Library Loot April 10th Edition



Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.

I was actually at the library twice this week but during my first trip I literally just ran in to return the two dvds that I borrowed because I was waiting for the bus.

My second trip was today when I went in with my friend. I did a quick look around but wasn’t going to borrow anything because I still have the books out from the last trip and then I spotted this:

I really enjoy Jennifer Weiner’s books so when I saw this I quickly picked it up to read. I only have a week to read it so I am planning on starting that this weekend.

Have you read this book?


Blog Ahead May 2015 The Mini Edition

mini blogahead 400

You might recall last November me taking part in the 30 Days, 30+ Pre-Schedules Blog Ahead that Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup where the idea behind this was to actually have pre-scheduled blog post ready for you blog. I loved doing it and it was honestly nice knowing I had posts pre-scheduled ready and waiting for me.

Since doing that I have slacked off a bit and now I am beginning to panic a little bit because I will be away from my computer the end of May to attend BEA in NYC and I don’t have alot scheduled for the month of May and honestly the summer as well. So this mini Blog Ahead is coming at the perfect time.

You can click on the above image to find out more about the Mini Blog Ahead.

I will be taking part, will you be? If you are please be sure to sign up on Anna’s blog.

Meme/Waiting on Wednesday #14


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking The Spine and its spotlights upcoming books that we are eagerly waiting for. I plan on including upcoming releases and books that are already released.

This week I am featuring:

I am pretty sure I will be picking this up when I hang out with my friend on Friday. Its similar to Wreck This Journal. I have been looking at ways to get a little more creative so be sure to check back because I think I am going to do something with this on a weekly bases.

Review/ The Royal We

Review/ The Royal WeThe Royal We Format: eARC
on April 7th, 2015
Pages: 464
Buy on Amazon

"I might be Cinderella today, but I dread who they'll think I am tomorrow. I guess it depends on what I do next."

American Rebecca Porter was never one for fairy tales. Her twin sister, Lacey, has always been the romantic who fantasized about glamour and royalty, fame and fortune. Yet it's Bex who seeks adventure at Oxford and finds herself living down the hall from Prince Nicholas, Great Britain's future king. And when Bex can't resist falling for Nick, the person behind the prince, it propels her into a world she did not expect to inhabit, under a spotlight she is not prepared to face.

Dating Nick immerses Bex in ritzy society, dazzling ski trips, and dinners at Kensington Palace with him and his charming, troublesome brother, Freddie. But the relationship also comes with unimaginable baggage: hysterical tabloids, Nick's sparkling and far more suitable ex-girlfriends, and a royal family whose private life is much thornier and more tragic than anyone on the outside knows. The pressures are almost too much to bear, as Bex struggles to reconcile the man she loves with the monarch he's fated to become.

Which is how she gets into trouble.

Now, on the eve of the wedding of the century, Bex is faced with whether everything she's sacrificed for love-her career, her home, her family, maybe even herself-will have been for nothing.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Royal We is by authors Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan and this is their young adult novel. Their previous two books are Spoiled and Messy. I haven’t read either of those books but I do own them. I think once I am going through boxes of books this summer I am going to dig them out and read them because I really did enjoy reading The Royal We. I should mention that The Royal We is a stand alone.

As a Canadian I love anything that has to do with the royal family. Many many many years ago when Princess Diana was alive and was just recently married her and Prince Charles came to Canada. I was lucky enough to go and see Princess Diana because the school brought us. I remember being completely in ah of her.

As I began reading the book I was literally thinking this has to be based around Prince Harry (Freddie), Prince William (Nick) and Kate Middleton (Rebecca). There was a lot of similarities to them. Which I had no problem with at all because I love watching them grow and become who they are today. You can see the huge influence Princess Diana had on those boys.

The story line also reminded me of Autumn Kelly who was a girl from my town who married a real life prince and that was Prince Peter Phillips, His mother is Princess Anne. Her mother just happens to be Queen Elizabeth II.

Now I want to say that I loved the book but I can’t. I did enjoy reading the book. I think it took me longer to read this because at times I was reading and reading because I wanted to find out what was happening and then other times I felt like it dragged on more then it needed to.

I never once thought about dropping the book when it got slow because I was rooting for Rebecca the whole way through. I can’t imagine how things quickly change in your life when you get involved with someone with that much status? It must be completely nerve wrecking and how much fun is it really when you need to be on your best behavior all the time because you know someone is watching you at all times?

Growing up we all wanted to meet and marry a prince and probably dreamed of what life would be like and in all honesty I don’t think its as regal as they make it out to be and I would wish that on no one. Your life is no longer your own but I love how the new royals are stepping away from it and leading a more private life.

I would be interested to see if there will be a sequel to the book.

Review/ The Tapper Twins Go To War (With Each Other)

Review/ The Tapper Twins Go To War (With Each Other)The Tapper Twins Go to War (With Each Other) Series: #1

by Geoff Rodkey
Format: eARC
Published by Hachette Children's Group on April 7th 2015
Pages: 224
Buy on Amazon
Genres: General, Young Adult

Wars are terrible things. I know this because I've read about a lot of them on Wikipedia. And also because I was just in one. It was me against my brother, Reese. That might not sound like a war to you. Trust me. It was. This is the oral history of the terrible war between twins, Reese and Claudia Tapper. It began with a cruel and senseless sneak attack in the school cafeteria on Monday, September 8th, at approximately 8:27 a.m. Or possibly it began in the Tapper family kitchen, earlier that morning, with the greedy guzzling of the last brown sugar cinnamon toaster pastry. What really happened? It depends on who you speak to... This is a hilarious middle-grade comedy that's both totally timeless and completely up-to-the-minute.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This was such a fun and quick read. I think I managed to read this in two sittings. As an adult I enjoyed reading this and I think it’s a perfect read for the tweens and older.

Claudia and Reese are twelve-year-old twins. I think that Claudia and Reese were the perfect characters for the book as they were very believable and it makes you think the story is real and it could actually happen.

Claudia and Reese are your typical siblings we have been trying to one up each and to humiliate the other one. It makes you wonder who will get the upper hand?

I love the format of the book. Each chapter has a title which goes along with the dialog. Its sort of like a script which I have to say I enjoyed. Within chapters there is text messages, photos, hand written text, emails and so much more. Its very well done and it makes you want to continue reading it.

Claudia is the main voice of the book but other characters come out such as Reese, Sophie, Mom and Dad, Akash, Ashley and a few others. It was nice to see how each character plays an important part to the story line.

I loved the message behind the book and its one that kids can easily grasp. Even though Claudia and Reese were doing everything they could to humiliate their sibling they both realized that in the end everything they did has a consequence to it. Which kids need to realize.

This was such a fun read and it was nice to take a break in my regular reading. I think tweens and the little bit older ones would enjoy this. I know Michael plans on reading it especially once I mentioned Minecraft was in this.

This is also my first BEA Buzz Book for 2015.


Library Loot April 3rd Edition



Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.

I figured since the weather was starting to get nicer I would start walking to our local library and get back into borrowing books and perhaps get away from buying so many books.

This week was a small haul as I didn’t bring a tote bag with me so I didn’t go over board since I would be carrying everything home with me.

For Michael I borrowed two DS video games and they both were Zelda ones that he wanted to try out to see if he liked them.

I borrowed two dvds that we plan on watching next Monday and Tuesday since they are ped days and they were Mary Poppins (its one of my favorite movies and I can watch it over and over again. This was also my first broadway play I saw in NYC) and The Wizard of Oz (Michael’s grade 6 class put this play on at their school and he wanted to see the original movie)

The books I borrowed this week are:

  • Living Me to We (The Guide for Socially Conscious Canadians) by Craig & Marc Kielburger
  • The World Needs Your Kid (How to raise children who care and contribute) by Craig & Marc Kielburger and Shelley Page
  • Free the Children by Craig Kielburger with Kevin Major
  • Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

I probably won’t be going to the library weekly to borrow books as I am going to make every effort to read what I borrow first and bring back and then borrow new ones. Its easy to get sucked in because we have two adult cards and a childs card that each hold a limit of 50 books/card.

Do you borrow from the library? What is your card limit? Do you get all the newest books?

Meme/Waiting on Wednesday #13


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking The Spine and its spotlights upcoming books that we are eagerly waiting for. I plan on including upcoming releases and books that are already released.

This week I am featuring:

On sale April 7th, 2015 from Chronicle Books.

Something is not right with Nadia Cara. While spending a year in Florence, Italy, she”s become a thief. She has secrets. And when she tries to speak, the words seem far away. Nadia finds herself trapped by her own obsessions and following the trail of an elusive Italian boy whom only she has seen. Can Nadia be rescued or will she simply lose herself altogether? Set against the backdrop of a glimmering city, One Thing Stolen is an exploration of obsession, art, and a rare neurological disorder. It is a celebration of language, beauty, imagination, and the salvation of love.