Welcome BEA Visitors 2015



Hi Book Expo America 2015 attendees,

Welcome to Cindy’s Love of Books. Perhaps your a blogger, author, PR person or someone I met in line waiting for a drink/food or to meet an author. Perhaps you are a publisher or PR person and I spoke with you at Javits or another event in New York during the week.

However you found me, I’m really glad you did. My name is Cindy and I run Cindy’s Love of Book. You can check out my About Me page to learn all about me and my blog. If you’re interested in a review, check out my review policy. If you’d like to contact me please do so by my emailing me at cindy@cindysloveofbooks(DOT)com or on Twitter @cindyloveofbook.

This is my seven year blogging and I have been loving every minute of it. This will be my fourth time attending BEA.

I look forward to hearing from you wither its to chat, review books or anything else.

To Cindy’s Love of Books readers,

I haven’t forgotten you guys! Cindy’s Love of Books will continue as usual without me. I’ve have reviews and other stuff scheduled to post this week. I will hopefully try to have mini posts from NY and BEA posted nightly if possible although I have to admit I’m not sure I will be able to since I usually try to make the most out of my NYC/BEA trip.

Hopefully I will able to offer little give aways to those who weren’t able to attend BEA this year. I will be looking out for things that I can offer up as give ways to you guys. Any suggestions?

If you need me for anything, you can still contact me through email or Twitter, though it may take me slightly longer than usual to respond.

Have a good week everyone.

#SRC2015 Book Spotlight/ The Grown Ups


From the author of The Summer We Fell Apart, an evocative and emotionally resonant coming-of-age novel involving three friends that explores what it means to be happy, what it means to grow up, and how difficult it is to do both together.

The summer he’s fifteen, Sam enjoys, for a few secret months, the unexpected attention of Suzie Epstein. For reasons Sam doesn’t entirely understand, he and Suzie keep their budding relationship hidden from their close knit group of friends. But as the summer ends, Sam’s world unexpectedly shatters twice: Suzie’s parents are moving to a new city to save their marriage, and his own mother has suddenly left the house, leaving Sam’s father alone to raise two sons.

Watching as her parents’ marital troubles escalate, Suzie takes on the responsibility of raising her two younger brothers and plans an early escape to college and independence. Though she thinks of Sam, she deeply misses her closest friend Bella, but makes no attempt to reconnect, embarrassed by the destructive wake of her parents as they left the only place Suzie called home. Years later, a chance meeting with Sam’s older brother will reunite her with both Sam and Bella—and force her to confront her past and her friends.

After losing Suzie, Bella finds her first real love in Sam. But Sam’s inability to commit to her or even his own future eventually drives them apart. In contrast, Bella’s old friend Suzie—and Sam’s older brother, Michael—seem to have worked it all out, leaving Bella to wonder where she went wrong.

Spanning over a decade, told in alternating voices, The Grown Ups explores the indelible bonds between friends and family and the challenges that threaten to divide them.

Review/ Courtney Crumrin The Final Spell Vol.6

Review/ Courtney Crumrin The Final Spell Vol.6Courtney Crumin The Final Spell Series: Courtney Crumrin #6

Format: Hardcover
Published by Oni Press on August 20, 2014
Pages: 152

On the run from the Coven with her former teacher Calpurnia, Courtney Crumrin is quickly learning just how sinister the witches and warlocks of Hillsborough can be - but she never thought she'd see the day when Uncle Aloysius turned on her as well. It's a lot harder to fight a battle when the only family you care about is against you, and Courtney's only salvation may lie in the Twilight Kingdom - and away from the mortal world. But Aloysius won't give up his niece so easily, even if he has to fight the night creatures to do it!

Originally this was suppose to be the final book in the Courtney Crumrin series but I see they did another volume which I am just about to read.

Like the previous books it picks right up where volume 5 ended which I think is really nice. I am sure they could have combined all the comics into one volume or even two but that is just my opinion.

This will be basically a mini review because I don’t want to give to much away. This was a quick read and I really enjoyed this one. Its nice to see how much Courtney has grown from the first volume. She is a cute and spunky girl who takes nothing from no one.

Courtney is reunited with her former teacher Calpurnia and they are on the run from the Coven. It seems like everyone has turned on Courtney even her uncle. It appears like Courtney knows too much and they are trying to get to her and make her forget everything she knows but will she allow that?

In this volume Courtney dominates and lets nothing stand in her way.

This was a fast pace read.


Review/ Courtney Crumrin The Witch Next Door Vol 5

Review/ Courtney Crumrin The Witch Next Door Vol 5Courtney Crumrin, Volume 5: The Witch Next Door Series: Courtney Crumrin #5

by Ted Naifeh
Format: Hardcover
Published by Oni Press on May 14th 2014
Pages: 148
Genres: Comics & Graphic Novels, General, Young Adult

The first five issues of the full-color Courtney Crumrin comic series are collected for the first time in a special hardcover edition! Holly Hart is new to Hillsborough and witchcraft. When her family moves in next to Courtney, the two girls quickly become friends. But as Courtney watches Holly making the same mistakes she once made, she begins to have second thoughts about teaching the girl magic. And when Holly sees the aftermath of the other children's

One of the good things about getting back into the library is being able to catch up on some graphic novels that I discovered last summer and imagine my surprise when I discovered that the next three volumes of Courtney Crumrin  were out. I quickly borrowed them because I wanted to catch up.

The Witch Next Door is volume 5 and they are super quick reads. It picks right up from where volume 4 left off which is really nice.

In this graphic novel a new girl (Holly) moves in and its right across from Courtney’s uncle’s house. Courtney is thrilled to finally have a friend and things are going really good until magic steps in between their friendship. Courtney and Holly get along so well because they both are deemed as outcast and appear to be exactly alike in manner and style of clothing. I think Holly is thrilled to finally have found a friend.

I don’t want to say much more about the book because I can literally give it away. Its a really good read and if your a fan of dark graphic novels then I have to recommend this. It was nice to see how much Courtney has grown emotionally, mentally and magically.


Meme/Waiting on Wednesday #20 BEA Buzz Book


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking The Spine and its spotlights upcoming books that we are eagerly waiting for. I plan on including upcoming releases and books that are already released.

This week I am featuring:

The hilarious new YA from acclaimed author Tina Connolly.
Camellia’s adopted mother wants Cam to grow up to be just like her. Problem is, Mom’s a seriously wicked witch.
Cam’s used to stopping the witch’s crazy schemes for world domination. But when the witch summons a demon, he gets loose–and into Devon, the cute new boy at school.
Suddenly Cam’s got bigger problems than passing Algebra. Her friends are getting zombiefied. Their dragon is tired of hiding in the RV garage. For being a shy boy-band boy, Devon is sure kissing a bunch of girls. And a phoenix hidden in the school is going to explode on the night of the Halloween Dance.
To stop the demon before he destroys Devon’s soul, Cam might have to try a spell of her own. But if she’s willing to work spells like the witch…will that mean she’s wicked too?

Mini-Review/ In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age

Mini-Review/ In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital AgeIn Real Life by Nev Schulman
Format: Paperback
Published by Grand Central Publishing on September 2nd 2014
Pages: 256
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Computers, Dating, Entertainment & Performing Arts, Family & Relationships, General, Interpersonal Relations, Love & Romance, Media Studies, Motivational & Inspirational, Performing Arts, Popular Culture, Psychology, Self-Help, Social Networking, Social Psychology, Social Science, Television, Web

From the host of MTV's #1 show Catfish comes the definitive guide about how to connect with people authentically in today's increasingly digital world.IN REAL LIFE: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age As the host of the wildly popular TV series Catfish which investigates online relationships to determine whether they are based on truth or fiction (spoiler: it's almost always fiction). Nev has become the Dr. Drew of online relationships. His clout in this area springs from his own experience with a deceptive online romance, about which he made a critically acclaimed 2010 documentary (also called Catfish). In that film Nev coined the term

Do you know what “Catfish” means? A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances. Have you ever lied about who you were online?

Nev Schulman, the host of the MTV show Catfish, was a victim of a catfish and this is his personal story. I have been a fan of the show for quite some time now and each and every time I watch it I shake my head and wonder how people can do this to other people? Why do we have to lie about who we are?

In 2007, Nev fell victim to a catfish. With the help of his brother and a friend they tracked down his catfish and discovered that she was a middle aged woman. They turned this into a documentary that ended up being a hit at the Sundance Festival and from their the show was created.

The book touches on his own personal experience as well as his favorite parts of the tv show along with some advise on how you should and shouldn’t act online.

The book is broken down into three sections: Catfishing: A Primer, How to Live and Love Online and How to Live and Love Offline too. Within the book are emails, text, photos and so much more that add to the book. I think this book is really aimed at the teens/young adults instead of my generation.

This was a pretty quick read and I did enjoy reading it. I have never been catfished and I think thats because I am a pretty cautious person when it comes to that because I have been taught if its too good to be true then it probably is.

Going to BEA 2015


Its hard to believe its that time of the year again for Book Expo America. Its happening again in New York City at the Jacob Javitis Center. Running from May27th to 29th, 2015. I am not quite sure yet how many days I will be attending BEA as it will depend on what is going on.

Are you going to BEA this year? Please leave me a comment so I know if you are going or not.

Is this your first time or have you been before? For me this will be my fourth time going. I went in 2010 and it was a blast. Although I wish I had known then what I know now because it would have been so helpful.

If your a first time goer I thought I would share some info with you and by no means am I an expert its just stuff that I have seen or has happened to me. Please share any tips you have or may want to know.

1) Comfortable shoes. This is going to be repeated over and over but trust me you will do a lot of walking around NYC and Javitis. I had shoes that I thought were comfy but my first day in NYC I ended up getting blisters which meant I had to rush out and buy sneakers. Funny enough it seemed like I could not get my size anywhere.

2) Pack lightly. This is something I did right I packed enough for the week only and one or two extra tops just in case I went out. I admit I have a bad habit of over packing because really you never know what is going to happen, right? But if you think about the week and what you plan on doing it will help alot.

3) Business cards. You will be handing out cards to all kinds of publishers and reps plus a few bloggers perhaps. This year I will be bringing my new cards because I am now self hosted.

4) Shuttle buses. Every year shuttle bus are provided to BEA attendees. Take advantage of them if you can. Just check where the nearest one is from your hotel. I took them in the morning and they were pretty quick but leaving at the end of the day is another story because you will be in rush hour. Also you should know that there is no shuttle buses running during the day so basically its the morning and afternoon.

5) Getting into BEA. I heard this has been a problem the first year I went. You don’t have to push, shove or cut to get in the show floor. Be patient and wait. Some people have been there way before you. I didn’t see anything because I was attending an author breakfast when the doors opened but I did hear alot of people complaining about this.

6) Snacks and water. Just a heads up eating at Javitis is expensive. You honestly could buy three water bottles for the price you will pay inside plus lunch was super expensive inside as well. I bought a bottle with me and just refilled it and I made sure I had some snacks to tie me over. If your hotel provides breakfast you can grab an apple or banana. I am guilty of doing that. Plan ahead. I heard that there was a food cart outside selling hotdogs so that could be a cheaper alternative to eating inside.

7) Another alternative to shipping. Suitcases aren’t allowed on the floor but you can check it in for a small daily fee (under $5 a day). The section is downstairs. (As you walk in from getting off the shuttle buses) There is always someone there to watch over the suitcases. I didn’t have a problem with leaving my books in the suitcase. It helped when my arms were getting sore. The only thing that confused me at first was because I shared a suitcase with my roommate and was confused by the books at first and wondering if I had the right suitcase.

8) Shipping. There is shipping on site to ship your books home (which I think I will be doing this time but it all depends on my budget) or you can walk to the nearest post office and use them. The only thing with shipping is I heard that some people take it upon themselves to raid other peoples boxes. I know this for a fact because it happened to a blog I follow. So anything that is of value keep it with you. I just think for people to do that is just wrong. Its basically stealing in my eyes. So if you want your books to be save and sound I suggest the suitcase on wheels. Just remember there is no suitcases etc on the show room floor.

9) Be polite and professional. I know this is easier said then done but really what you do will reflect on you and all book bloggers. It takes just two seconds to say “Excuse Me” “Sorry” Thank You” you will be surprised at how far those words can go and mean to someone. Just remember your actions are going to be reflected on us as bloggers. Always say thank you to some who hands you a book or swag.

10) Common sense and courtesy. If you are standing in line please don’t be saving spots for ten of your friends, other people behind you have been waiting just as long as you or cutting into the line for that same reason. Personally I don’t mind one or two but when you text or call them to say the line is moving and the next thing you know 10 additional people are ahead of you. (This has happened to me quite a few times my first year there.) Also if you see one person talking to another (in a line) and one person moves to talk don’t get all in there face and yell them out for line jumping that isn’t cool especially when they say they have no interest in the book. (I witnessed that and sadly I know the blogger that did that) and once I got home I ended up unfollowing that blog.

11) The displays, booths or other peoples boxes in shipping. This one might get me into trouble but just because your at BEA that doesn’t entitle you to just take something from a display or box (either a fellow attendees or in a booth or conference room)without permission. Always ask someone before you take something from a booth. Those boxes are sealed for a reason. As for the shipping area I really think that is wrong for you to go into someone’s box and take what ever you want. Its not your box, that person you are stealing from probably went through alot of trouble to get those books. How would it feel if someone did that to you? Pretty crumby right?

12)Keep the flow of traffic going. Don’t stop in the middle of the isle to chit chat with friends and start pulling out your books to show what you got. Move to the side if you want to do that. I don’t know how many people I bumped into because of that. The isle’s aren’t that big and you have to remember that there is alot of people walking around with bags full of books.

13) Getting around NYC. The best way to see the city is really to walk but if you can’t I have to suggest the subway. Its not as scary as it sounds although I wish the people who worked inside the booths were a little more friendlier and approachable. The subway system can be a little complicated so you should know where you are going. This was the most I ever walked around a city and I enjoyed it. Except when I got lost and no one seemed to know where anything was.

14) Sight seeing. Don’t go to NYC just for BEA get out and do some sight seeing. There is so much to see and do. This year I am hoping to get more sight seeing down and as its looking I know Monday and Friday will be those days for me possibly more.

So if your going have fun and remember going to BEA is a privilege, not a right. Don’t walk in there with entitlement thinking that you deserve to do whatever you want just because you are a book blogger.