First Book of the Year 2018 Edition Cover Reveal

The totally amazing and incredible Sheila from Book Journey is once again organizing the First Book of The Year 2018 edition. This is the fifth year that she is hosting this.

I had to say I wasn’t sure what book I wanted to read for my first book of the year and I decided to go with Faithful by Alice Hoffman. Its been sitting on my TBR for a little while now and this is an author I have not read before so why not plus it sounds really good.

What are you reading into the new year?

2017 Reading Stats

Img bookstack 360

Read 100 books (which was my goal for the year) which equals to 21,583 pages read in 2017.

The shortest book read was 32 pages:

The Nutcracker by Rachel Elliot

The longest book read was 532 pages:

Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken

The most popular book on Goodreads was:
Slammed by Colleen Hoover
314,101 people also read Slammed by Colleen Hoover
Least  popular book on Goodread was:
The Snow Queen by Charlotte Cooke

people also read The Snow Queen by Charlotte Cooke


A Scary Little Christmas by Regina Jennings. It was amazing with a 5.00 average
A Scary Little Christmas by Regina Jennings
My top shelves were:
  • books bought 2017
  • series
  • publisher sent book
  • blog tour
  • earcs
  • debut
  • netgalley free
  • books bought before 2017
  • borrowed
  • other

This is the first year I have actively used Good reads apart from last year (2016) and I am curious to see what 2018 will be like.

Do you use Goodreads to track your goals? Do you keep track of your reading stats?

2018 Reading Challenges That I am Taking Part in

If you are a reader of my blog you have read that I admit I suck at reading challenges numerous times over the course of my 9 years of blogging and I am not afraid to admit it. Although I think this upcoming year might be the year that I change that.

I found a few reading challenges that I think will work for me and I can overlap them all so that I won’t get overwhelmed in the end.

The reading challenges that I am doing in 2018 are:

The first one is The Blogger Shame Challenge that is being hosted over at The Herd Presents. If your a book blogger you know you have some review books sitting on your TBR that you haven’t read and there is no shame in that I have quite a few. You can read any format but they must be 4 months and older.

The second one is Try Something New Challenge and this is being hosted over at The Herd Presents as well. For this one you are basically going to be reading new to you books ie debut, first book in a series, genres, author, book format etc. This is another way to tackle that TBR pile.

I decided that I am going to do level 2 which is 11-20 books. If I do more that is great but for now I am keeping it at this level.

The third one is Tsundoku Bingo Winter 2018 Challenge that is being hosted over at The Broken Spine. Erica has come up with a new Bingo board every quarter of the year and its basically reading the books in your own TBR pile. This board is good from January to March. I am hoping to complete this board by the end of March.

Finally the last one I am doing is Tackle My TBR Challenge being hosted by Kimberly Faye Reads and all this one is is reading your own books that you have sitting on  your own bookshelves. I am hoping to read at least 5 of my own books each month. Any amount I can take of my own shelves is good.

I somehow stumbled up another reading challenge called The 2018 Reading Challenge being hosted on the blog Modern Mrs Darcy and it seems really interesting. The goal is just to read amazing books and who doesn’t want to read amazing books in 2018? There is 12 categories and you read a book from each one. Sounds easy doesn’t it.

Finally the last challenge I am going to do is 2018 Picky Pledge Reading Challenge and its being hosted by Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and Hannah from So Obsessed With and this is just like the above one with 12 categories and you pick the books off your TBR shelf. I know I want to read my own books and I am worried I will get a little bored so I think this will be a fun way to add some variety to doing that.

What reading challenges are you doing in 2018?

December 2017 Book Unhauling

Good Monday morning everyone. Its been since July since I have done a unhauling post and sadly since that time I have passed on many books that I didn’t get to document. I need to get better with that because all numbers eventually add up to the bigger outlook.

I had so much success in 2015 unhauling books that I thought I would continue this again for 2017 and going into 2018 I will be doing the same thing again. I think I do this out of curiosity  for myself to see if I am giving more away then I am bringing in.

With the lack of documenting over the past 5 months I have no idea what I have given away so the totals are a little off.

So each month I have been posting about what books I unhauled and then another monthly post I have been sharing what books I physically bought in the month.

Are you a constant book buyer? Can you resist buying books on a weekly bases? Please tell me I am not alone in this?

This is going to be probably a huge unhauling since its been like 5 months since I shared what I have unhauled. These books have been read and have been stacking up beside my desk.

Take a look at what I unhauled this month:


  1. Winter Solstice by Elin Hilderbrand
  2. Love Lies Beneath by Ellen Hopkins
  3. The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
  4. The Locket by Richard Paul Evans
  5. Faceoff edited by David Baldacci
  6. Charm by Sarah Pinborough
  7. Beauty by Sarah Pinborough
  8. Slammed by Colleen Hoover
  9. Cloaked in Red by Vivian Vande Velde
  10. Woman’s Murder Club: The Medical Examiner by James Patterson/Maxine Paetro (bookshots)
  11. The Dolls by James Patterson/Kecia Bal (bookshots)
  12. Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson
  13. Chase The Rainbow
  14. Labyrinth Lost
  15. Tandem
  16. Darkness Becomes Her
  17. Touched
  18. Cage of Deceit
  19.  A Crucible of Souls
  20. A Breath of Frost
  21. Omega
  22. Spinning Out


Total books released this month: 22

Total books released in 2017: 156

Total books released in 2016: 124

Total books released in 2015: 211

Author Q&A with Wendy McLeod MacKnight

Today I am truly honored to be able to host Wendy McLeod MacKnight debut middle grade author of It’s a Mystery, Pig Face! Her second book coming out and its called The Frame Up! is scheduled to be released in 2018.

About the author:

Wendy McLeod Macknight wrote her first novel when she was nine-years-old. Her entire life she wanted to be a children’s book author, but kept getting sidetracked by her work for the Government of New Brunswick, where she held various posts, including Director of Early Childhood Services, Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for children’s programs, senior’s programs, child welfare programs, housing and low income programs.

After serving as the Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, she decided it was now or never. She left her position and began work on It’s a Mystery, Pig Face!, which is a love letter to the town where she grew up, St. Stephen, New Brunswick.

Married, she has a daughter and a son, a dog, three squirrels she has helped rescue who hang about, and a groundhog who lives under the gazebo. Besides writing and reading, Wendy loves cooking, Paris, New York City. gardening, New Brunswick, shoes, and most of all, her family. It’s a Mystery, Pig Face! Is her
debut novel.

Cindy: Hi Wendy, I was beyond thrilled when I discovered you were a Canadian author and excited to find out you were from New Brunswick. I am originally from Bathurst, NB and lived there for almost 23 years until making the move to Quebec. I have to admit that I had to google where Hanwell was because that’s a new to me location.

Wendy: YAY Bathurst!!! I love Bathurst!!!

Cindy: What inspired you to become a writer?

Wendy: I wanted to be a writer as soon as I knew a person could be a writer, but I suspect that when Anne Shirley starts trying to sell stories for publication in Anne of Avonlea, I was hooked on the idea. Of course, I took a LONG detour to get to my first book, but never say never!

Cindy: What was your favorite childhood book to read growing up?

Wendy: This is like asking me who’s my favourite child! I adored Anne of Green Gables, A Wrinkle in Time, All-of-A-Kind-Family, Harriet the Spy. Basically, anything I could get my hands on!

Cindy: That has to be one of my favorite questions to ask because everyone’s answer is always so different. I have never heard of All of a Kind Family and I have to say you peeked my interest. I will need to see if I can find them. Did you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

Wendy: It’s a Mystery, Pig Face! is a love letter to the town I grew up in, St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and there are all kinds of mentions throughout the book of local places—new and old. And I had to throw in a character named Trixie after my beloved Trixie Belden!

Cindy: Who is your favorite author? What is one book they wrote that you would recommend?

Wendy: I’m picking a classic and a contemporary author to try and get around the rules!


L. Maud Montgomery  and of course Anne of Green Gables, but all of her books are wonderful and they make me so proud to be Canadian!


In middle grade, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s The War That Saved My Life is amazing.

In young adult, I bow down to Philip Pullman. Start with The Golden Compass and rejoice!







Cindy: I think one of the books all east coast girls read was the Anne of Green Gables series and I absolutely loved the books and to this day I still love Anne.  Thanks for your recommendations I have not read any of those books but definitely will in the new year. If your looking for more suggestions be sure to click on this  to see what else Wendy enjoyed reading. What was the inspiration behind It’s A Mystery Pig Face?

Wendy: I loved mysteries when I was a kid, and was always looking for one in my neighbourhood. Alas, we were mystery-free, but not for lack of trying! When I decided to write my first middle grade novel, I knew I wanted to start with a mystery, and have a very flawed main character (which is basically me!) and so It’s a Mystery, Pig Face! was born! And proudly set in New Brunswick!

Cindy: I am so happy that you decided to write with a New Brunswick setting. Since this is your debut book and I noticed you have a second one coming out will this become a series?

Wendy: My next book is completely different. It’s called The Frame-Up and is being published by Greenwillow Books in June, 2018.

It’s a fantasy set at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, and many of the characters are from actual masterpieces the Gallery owns, including a Freud, a Dali, a Gainsborough. The premise is: what if every original piece of art is actually alive, living parallel lives to ours, only in the world behind the frames?

I love the book so much and can’t wait to share it with the world! And Greenwillow is making it a truly beautiful book, complete with full colour images.

As for whether there will be more Pig Face books – I would sure love that! We’ll see!

Cindy: If we were to look at your desk what would we be surprised to find or discover?

Wendy: Well besides the fact that it’s a mess right now because I’m editing my next book? They might be surprised that I have a little figurine of Wendy from Peter Pan, which is there to remind me to soar!

Cindy: What are you currently reading?

Wendy: I just finished The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage, which made my jaw drop continually, and am about to read Lindsay Eagar’s new middle grade novel, Race to the Bottom of the Sea. I think she is wonderful!


Cindy: Wonderful suggestions. I just added both books to my chapters wishlist. How important is it for you to write your books with a local setting?

Wendy: So important. When I realized Anne of Green Gables was set only four hours from where I lived as a kid, I remember being gobsmacked. When I do school visits, especially in New Brunswick, I spend a lot of time talking about how important it is to tell your stories and not be afraid to set them where you live. I have a book in a drawer set in England in the 1800s which may yet see the light of day, but I love writing and talking about New Brunswick; who I am is very much shaped from being a Maritimer!

Cindy: Even though I have been in Quebec 19+ years I still consider myself a proud Maritimer. What is the hidden jewel that one should visit when they go to Hanwell/Fredericton?

Wendy: Well, I’d say I’m the hidden jewel in Hanwell, but go to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, which isn’t really a hidden jewel, but not enough people know about what a world class gallery it is. Of course, they’re about to read all about it in my next book…

Cindy: Wendy thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my questions. I truly appreciate it and loved having you on my blog today. Please come back and I hope everyone will pick up It’s a Mystery Pig Face! to read and support this fantastic Canadian author.

Wendy: Thank you! I loved your questions!

Ways to connect with the author:






Thank you to YA Reads Book Reviews for making this interview possible.

Blog Tour & Review/ Purrfect Santa by Jessie Lane and Chasity Bowlin

Format: eARC
Title: Purrfect Santa: Howls Romance
Author: Jessie Lane & Chasity Bowlin
Genre: Paranormal Romance Novella
Release Date: December 12, 2017

A woman afraid to love …
Nikki knows what it is to lose those you love. With her focus on her orphaned sister, she hasn’t given herself the chance to process her own grief over the loss of their parents. Life is chaos and the last complication she needs is a mate.

A lion alone for too long …
Joe Miller knows chaos. Being orphaned as a child, he’s never had a family to call his own. Crashing with a friend for the holidays, he’s hoodwinked into playing Santa Claus at a local mall. The last thing on his mind is finding a mate.

A love worth the risk …
With her baby sister on her hip, sadness in her eyes, and a longing in her heart, Nikki waits in line with her sister to see Santa. From the moment he scents her, Joe is in deep. It’s going to take everything he has to convince Nikki the love outweighs the risk to her heart. Luckily for Joe, he has fate and Nikki’s adorable baby sister on his side. After all, who can say no to the Purrfect Santa at Christmas?
Chapter One

If one more kid tried to pull his beard, he was going to roar.

Joe looked at the small spawn of Satan currently sitting on his lap and held in the urge to growl. The kid was maybe five years old, had blonde hair, blue eyes and dimples galore. His first thought was she was adorable. Now, after she’d pulled on his Santa beard during the picture, he knew better. She was nothing but trouble. If he really were Santa, he would give her coal in her stocking and a letter advising her parents to put her in the naughty corner.

“Smile, Santa!”

The photographer’s words were more of a warning than a cue to get ready for the second picture. So Joe played his role, ho ho ho’d, and smiled for the camera while the brat on his lap asked him for a pony.

There had been a time when Joe hadn’t dreaded Christmas so much. Back when he was a kid and everything about Christmas had still seemed so magical. Not so much anymore. It sucked when you spent the holidays alone. To say he was a bit bitter about the holiday season was an understatement.

Which was part of the reason he couldn’t believe he was here at The Mall of the Smokies, being the damn Santa. How had he gotten wrangled into this position again?

His buddy Sam. Buddy. So much for never leaving a man behind, he thought. There he sat, covered from head to toe in red velvet that was none too fresh and none too clean, thanks to the boozy sweat of the previous wearer. Of course, he’d also had more than one kid with a leaky diaper on his lap that day.

And Sam, where was Sam? Nowhere to be seen.

Joe and Sam had served together in the Marine Corps, but once Sam had completed his term of service, he’d come back home to help run the family business, a lodge in the mountains of East Tennessee. Joe, having nowhere to go after getting out of the service himself, had taken Sam up on his offer to crash at the Bearadise Lodge.

There was just one catch. The Lodge was sponsoring Santa’s Workshop at the local outlet mall, and they were short one Santa. Apparently, the old Santa had been fired for drinking on the job.

Damn that Sam!

After only one day of being Santa, Joe could see why the previous hire had been driven to drink. These kids were hell on his nerves. Like the blonde brat who was once again pulling on his beard. He was just about to give her a little growl when she hopped off his lap and ran giggling to her mother, who gave him an unapologetic glance before dismissing him entirely.

This job would have been so much easier if he were in a shifter-run community. Then he could growl all he wanted. Instead, he was dealing with humans and had to keep his feline traits under wraps.

As the next kid, a little boy about the age of four, climbed on to his lap and proceeded to fart, Joe did his best not to cringe. Bullets and bad guys he could deal with. Snot-nosed kids were apparently his downfall. He’d only been at this for a day and he was thinking of telling Sam he could shove this Santa job where the sun didn’t shine. Joe didn’t even want to think about doing this until Christmas Eve. Three days away. Three long, miserable, endless days of bratty kids, droopy diapers, and disaffected parents more interested in their phones than their kids.

In fact, as the next kid proceeded to sneeze all over him, Joe considered walking out right then.

But then something happened that kept him glued to his seat. His sharp lion senses caught a new smell among the crowd. Peppermint and sugar cookies.

Mate, his lion roared inside his head.

The one person that was cosmically meant for him and him alone. The woman that Mother Nature deemed his. He scanned the crowd until he finally saw her at the end of the line, waiting to come see him.

Short, with generous curves that would fill his hands, she had black hair pulled to the top of her head in a messy bun. He wondered what color her eyes were, being too far away to see them. Scanning the rest of her body, he suddenly stopped when he came to the thing that shocked him the most.

A kid on her hip.

Was it her child? From this far away, he couldn’t scent the small one. Had someone already laid hands on his mate? His lion roared again, only this time it was in protest. No one should touch his mate but him! He would slaughter the man who had dared give his mate a cub.

“SANTA!” the elf behind the camera shouted.

Joe snapped his attention back to the man he was going to eviscerate for taking his concentration away from his mate, only to find a scared human staring at him. It was then he realized the child on his lap was shaking in fear.

The elf inched forward to whisper so the others in line couldn’t hear. “You growled at him, Santa! Say you’re sorry.”

His stomach sank. To say he felt like a colossal piece of shit was an understatement. He had been so wrapped up in his emotions that he had let his lion slip out a little in public, which was a big hell no in the shifter rules. Joe looked at the little boy on his lap and gave the kid a big smile, trying to play off what had happened. “How would you like a stuffed lion for Christmas? They go grrrrrrr.”

The little boy looked at him with wide eyes that slowly turned from fear to curiosity. “You can make a stuffed lion that growls?”

Joe nodded. “Sure can. I can put the elves to work on it right away if that’s what you want.”

The little boy scrunched his face up in thought but then shook his head no. “I really want a bike for Christmas, Santa. Can I have that instead of the lion?”

Relieved that the boy was no longer scared, Joe gave him a big grin and a wink. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Yippee!” The boy squealed as he jumped off Joe’s lap and ran to his mother, who was waiting for him next to the photographer.

Joe watched as the boy happily walked away, then quickly turned his attention back to his mate, who was watching him from the back of the line with big wary eyes. The mating scent was too strong. He couldn’t tell whether or not the child was hers, but that didn’t matter.

She was his.

And if that meant he had to accept another man’s cub into his home to claim his mate, then that’s what he would do. Although he would take great pleasure in rubbing his scent all over both woman and cub every chance that he got. Just to make sure that everyone knew that they were now his and his alone.

Jessie Lane is a best-selling author of Paranormal and Contemporary Romance, as well as, Upper YA Paranormal Romance/Fantasy.

She lives in Kentucky with her two little Rock Chicks in-the-making and her over protective alpha husband that she’s pretty sure is a latent grizzly bear shifter. She has a passionate love for reading and writing naughty romance, cliff hanging suspense, and out-of-this-world characters that demand your attention, or threaten to slap you around until you do pay attention to them.

She’s also a proud member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA).

Chasity Bowlin lives in central Kentucky with her husband and their menagerie of animals. She loves writing, loves traveling and enjoys incorporating tidbits of her actual vacations into her books. She is an avid Anglophile, loving all things British, but specifically all things Regency. She also writes steamy contemporary and paranormal romance. 


Growing up in Tennessee, spending as much time as possible with her doting grandparents, soap operas were a part of her daily existence, followed by back to back episodes of Scooby Doo. Her path to becoming a romance novelist was set when, rather than simply have her Barbie dolls cruise around in a pink convertible, they time traveled, hosted lavish dinner parties and one even had an evil twin locked in the attic.
I quickly have to thank Enticing Journey Book Promotions for allowing me to be a part of this book tour and for sending me a copy of the book to read for my review today.
Purrfect  Santa was a super quick and fun read. This was the purrfect read on Christmas day while waiting for our dinner guests to arrive. Its faced paced, festive since it takes place over Christmas and definitely a page turner.
If you read my blog you will know that I love these kinds of books and I admit I don’t read shifter books as often as I should and hoping to read more in the new year.
Our main character Nikki is going through the motions of life and just barely. She is still grieving the lose of both of her parents who were killed and taking on the responsibilities of raising her younger sister, Sarah and try to keep her life as normal as possible and the means Christmas has to go on no matter what.
Enter Joe a handsome lion shifter who is filling in as a mall Santa for a friend who he is staying with since leaving the military. Its a normal day for Joe nothing exciting until he catches the scent of his mate in the line. He knows he is her mate.
As much as Nikki would love to be with Joe she is not ready for this and does everything she can to discourage him but can Joe just leave it be or will be fight to break down her walls? I can understand where Nikki is coming from as she is dealing with the lose of both her parents and having to be there for Sarah and she is afraid to let someone in when she knows the risk of losing them and she isn’t ready for that.
Can Nikki resist Joe for much longer while her heart is telling her to go for it?
This was the purrfect book to read on Christmas day and one that I am still thinking about. I highly recommend this super fun quick read if you like shifter books and even if you don’t and you just want a fun romance read this holiday season.