Cover Reveal/ Walk the Right Road: The Complete Collection

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TITLE – Walk the Right Road: The Complete Collection
SERIES – Walk the Right Road
AUTHOR – Lorhainne Eckhart
GENRE – Mystery/Thriller – Romantic Suspense
PUBLICATION DATE – February 2014
LENTH (Pages/# Words) – 900
PUBLISHER – Lorhainne Eckhart
COVER ARTIST – Steven Novak

Walk The Right Road - Book Cover


‘A 2013 Readers Favorite Award Winner’
“There was not a human emotion I did not go through while reading this book. I will forewarn you, you will need a box of tissues and a punching bag while reading this dynamic tale.”-Romance Junkies

“I loved every single book on this collection. Each story could be read individually but reading each book in order gave great perspective to the next. As I started this series one at a time I will give each book a separate review. But I will say here that I loved Eckhart’s writing style and her ability to develop a cohesive story line around strong characters is refreshing! I am looking forward to reading more of her books.” – Reviewer, Cheryl

“Lorhainne Eckhart is a master storyteller and this collection is a steal. It includes all of the books in the Walk the Right Road Series.” – JRA

*Warning – This series is not for those looking for a light easy read. It is filled with rough language, sexual tension, and steamy hot romantic suspense!

WALK THE RIGHT ROAD: The Complete Collection includes all the books in this sizzling suspense series.

THE CHOICE: One woman. Two men. And a choice that could kill here.

LOST AND FOUND: A hit and run. A deserted country road. A parents’ worst nightmare.

MERKABA: Everyone thought he was dead and that’s how he needs it to stay. But the secretive dark haired beauty could ultimately be his undoing.

BOUNTY: Most cops have a past. A past they can speak of. A past they can share. But not Diane…

BLOWN AWAY: The Final Chapter: Imagine that the man who’s been the source of all your misery shows up on your doorstep. Imagine this man wants your forgiveness for every bad thing he’s done to you and your friends. Would you believe him?






It was too quiet. Unnaturally quiet.

The sort of unusual quiet that happens right after a big storm rips through. But there hadn’t been one—a storm, that is. This was just another sunny day, exactly like hundreds of other brisk autumn Fridays on this off-the-grid, rustic island of Las Seta in the Pacific Northwest.

DEA Agent Sam Carre squinted from the blazing sun that brightened the calm blue sky as he walked out of the shade. From the edge of the old-growth forest, he glanced back into the heavy foliage to where he’d separated from his partner, Diane, two hundred yards back along the hidden fence line.

This island was an absolute crown jewel to any logging company but a nightmare for Sam’s team. It provided too many hideouts, the wrong kind—the dangerous kind—along with the perfect cover for marijuana agriculture.

Sam popped on his dark glasses and cut around three parked cars. He snagged his black jeans on some thorny bushes as he hurried toward the six solid sure-footed male agents in front of the wrought-iron gate protecting Lance Silver’s secure estate.

“Nobody goes until I say so.” Sam kept his authoritative voice even and his charming grin hidden as he thought about slapping steel cuffs around Lance Silver’s wrists. Tonight they’d celebrate, because today they finally had all the proof they needed to bust Silver and lock him up for life. He was a dangerous and connected man who had, until now, controlled the highway of drugs flowing down the west coast across the country, with deep ties into South America.

“What’s taking Diane so long? Can she even make it over the fence?” Agent Donaldson, a junior member on the team, pulled his ball cap over his prematurely balding head. He stood with Agents Craig, Daniels, Green, Mercer, and Winters. They were suited up in their Kevlar vests and dark glasses, weapons holstered and ready to go.

Sam cursed under his breath. Donaldson was pushing it again. It’d only been five minutes since Sam’s partner, Diane Larsen, climbed the security fencing, leading four agents, two of them women, into the forest behind the house. And this was after she’d disarmed the wire triggering the alarm. Sam wasn’t in the mood to argue with the young agent who liked to challenge Diane’s authority. He undermined anything she did, which was absolute crap. Diane, the only woman on this team with a leadership role, worked ten times harder than any of these guys. She was kind hearted and respectful—yet capable of kicking ass when she had to. She’d been a rock for Sam when he needed a supportive friend to help him keep his head together. But since she’d fallen apart at the field office—the news her dad had died after accidentally mixing up his meds had hit her hard—she’d been getting all kinds of grief, especially from Donaldson. One incident, just one time, and it was all these tough-ass pricks could remember.

Sam moved away from the gate and back into the shaded forest to see if he could spot Diane.

“That kid’s really vying for Diane’s spot,” said Agent Green as he dogged Sam’s heels.He resembled a middle child, always trying to fit in, his round baby cheeks a contrast to his quarterback shoulders.

“Yeah, well, he ain’t going to get it.” Sam crouched down. “Can’t see anything.”

Green chuckled softly. “These damn renegades love this off-the-grid wilderness. It’s the perfect hideout. Nothing but a bunch of hippies, musicians, and artists live here.” Green spat on the ground a few inches from Sam’s black boots.

“Hard for those families raising kids here, you’d think. No electricity, no stores.” Sam breathed in the clean air.

“Sam, we’re inside,” Diane’s low, silky voice whispered over the radio.

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Sam signaled the six men with him.

Mercer stepped forward to cut the padlock with heavy bolt cutters. It broke, and he yanked the chain and tossed it to the ground. He and Green flung open the double gates. Sam jumped into the passenger side of the first car, and Donaldson climbed behind the wheel. As he slammed the door shut, Donaldson floored it. Craig, Daniels, and Winters followed in two cars behind, whipping up a trail of dust. Green and Mercer raced behind on foot.

Two hundred feet up the long, narrow driveway, the two-story estate house appeared magically out of the secluded forest. It rivaled any mansion from the Old South, with a fancy porch, woodwork, and gardens on all sides. Nothing moved, not even a curtain shielding the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Lance Silver had people, a lot of them. The place should have been buzzing right about now. Sam pulled the warrant from under his Kevlar vest. He flicked the holster of his Glock and ran his fingers through his short brown hair. His gut warned him something was wrong. Where was everyone? They shouldn’t have been able to drive in without creating mayhem. This had been too easy—and too easy meant a problem. “Shit!”

Sam pressed his hand to his earpiece. “Keep your heads up, eyes open. Something’s not right here.” As a seasoned cop, Sam had learned the hard way to see things others didn’t notice. And he analyzed. It was a coping mechanism that had become his mode of survival, especially after what happened to Elise. They pulled closer to the front door. He felt the downward slide of something he couldn’t put his finger on, but Sam knew—something was off.

Donaldson slammed the brakes and skidded to a stop at the front door. Sam braced his hand on the dashboard before jerking open his door and jumping out into a cloud of dust. Donaldson bounded over the hood and raced Sam up the stone stairs. Craig and Daniels hurried around the side of the house. Winters, Green, and Mercer flanked Sam.

Donaldson banged on the door. “DEA, open up.”

Nothing, no response, and Sam really listened. By now, they should have heard footsteps, some kind of rustling from inside.

Beads of sweat covered Donaldson’s face, and he appeared to vibrate, as if he itched to kick open the door.

“Open it.” Sam stepped to the side, holding up his gun. Craig took the other side. Donaldson pulled up his knee and kicked hard with the heel of his black boot over the dead bolt, letting out a rough oomph. The doorframe splintered as the mahogany door crashed open.

“DEA, we have a warrant,” Sam called. His adrenaline pumped, and he aimed his weapon and went in. Everything went into slow motion. Details stood out. In his peripheral vision, Sam caught a glimpse of the shining black steel of a gun and nearly crapped in his pants. It took a second to register it was his gun—his image in a floor-to-ceiling wall mirror. It filled both sides of the massive front hall. “Christ almighty,” he muttered before gripping his weapon and shouting to the others:

“We’re in. Green, Winters, check the basement. Donaldson, upstairs.” His gut twisted tightly as he struggled to listen. Where was the scrambling, the shouting, something—anything to break this chilly silence? “DEA, show yourself,” Sam shouted again, clearing the front hall and the sunken living room, through an open archway to a huge chef’s kitchen, which was extremely neat and tidy. Not even a measly cup had been left sitting on the counter.

Floor-to-ceiling windows filled every room. He could see Diane and the four agents out back behind the solar panels as they searched the outbuildings. Sam frowned and leaned against the double-pane glass door. This massive house was silent except for his agents, who were scouring every room.

Winters’ deep voice grated through Sam’s earpiece: “Basement’s clear.”

Everyone checked in. The garage, the greenhouse, all empty. This upscale, state-of-the-art, energy-efficient estate had been abandoned. Not even the caretaker remained.

“Sam, there’s no marijuana. There’s no equipment,” Diane said through his earpiece.

Beads of sweat popped out on Sam’s forehead. Beneath his Kevlar vest, his snug T-shirt stuck to his well-sculpted back. The radio buzzed with furious updates from their twelve-man team on the mainland, which included the Sequim sheriff’s detachment, the Coast Guard, Interpol, and the DEA. This had been a simultaneous sweep of all Lance Silver’s property, both here on Las Seta and in the underground truck trailer at his compound across the water in rural Gardiner, Washington. All empty.

Sam pressed his microphone close to his mouth. “Diane, where are you?” He slid open the glass kitchen door and walked onto the massive stone patio overlooking the pond and the luscious, well-tended rose garden. He slumped against the patio door and tried to rub away the pulsating pain between his eyebrows. Since this investigation started, he’d begun to experience a sudden sensitivity to light and sound. It could be gone in several hours, but the usual warning had been there for the last few days—a blue aura in his peripheral vision, black spots. But he ignored it, told himself it was the stress of running what had started out as an independent investigation by the DEA but had escalated into an international taskforce targeting the marijuana grow-ops running rampant on the isolated islands in the Pacific Northwest.

World-renowned high-grade marijuana was being shipped and traded for cocaine and guns. This was big time, a major business and an international problem that law enforcement had yet to defuse. As if they could.

“What’s wrong?”

He never heard Diane approach. Her words stretched out long and loud. It took forever for his senses to override the roaring in his ears. His blood began to pound through his body, pulling him deeper into throbbing misery.

“Here, take this.”

He opened his eyes when Diane tapped out three pills from a small bottle. He didn’t question it. He just swallowed. There wasn’t much Sam wouldn’t take from his trusted friend. Diane was a woman of medium height and build, compact and tough, with tan short-cropped hair, the type of woman who didn’t distract a man with flirtatious curves. But she was the kind of partner who’d do the gritty groundwork while keeping her partner focused, which was what she had done on the boat ride over this morning, ignoring Agent Donaldson’s crude jibes, guzzling coffee with Sam.

“If you don’t pull it together, some woman on this team’s going to fulfill her dream and have you bedded and nursed before we can wrap this up.”

Whatever she gave him took the edge off the pain, which would have otherwise been blinding.

“Eat this.” She tossed him an energy bar. He didn’t argue, ripping open the foil wrap with his teeth and chewing the gritty bar.

“He knew we were coming,” he said.

“Click off your radio, Sam.”

He ripped the headset from his ear. “You know we followed the letter of the law to make sure this scumbag didn’t get off on some technicality. All those stakeouts—we did our homework, Diane. We know who the little guys are, every fucking one of them on the street. We have video footage and rock-solid evidence that the drugs were here!” Sam pounded the fleshy part of his fist against the smooth fir siding.

“Agent Carre, you better get in here and see this,” Donaldson beckoned quite arrogantly, undermining his superior, Diane, by not addressing her.

Diane, one to always hold her emotions close and rarely show what she thought, tilted one eyebrow up as her face hardened. This prick was deliberately pushing her buttons and deserved a one-on-one ass kicking. Personally, Sam would have liked to plant his foot far up that kid’s ass by now, except this was Diane’s fight, and if she wanted those guys to respect her, Sam couldn’t fight it for her.

Sam and Diane followed Donaldson down a long hall, which resembled an art gallery, to Lance Silver’s study in the solar glass wing. Green, Mercer, Winters, and Craig looked up, but only Winters—a big, dark Irish and African-American guy with long, fuzzy hair—would honestly look at Sam. The tension multiplied when the other tough guys turned away slightly, crossing their arms and glancing awkwardly at Lance Silver’s palatial mahogany desk. All of its drawers hung open.

“We found this in the top drawer of the desk.” Donaldson appeared to own the room when he picked up a crisp yellow piece of paper from the cluttered desk and passed it to Sam.

Diane peered closer, her head never topping Sam’s shoulder.

His vision cleared. Bold black letters spelled out his name. He didn’t miss how still the room had become. He could feel the heat from every agent while they waited for Sam to explain, but then Diane ripped the note from his hands and stepped in front of him.

“What the hell is this, some kind of game?” she snapped.

No one answered.

Sam was ready to clear out. When he replaced his headset, he could hear his boss, Dexter, shouting over the radio, bypassing Sam as he spoke directly to Diane. Diane pressed her hand to her ear to listen.

“I want your asses back here now,” Dexter said. “We got a problem. A tip was called into the Sequim sheriff’s detachment telling us to check Sam’s locker at Ocean’s gun club. The tipster said we would find a key to Lance Silver’s estate and implied that my golden boy is on Lance’s payroll.”

Sam looked up so fast that his head spun. Dizzy, he stepped back and leaned against the mahogany bookcase. “What the hell? That’s bullshit.”

Dexter yelled, “There’s a chopper en route to get you now. Two deputies from the Sequim detachment just opened your locker, and they found a key, along with five pounds of marijuana.”

Sam’s blood chilled. The bad feeling he had earlier had just become a clear epiphany. He could almost see that suave, tight-assed bachelor, Lance Silver, laughing at him. Instead of Silver going to jail, all this shit flying around had landed hard right on top of Sam. Not only did he look like the leak in Lance Silver’s back pocket, doubt of Sam’s true allegiance was painted on the faces of the agents surrounding him. He could feel their censure.

Amazing how quickly they turned. They thought he had tipped Silver off about the raid. Pissed and completely furious, Sam gazed hard at all of the turncoats until each one stepped back. He wasn’t about to dignify this with a response, not after how hard he had worked to nail that bastard, following every lead the other agents missed or brushed off. Sam hadn’t missed a thing—he lived for this investigation. He had breathed life into it and lost sleep because of it. Those guys should have known that out of anyone, Sam wouldn’t be the one to betray this team. He ground his lips together so hard that they trembled. He felt as if the rug had been ripped right out from under him, and he was positive he could hear a toilet flushing six months of steady, solid work away. How could this have happened again? Why was he such a target?

Well, for one, this was Las Seta, an unpoliced, reclusive island, part of the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest. History alone should have warned him this job wouldn’t be easy. The explorers and adventurers who had claimed this island over a hundred years before landed there quite by accident, for one reason or another. Whether hiding or running from something, they had all insisted on a land free from politics and civilized order. Families and clans remained year after year, protecting each other, and, staying true to tradition, they followed their own way of doing things. So, while Sam hunted Lance Silver, Lance Silver and the island of Las Seta had changed the rules of the game and ambushed Sam.



Walk The Right Road - Author Photo


Lorhainne Eckhart is a 2013 Readers Favorite Award winner, frequently a top 100 bestselling author on Amazon in Romance, Westerns and Police Procedural. Author of over 25 titles which includes novels, collections, and short stories. She writes three genres, western romance, romantic suspense and military romance and has sold more than 250,000 eBooks since her bestseller The Forgotten Child landed on the Amazon Bestseller list for Westerns and Western Romance.

The German Foreign rights for The Forgotten Child have since been acquired by a major publisher, retitled The Forgotten Boy and released March 18, 2014, now a top 100 overall bestseller on Amazon. Lorhainne lives on sunny Salt Spring Island with her family where she is working on her next book.






1 – Epub/mobi of The Outsider Series: The Complete Collection
1 – Epub/mobi of The Deadline

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Tour Organized By:

Review/ Stone of Destiny



TITLE – Stone of Destiny Book 2
SERIES – The Danaan Trilogy
AUTHOR – Laura Howard
GENRE – Upper YA/NA Paranormal Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – April 21 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 170 pages
PUBLISHER – Laura Howard
COVER ARTIST – Najla Qamber



Allison thought it was crazy enough when she found out her father, Liam, wasn’t entirely human. But now she has to join his magical allies to unravel his former mistress’s plans. Aoife wants to keep Allison’s parents apart forever.

Despite Allison’s efforts to keep Ethan, the only guy she’s ever cared about, out of this supernatural mess, fate keeps throwing him back into the mix.

Will Allison be able to find the amulet that holds the enchantment Aoife placed on Liam and destroy it? Are Ethan’ s feelings for Allison strong enough to endure the magic of the Tuatha De Danaan?


This is the second book in The Danaan Trilogy.  I absolutely love the cover for this book. What do you think?

I have been trying to figure out when the third book will be coming out but haven’t found anything yet and I am super curious and excited because I need to know how this series will end. So many cliff hangers and unanswered questions.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to read both the first and second book one right after the other which I really love but sucks when you don’t have the third one yet… hopefully soon.

Stone of Destiny begins right where The Forgotten Ones ended which I love as its seems like I was reading just one book. You really need to read this series in order so if you are thinking of buying them do so together.

I really enjoyed the book and my review will be a short one because I am afraid it will be full of spoilers and I don’t want to do that because I want you to go and buy the books.

Most of Stone of Destiny takes place in The Tuatha De Danaan and the book starts with a bang with non stop action.

Allison has hopes that perhaps now that her father is back that there can be some sort of reunion between her parents but there is one person standing in the way and its Aoife (Liam’s ex). She is determined not to let them have that happy family and she will stop and nothing to make sure that doesn’t happen.

With Allison being submerged into this new reality for her she realizes that she must just go with the flow and it is what is no matter what. She has come to terms with her feelings and realizes its now or never with Ethan and when she lets him know he is the jerk but I think that is due to the fact he was being forced to go against what he was feeling due to the powers of Aoife.

I really enjoyed reading this and can’t wait for book 3 to come out, which I hope is very soon cause I need to know what is happening.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for books with fae’s? If so please list them as I would love to check them out.



Book Spotlight/ The Stone of Destiny

Stone of Destiny - Banner

TITLE – Stone of Destiny Book 2
SERIES – The Danaan Trilogy
AUTHOR – Laura Howard
GENRE – Upper YA/NA Paranormal Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – April 21 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 170 pages
PUBLISHER – Laura Howard
COVER ARTIST – Najla Qamber

Stone of Destiny - Book Cover


Allison thought it was crazy enough when she found out her father, Liam, wasn’t entirely human. But now she has to join his magical allies to unravel his former mistress’s plans. Aoife wants to keep Allison’s parents apart forever.

Despite Allison’s efforts to keep Ethan, the only guy she’s ever cared about, out of this supernatural mess, fate keeps throwing him back into the mix.

Will Allison be able to find the amulet that holds the enchantment Aoife placed on Liam and destroy it? Are Ethan’ s feelings for Allison strong enough to endure the magic of the Tuatha De Danaan?





I led him into the foyer and shut the door behind him. He followed me to the dining room and when I sat, he took the seat beside me. He caught my eyes and raised his brows expectantly.

“Niamh asked me to go to Tír na n’Óg with her and Liam.”

“What, you mean go right now?” Ethan asked.

I nodded. “She doesn’t want to wait until Aoife makes a move. In a way I agree with her.”

“Did you tell me you needed to talk so you could just tell me you were leaving?”

I glanced up at him. “Yes, I hoped you’d understand.”

“No Allison. I don’t understand,” he said, jumping up so fast the chair nearly fell over.

I hesitated. “Niamh came by after you left last night. I know there’s a lot going on here, but I’ve thought about it all night. The sooner we take care of the threat Aoife poses on all of us, the better.”

Ethan stared at me, his face hard. “I understand that part. But I told you whatever happens, I’m coming with you.”

“What?” I said, shaking my head. “You can’t.”

“Like hell I can’t.” He crossed his arms, eyes narrowed. “You’re not leaving me behind this time.”


The Forgotten One - Book Cover

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known.









1 set of Paperbacks of books 1&2

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Tour Organized By:

Review/ The Forgotten Ones


Title: The Forgotten Ones (book 1)
Series: The Danaan Trilogy
Author: Laura Howard
Pub Date: May 2013
Publisher: Finding Bliss Publishing
Pages: 197

Source: I received an ebook from My Family’s Heart Book Reviews & Tours to read and review as part of my tour stop for Laura Howard’s first  book in The Danaan Trilogy, The Stone Destiny.

About The Book:

Allison O’Malley’s plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she’s been in love with for as long as she can remember. What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison’s mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn’t trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother’s sanity.



The Forgotten Ones by Laura Howard is her debut novel. I have to say if Stone of Destiny (book 2) in the series is anything like this one I am going to love it just as much.

I have to admit I was guilty of accepting this book to review based on the cover which I really love. Isn’t it a cute cover?

Then once I started to read it I have to say that I was taken in and literally read this in one sitting. Its a pretty quick read at roughly 200 pages. I normally don’t read alot of books that deal with paranormal/magical creatures and fairies and that is just because its my choice but I think after reading this I might have to pick up a few more books like this. It was a lot of fun to read.

Before I begin my review I have to applaud Laura for all the research she did with the book and you could see it throughout the book. I am currently planning to read all that I can on the Danaan’s as it sounds really interesting considering I normally don’t read alot of books with mythology mixed in.

Allison is a 21 year old who is living with her grandparents and her schizophrenia mother.  Allison has no idea who her father (Liam)  is and all she knows is that when her mother went to Ireland her last semester of college and met Liam. They fell in love and had a brief romance. When all was said and done she came home alone heart broken and changed.

Allison is almost like every girl across the world with the exception of being shy and for some reason alone. The only friend she seems to have is her cousin Nicole who is the exact opposite of Allison. Nicole is the life of the party and lives like there is no tomorrow. She knows you have to live for the moment. Something I think Allison wants but feels the burden of having to take care of her mother.

With all books you have to have a love interest and for Allison is Ethan. A guy she has been crushing on forever. I loved Ethan. He is probably the kind of guy girls crush over and want but as much as Allison is crushing on him she tries to keep it as friends. I wanted to reach in the book and shake her up because after all the years of crushing over him he is finally showing an interest in her. I think for Allison she was afraid that if she crossed that line with Ethan that things would never be the same again. Something I thought about and could relate to. As much as you want your crush to be more sometimes, sometimes its just better to leave as is. Does that make sense?

Then out of no where Liam, Allison’s father shows up. This is probably where the book got interesting because I was dying to find out more about the past history of her parents. What happened that changed everything? Liam feels Allison in on the history of the Danaan’s and from that point it was one hell of a ride.

I don’t want to go into much more because I will spoil the book but I think if your looking for a fun read this summer I highly recommend this one.

Have you read this? Do you think you would want to read this?




Book Spotlight/ The Forgotten Ones


Title: The Forgotten Ones (book 1)
Series: The Danaan Trilogy
Author: Laura Howard
Pub Date: May 2013
Publisher: Finding Bliss Publishing
Pages: 197

Source: I received an ebook from My Family’s Heart Book Reviews & Tours to read and review as part of my tour stop for Laura Howard’s second book in The Danaan Trilogy, The Stone Destiny.

About The Book:

Allison O’Malley’s plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she’s been in love with for as long as she can remember. What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison’s mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn’t trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother’s sanity.

Cover Reveal/ My Mistake


Author Anne Conley & My Family’s Heart Book Reviews & Tours present “My Mistake” Cover Reveal


TITLE – My Mistake

SERIES – Stories of Serendipity

AUTHOR – Anne Conley

GENRE – Contemporary Erotic Romance

PUBLICATION DATE – April 10, 2014

LENGTH (Pages/#words) – 70,000 words 

PUBLISHER – Anne Conley

COVER ARTIST – Vanessa Booke


Book Blurb/Synopsis 

Welcome to Serendipity, Texas, where the days are hot and the nights are steamy. Meet real people with real problems, as they live life and find love in a small town.


12 years ago, Brent walked away from his one big love, and has regretted it ever since. He’s done nothing but make mistake after mistake with his life. Now, he’s finally getting his act together, starting up a sanctuary for abused and neglected horses, and staying clean.


Casey had put Brent out of her mind the best way she knew how, by going on with her own life: getting married and trying to have kids. When her marriage ends up being a mistake, she moves back in with her mother in Serendipity to lick her wounds. What she doesn’t expect is Brent, waltzing back into her life.


Can they put their own and each other’s mistakes behind them to move forward together? When Casey’s life is put in danger, Brent steps up, but will it be enough?


My Mistake is book seven in the Stories of Serendipity. You will meet some of the same characters, but they are all stand-alone novels.


And now 






the moment 






you’ve all






been waiting 






for – Check Out The Cover




When he came back around to the front of the barn, she was sitting on top of a bale of hay, holding up a brown paper back with a grease stain on the bottom. Mooch, traitor that he was, perched at her feet, looking up at her adoringly, waiting for her to drop the bag.

“Mama sent some chicken and biscuits.”

He grunted an acknowledgment, and pulled his hat lower over his eyes so he didn’t have to see the pain in hers.

She stood, setting the bag down next to her, and sauntered over to the stall where he was spreading fresh straw.

“What’s wrong?”

He couldn’t think of the words to say to her. Everything that came to mind was wrong, and Brent knew that there was no way to have this conversation without hurting her. But he had to, or else he would end up hurting her worse in the long run.

As he kicked straw around the floor of the stall, he knew he was being stupid. For the last two weeks, all he’d talked about was how badly he wanted her to stay with him. And now he was about to do this…

He finally stopped when she said, “Brent. You’re scaring me. Is this about me not being able to have kids?”

“No.” Brent brushed past her to go to the feed room. Rattling the bucket brought in the mare, an enormous equine with a shaggy coat and bones showing through loose skin. She followed him into the stall, as he emptied the bucket into her feed trough, and then started pulling the injections from his pockets and preparing them silently.

When he had the first one ready, he finally got the guts to raise his head and look at Casey and deliver the brilliant line he’d spent the past ten minutes coming up with. “I need to think about some stuff.”

Her mouth dropped, and Brent lowered his head to the mare’s shoulder. While she was distracted, eating, he pinched some skin between his gloved fingers and stuck in the needle, pushing the plunger.

Brent had no idea what happened next. All he was aware of was a swift intake of breath, before he saw a wall of brown crush into him, then a jumble of whinnies, a frantic woof, a shrill scream, some clatters, then hoofs aimed at his chest, before blackness took over.

My Mistake - Author Photo

Author bio 

Anne Conley lives in a small town in East Texas, with her husband, two kids and numerous goats. She brazenly stole her pseudonym from her great-grandmother, a true pioneer woman who raised seven kids alone: churning butter, plucking chickens, knitting clothes, and putting coal oil on every visible wound. Anne’s Stories of serendipity feature real people, living life and finding love in a small town. She also has a Paranormal Romance series, the Four Winds about archangels “falling” in love and coping with turning into humans Her writing is escapist therepy, and she succumbs to it every chance she gets.

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copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
If you are reading this on a blog or website other than Cindy’s Love Of Books or via a feedreader, this content has been stolen and used without permission.

Blog Tour Promo/ Falling For Hope


Title – Falling For Hope

Series – Four Winds #3

Author– Anne Conley

Genre– Paranormal Romance

Publication Date – March 5, 2014

Length (Pages/#words)- 46,000 words

Publisher – Anne Conley

Cover Artist – Vanessa Booke


Book Blurb/Synopsis- 
Hope is an eccentric librarian who lives with her five cats and loves to spend her time fantasizing about living in a world of shape shifters, vampires, and fairies. Although the existence of a paranormal world is far from Hope’s reality, she can’t help but sense there’s something different about the mysterious man lurking in her library.
Gabriel is God’s Strength, the Messenger, who’s been tasked with delivering the Word for millennia. His most recent assignment will be his last, to fall in love and become human. But he can’t quite figure out what he’s done to displease the Boss. Gabriel’s latest assignment might be the hardest, but this gorgeous rubenesque quirk of a woman definitely has him intrigued.
God’s Four Winds are his most trusted archangels: Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael. Follow their adventures in “falling” as they each discover their chosen one and what it means to be human. Along the way, the Deceiver, who’s been cast down, only wants what his “brothers” have, and will stop at nothing to foil his Father’s plans.

Falling for Hope is book three in the Four Winds series, but they are all stand-alone novels.





 The next morning, Hope was watching her feet as she climbed the steps to the library. She cursed to herself as she tasted the tangy-sweet saliva in her mouth again. Maybe it was some sort of building issue? She’d never heard of asbestos making people taste funny things, but she’d be sure to ask the other employees today, just in case.

As she neared the top of the stairs, Hope felt the prickly feeling yet again, and her gaze rose to the man standing in front of the library doors waiting.

“Aren’t the doors open?” She tried to sound solicitous, but the truth of the matter was, this guy took her breath away. It was the man that had watched her all day yesterday.

“Yes, but I won’t be staying today.” The low rumble of his voice greeted her a cheery good morning unlike anything else she could ask for. Just the sound of his voice made her day perfect.

“Oh.” Disappointed that he wouldn’t be in her little room of the library bit through the fog of his voice.

“Come to dinner with me tonight.”

Shocked speechless, she stared at him. He had an air of expectation about him, and his forehead crinkled in thought at the same time that she heard his luxurious voice rumble inside her head.

Come. Say yes. His sexy-as-sin voice resonated inside her head.

Hope’s eyes darted around, making sure there wasn’t anybody else who could have done that, before she looked back up at him. “You don’t have to use the force on me. I’m thinking. I was just taken by surprise, is all.”

Both of his eyebrows rose, almost to his hairline and his eyes widened in surprise. “You heard that?”

“Didn’t you mean for me to?” She countered, putting a hand on her hip.

His face remained impassive. “Well…yes. But usually it’s not so obvious.” His tone of voice suggested he wasn’t expecting Hope to call him on his little trick, and seeing that gave her a little boost of confidence.

“You go around using Jedi mind tricks on women to get dates often?”

He chuckled, and his eyes dropped to the ground. “No. I’ve never done it for a date, no.”

Hope’s eyes roamed his body from his feet, clad in shiny leather loafers, up his gray woolen slacks (Hello, Fifty), to the black sweater vest he wore over a white long-sleeved button down shirt, open at the collar. His face held strong features: a square jaw with a small dimple in the middle, high, obscenely high cheekbones, a rather large mouth that made her mind travel to erotic places, and those eyes… The man exuded a strength that wasn’t visible. Well, it was visible, he looked like his muscles had muscles, but he had an air of intense power and vigor about him that told Hope he expected people to do what he said. Often.

Then her eyes traveled to herself. She had worn black dress pants today, with a shirt that actually sort of fit her large breasts, although it showed a little more cleavage than she was comfortable with. Hope looked at him again, and his eyes held the question. What was her answer?


The question in his eyes turned to surprise. Apparently, this guy didn’t get questioned very often. An image flitted through her mind, the two of them together at a table, lit with candles, Hope’s head thrown back in laughter.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Did you do that, too?”

He had the grace to look sheepish. “Will you go to dinner with me?”


His head snapped up, and his mouth fell open. “Why not?”

“Because I’m having dinner with my parents tonight. But you didn’t answer my question? Why do you want to take me out?”

It was his turn to peruse her. His eyes started at her feet, and slowly worked their way up her body. By the time they reached her face, Hope was squirming. “Why not?” The timbre of his voice washed over her, like it had yesterday, and Hope actually felt her breasts get heavier, as if they were swelling out of her bra.

Why not, indeed?

“Okay, my lunch is from one to two.”

“I’ll pick you up here, then? At one o’clock?”

Hope nodded, suddenly speechless again, unable to look away as he turned his long, lean frame and deftly descended the steps. Suppressing the urge to do a happy dance, lest he turn around and catch her, she scurried inside the library.

My Mistake - Author Photo
Author bio-
Anne Conley lives in a small town in East Texas, with her husband, two kids and numerous goats. She brazenly stole her pseudonym from her great-grandmother, a true pioneer woman who raised seven kids alone: churning butter, plucking chickens, knitting clothes, and putting coal oil on every visible wound. Anne’s Stories of serendipity feature real people, living life and finding love in a small town. She also has a Paranormal Romance series, the Four Winds about archangels “falling” in love and coping with turning into humans Her writing is escapist therepy, and she succumbs to it every chance she gets.




1 winner will receive all 3 ebooks of the Four Winds series (Falling for Heaven, Falling for Grace, and Falling for Hope) 
1 winner will receive a FREE ebook of Falling for Hope 
1 winner (US only) will receive an Autographed copy of Hot Mess, a Story of Serendipity



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This Tour Organized By:

copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
If you are reading this on a blog or website other than Cindy’s Love Of Books or via a feedreader, this content has been stolen and used without permission.