All I Want For Christmas Is… #2

alliwantforchristmas (1)

Danya from A Tapestry of Words started this fun little feature on her blog called All I Want For Christmas Is… and basically what you do is share your wishlist of books. I thought that this would be something fun to do perhaps on a weekly bases until Christmas.

Here is my choice this week:

This is the newest books in The Land of Stories series. I love reading them.

Tag/ Ready for Christmas 2015


1) What’s your favourite holiday movie?
 My favorite holiday movie is Miracle on 34th Street.
2) What’s your favourite Christmas colour?
 My favorite Christmas colour is red and if I could add white I would.
3) Do you like to stay in your PJs or get dressed up for Christmas?
 This year with everything that happened with my father in law passing late last year (December)  and my mom passing in August we decided to just do a very chill Christmas so I am sure it will be a pj kind of day all day.
4) If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
 If I could only buy one person a gift this year it would have to be for Michael because he truly deserves it. He has been such a great boy this year. He started high school and he is doing so well and he makes me proud each and every day.
5) Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
 We open presents on Christmas day.
6) Have you ever built a ginger bread house?
 Yes we did one one year and it didn’t turn out that great so we never did them again.
7) What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
 Since I am a stay at home mom during Christmas break we like to try and sleep in, watch movies and basically just take it easy. We need a break from the day to day routine.
8) Any Christmas wishes?
 My only Christmas wish is for everyone to be happy and healthy this holiday season and to be kind to everyone.
9) Favourite Christmas smell?
 My favorite smell is cookies baking.
10) Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
 My favorite Christmas meal is the whole turkey dinner with potatoes, veggies, stuffing and cranberry sauce. 

Merry Christmas Everyone

Review/ Twas The Night Before Christmas at Michael’s House

IMG_0025I am once again thrilled to be working with Put Me In The Story to feature their newest Christmas book, Twas The Night Before Christmas by Daniel Kirk.

It’s the night before Christmas and Father Mouse is stirring in YOUR house to the sound of Santa Claus and eight tiny reindeer! Cozy up as Father Mouse shares his story of what happens next. You’ll get a peek at Santa and a glimpse of your gifts under the tree, too. With illustrations that began as original ink drawings, this new spin on a classic Christmas tale is sure to be a hit for the holidays!

For some reason I thought we had a copy of Twas The Night Before Christmas but it seems like we don’t so I thought this would be the perfect thing to add to our Christmas book collection and I want to graciously thank Sourcebooks and Put Me In The Story for providing me with a code so that I could order a personalized copy to read this holiday season.

Twas The Night Before Christmas retails for $29.99 US and you can see the title is ever personalized right away with the addition of at Michael’s House and the tags on the gifts. The whole process literally took me less then 5 minutes and the book was in my cart ready to be made and shipped. Shipping was once again super fast and I had my book within in a week.

The book is beautifully bound like a regular hard cover picture book and it arrived in perfect condition.

The story is the same original story with a few added details and the personalized items blended in with the book and you couldn’t tell the difference. Instead of the dad being awaken by Santa’s arrival its the little mouse that lives in the walls of our house.

The illustrations are beautiful. They are bright and colorful and they almost look like the original illustrations. We were looking all over the pages as we were reading it.

This is a super cute book and I think this would make the perfect addition to your Christmas book collection.

If We Were Having Tea…. #5


If we were having tea… I would tell you that this was one busy week and I am happy to see it finally end. It was seriously Murphy’s Law this week because everything went completely wrong.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that its been stressful all week with having no access to my blog. I couldn’t access it at all even though I was told everyone could see it. I think towards the end of the week I broke down in tears because I thought all my hard work was going to be gone. Thankfully a week later it gets resoloved.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that yesterday was my birthday and it was a fantastic day. I got to hang out with Tina from Bookshipper for breakfast and then in the afternoon I got to hang out with others friends that we have known for about nine years now and we went and cut down our Xmas tree. Plus I got some pretty amazing gifts.

If we were having tea… I would tell you this month is going to be really hard with not having my mom with this. This was also a tough week because this is my first birthday without her. Every time the phone rang I kept wishing it was her. So this month is going to be really low key.

If we were having tea… I would tell you instead of going out for dinner like we normally do I opted to stay home and have this amazing 3 cheese Roasted Vegetable Pasta dish that is so yummy with strawberry shortcake on the side.

If we were having tea... I would tell you that this afternoon we have our hockey team xmas party which will be fun. I am really enjoying the parents on the team.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that this week I plan on starting some xmas baking and I know this week we will be decorating the tree.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week.

First Book of The Year 2016


The totally amazing and incredible Sheila from Book Journey is once again organizing the First Book of The Year 2016 edition. This is the third year that she is hosting this.

I have taken part in the previous two  and I have to say its so much fun trying to figure out what book I want to start 2016 with. The book can be a re-read, a guilty pleasure read or it can be basically anything you want to begin 2016 with.

I’m not quite sure which book I want to read so I have been weighing out my options.

If you are interested in taking part then all you have to do is click on the above banner and it will take you to Sheila’s blog so that you can sign up.

What will your first book of 2016 be?


Recipe/ Easy Fudge

This is one of those recipes that I always make at Christmas time. I have to admit I use to make fudge in the past and for some reason it never came out right and I almost given up on making it until I discovered this recipe.
Its super easy and quick. I hope you Enjoy it.
The 5 minute Fudge Recipe:
1 2/3 cup of sugar
2/3 cup of evaporated milk
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups of mini marshmallows
1 1/2 – 2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
(You can omit the walnuts if you don’t want them in your fudge. I have made them both ways and they have turned out fine.)
-Combine sugar, milk, butter, and salt in a saucepan.
-Stir over med heat until a full boil and then boil for 5 minutes after it comes to full boil.
-Stir constantly.
-Remove from heat
-Stir in marshmallows, vanilla and chocolate chips and walnut if you are using them.
-Stir until marshmallows are melted and blended.
-Pour into a foiled line pan and chill until set.
(I use a the regular square pan)