Release Day Blitz/ Ghost by Nicole James



Ghost has been living his life under one rule…never fall in love, never get too close, never get tied down to just one woman. Focusing solely on his club, he is able to remain unattached and free…. until a girl from his past is dropped in his lap. She was a line he swore he’d never cross. And now, in order to obtain an alliance his club needs, he’s forced to use her in ways he’d never imagined.

She needs his protection, and she’s the one woman he can’t refuse.
When Ghost finds himself unable to keep his distance from her, will he be able to push his feelings aside and use her as a pawn for the attainment of his club’s goals? Or will he put the club and their lives at risk to follow his heart?

When lies and secrets come between them, can they overcome everything to find their own piece of heaven?

To buy the book please click on this AMAZON link to take you there.

GhostNicoleJamesAbout the Author

Nicole James grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. As a child, she wrote her first book, Charlie the Firefly, at the age of eight. Her mother knew long before she did that she would someday become an author. Growing up, she spent many happy weekends and summers in Michigan at a cabin on a lake. Winters, she loved to ski. As an adult, Nicole has traveled all over the West and South. She has lived in Illinois, Arizona, Georgia and Alabama. She has a love of motorcycles, writing, reading and the beach. Her favorite city is New Orleans. She loves music of all kinds, but especially the blues. She has two wonderful sisters, two fabulous kids, one awesome son-in-law, and an adorable granddaughter

Review/ Until We Meet Again

Review/ Until We Meet AgainUntil We Meet Again by Renee Collins
Format: ARC
Published by Sourcebooks, Inc. on November 3rd 2015
Pages: 336
Genres: 20th Century, Dating & Sex, Historical, Love & Romance, Social Issues, United States, Young Adult

Country clubs and garden parties. The last thing Cassandra wants is to spend the summer before her senior year marooned in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. Cass craves drama and adventure, which is hard when she just feels stuck.But when a dreamy stranger shows up on her family's private beach, claiming that it is his property-and that the year is 1925-Cass is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making. As she searches for answers in the present, Cass discovers a truth that thrusts Lawrence's life into jeopardy. It won't matter which century he is from if he won't live to see tomorrow.Desperate to save the boy who's come to mean everything to her, Cassandra must find a way to change history...or risk losing Lawrence forever.

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I was lucky enough to pick up this book at BEA this past May and I have held off on reading it until now.

I have to begin by saying that I loved the book and I couldn’t put it down. I was literally reading this every chance I could get. Its been awhile since I have read time traveling books. I use to be a big fan when they came out and I stopped reading them but now I feel like I want to dig out what ones I have sitting in my tbr pile and read them again. Do you like time traveling books? Have you read any time traveling books?

This is the perfect book to read on a beach during a summer vacation. I was getting home sick reading this because I grew up on the beach and this is your typical summer vacation romance kind of story.

Cassandra is your typical teen age girl. She is on vacation with her mother and new step father and is clearly not having the time of her life because she misses her friends back home. Its when she is on the beach that she is at peace and one night she meets this cute boy named Lawrence. Cassandra knows there is something different about Lawrence but she just can’t think what is so different about him until the story line progresses.

Instantly Cassandra and Lawrence connect and you can see the instant love happening. Your typical but not so typical summer love story.

I really loved that it was told in Cassandra’s and Lawrence’s point of views because you got the back ground story which I think added to the storyline.

It doesn’t take long before they both come to realize that Lawrence is from the 1920’s and Cassandra is from the present day. The realize that the beach is the only connecting spot for them and they take to spending alot of time on the beach. The only think I kept worrying about was the fact Cassandra was trying to help Lawrence out  and provide him with information and if all that would alter history that has already been written. Could their romance change the course of their history?

You might think this is just a typical summer romance story but there is so much more to the book then just that. There is tons of twist and turns (lets just say a mob family from NYC, mixed with murder, mystery, jealous and tragedy) that make you turn the page to find out what is going to happen next.  I really wanted to zip through the book but a part of me just wanted to bask in the story line because it was so beautifully written and it made me long to be on the beach.

Reading this book came at the perfect time to cure my little reading slump I was in.


Book Spotlight/ Until We Meet Again


until-we-meet-again Title: UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN
Author: Renee Collins
Release Date: November 3, 2015
Pages: 336
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Find It: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |iBooks

They exist in two different centuries, but their love defies time
Cassandra craves drama and adventure, so the last thing she wants is to spend her summer marooned with her mother and stepfather in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. But when a dreamy stranger shows up on their private beach claiming it’s his own—and that the year is 1925—she is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making.

As she searches for answers in the present, Cassandra discovers a truth that puts their growing love—and Lawrence’s life—into jeopardy. Desperate to save him, Cassandra must find a way to change history…or risk losing Lawrence forever.

until-we-meet-again-ReneAbout Renee:
I’m a YA writer who loves historical settings, magic, and semi-tragic romance. I’m represented by the amazing Mollie Glick of Foundry Literary + Media.

Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook | Blog

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive a finished copy of UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. US Only.

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Tour Schedule:
Week One:
10/26/2015- Two Chicks on Books– Interview
10/27/2015- Cindy’s Love of Books– Review
10/28/2015- Gone with the Words– Guest Post
10/29/2015- Seeing Double In Neverland– Interview
10/30/2015- Wishful Endings– Review

Week Two:
11/2/2015- My So-Called Book Reviews– Revie
11/3/2015- The Cover Contessa– Guest Post
11/4/2015- Head Stuck In A Book– Review
11/5/2015- Fictitious Delicious– Interview
11/6/2015- Fiction Fare– Review

**Check back shortly for my review of Until We Meet Again**

Book Spotlight/ Colonel Brandon’s Widow and Willoughby



TITLE – Colonel Brandon’s Widow and Willoughby: a Jane Austen ‘Sense and Sensibility’ sequel
AUTHOR – Marianna Green
GENRE – Historical
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 33,000
COVER ARTIST – Period Images/ Nancy Design


Mrs Brandon, the former Marianne Dashwood, is now a widow, and not yet twenty-five.

Her former admirer Willoughby is as unhappily married as ever, and the thought that she is free to marry again drives him to distraction. He has continued in his dissolute lifestyle, which Marianne abhors, while his wife Sophia’s life has been poisoned by jealousy of Marianne.

Marianne urges him that the only possibility of happiness for Willoughby and his wife is for him to give up his empty pursuit of pleasure – but now the Colonel is gone, Marianne finds that she can no longer push aside thoughts of Willoughby easily herself; she must find some way of occupying her own empty hours.

Willoughby retains his rascally charm, which an older and wiser Marianne is determined to resist; Elinor and Edward are as astute as ever, while Sir John and Lady Middleton are as foolish. Mrs. Jennings remains determined to marry off all her associates as before, while Sophia Willoughby is even more sour as the wife of the man she wanted, and Willoughby’s friends are suitably cynical rakes.

This sequel to Jane Austen’s ‘Sense and Sensibility’ strives to emulate some of the light ironic touch of the inimitable style of Jane Austen; it is both funny and sad, and is told as dark comedy.

Colonel Brandon - CoverBUY & TBR LINKS



‘The union of the Willoughby’s only resembled that of the Brandon’s in being childless. Unlike the latter couple, they had no common interests to compensate, unless an unfortunate tendency to over indulge in wine and other stimulants could count as a mutual source of diversion.

It is true that they did share in common a manner of relating to each other that involved raised voices behind slammed doors, angry silences and periods of cold civility; but this shared inclination brought them no closer together.

It could be further urged on their behalf , that in this conduct, they provided society with the diversion of much talk, and their staff with constant entertainment; – for Willoughby’s confidential valet knew all about his improper pursuits, while his wife’s lady’s maid could recount how Mrs Willoughby had cursed him for a fortune hunting libertine in full hearing of the servants, and of how savagely he had kicked shut her sitting room door before retorting that, ‘Devil take it, in his whole worthless life, he had only cared for Mrs Brandon, and he’d be damned if he pretended anything else to please a scolding…’ But the reader does not wish to hear any more of this.

Seemingly their staff lacked any discretion, and soon enough, the content of the Willoughby’s exchanges leaked out into polite society, which showed still less decorum in repeating them assiduously. Many a man had dined out for a month on his knowledge of episodes that ought to have been cloaked in decent silence, and Miss Steele was one of many maiden ladies agog for the latest outrage.’


‘Marianna Green lives in Wales, UK. She has long been fascinated with the classics of English Literature, and particularly admires the trenchant wit of Jane Austen’



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Meme/ Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over at The Broke and the Bookish. They love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week they will post a new Top Ten list  that one of their bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All that they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment on their post. Have fun with it! It’s a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
This week’s prompt is:
10 Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me (a new book from a certain author,  a reading superpower, a library that is your absolutely #librarygoals, a character to come to life, to met a certain author etc. etc.) YOU DREAM IT AND THE BOOKISH GENIE CAN DO IT.
I love today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt, don’t you? Who doesn’t like to dream? I mean if you are going to dream, dream big or go home I say…
Dear Book Genie, please find enclosed my Top Ten wishes that are in no particular order.
  1. I would love to have the ability to read like my favorite character from Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid. Can you image how many books you could? That would be a great way to clear your TBR pile.
  2. Since I would like to speed read, I would need a way to get my reviews done just as quickly so I would love to be able to think about the review as I am reading and some how have it connected to the computer so that it could write my review for me.
  3. I would love to have a library like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
  4. I would love to have all expense paid trips to all the book conventions in the world. I have only ever been to BEA in NYC but how fun would it be to go to ALA, RT Booklovers Convention, etc
  5. I would love it if all books in a series were matching in format, height and cover design.
  6. I would love to read all day so I would need to be able to split myself up so that I can do household chores.
  7. I would love to have an unlimited book budget to buy all the books I want
  8. I would love to have the subsciption services that are book related monthly
  9. I would love for my book blogger friends to get their wishes.
  10. Finally I would love to be able to see my book blogger friends more often then once ever two years.

What would you as the for?