This morning I was truly honored to be able to sit in on the Random House of Canada and McClelland & Stewart fall preview that is taking place at various Chapters across Canada.
I have to admit up until this morning I wasn’t sure that I would be able to attend because of the conflicting answers I was getting along with Lucy @ Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf about attending the event because some were saying its for employees only and others were saying its open to the public.
So I really have to send out a huge thank you to the person @RandomHouseCA for helping me out on twitter with finding out the info about the event this morning.
So without a moment to spare I ended up cabbing it to the Chapters because I knew with construction and the busing I wouldn’t have made it to the event in time. Once there I saw some of my favorite booksellers (waves to them if they are reading this) and then introduced myself to Jennifer and Mike. I wasn’t there long before they started show casing the fall books.
I have to say Jennifer showed so much enthusiasm for alot of the books that I have now added many more to my ever growing wish list based on her recommendations.
I should just add that Random House Canada is visiting various Chapters/Indigo bookstores and talking about a ton of great books that are already out or will be coming out this fall.
So without further adieu let me showcase some of these great books that have peaked my interest: (Sorry I had attempted to post descriptions along with the books but for some reason blogger is acting up on me and not letting me format it properly.)
-The Devil All The Time by Donald Ray Pollock (Release Date July 2011)
-Spell Bound by Kelley Armstrong (Release Date August 2011)
-The Accident by Linwood Barclay (Release Date August 2011)
-The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (RD August 2011) Isn’t the cover pretty?
-Bedbugs by Ben H. Winters (RD September 2011) I have to admit at first this book didn’t peak my interest but after hearing Jennifer talk about it I want to read it.
-The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (RD September 13 2011) This cover & book is so much prettier in person. The next book I plan on getting.
-My Beating Teenage Heart by C.K Kelly Martin (RD September 27, 2011)
-The Art of Living: According to Joe Beef by Frederic Morin & David MacMillan (RD October 11/11) Local authors and chefs. The recipes are the exact same things they serve in their restaurant here in Montreal.
-Blood Sun by David Gilman (RD December 27/11) Book 3 in the series
-The Death Cure by James Dashner (RD October 11/11) The 3rd book in the Maze Runner Series
-Damned by Chuck Palahniuk (RD October 11/11) This sounds really good
-The Affair by Lee Childs (RD September 27/11) I book I will have to pick up especially after certain pages were mentioned.
-The Boy In The Suitcase by Lene Kaaberol & Agente Friis (RD November 8/11)
-Angel Fire by L.A Weatherly (RD December 27/11) Book 2 in the series. Love the cover.
Also here are some other books that are coming out from Random House that I am curious about:
- Vital Signs by Tessa McWatt (RD July 2011)
- Tell it to the Trees by Anita Ral Badami (RD September 20/11)
- Natural Order by Brian Francis (RD August 2011)
- Shelter by Frances Greenslade (RD September 2011)
- End of Days by Eric Walter (RD September 27/11)
- The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay (RD October 25/11)
- Off Stage On Stage by Michael Buble (RD October 25/11) Yes I admit it I like Michael Buble!
Now if hearing about all those great fall books wasn’t enough, they also had some authors stop by to talk to us about their books and those authors were:
- Anita RAl Badami
- William Marsden
- Frederic Morion and David MacMillian
So looking at all those title this morning I think we are in for an awesome fall with some amazing books.
Thanks to Random House and McClelland & Stewart for coming into town to show us those great fall titles and a special thanks to Jennifer and Mike who allowed me to join in.
Happy reading everyone 🙂
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