess?

Ghost will do anything to protect Jess so when he informs his brothers of what Jess knows they come up with a plan and this plan makes Ghost feel uncomfortable, will he risk Jess to protect her? With Jess being in danger when guns go off will Ghost realize just how much he truly cares about her?

This isn’t something that I typically don’t read but I have to say it was a nice little change in my reading.

Have you read this series? Is it something I should continue to read if you have read it?