If We Were Having Tea…. #5


If we were having tea… I would tell you that this was one busy week and I am happy to see it finally end. It was seriously Murphy’s Law this week because everything went completely wrong.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that its been stressful all week with having no access to my blog. I couldn’t access it at all even though I was told everyone could see it. I think towards the end of the week I broke down in tears because I thought all my hard work was going to be gone. Thankfully a week later it gets resoloved.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that yesterday was my birthday and it was a fantastic day. I got to hang out with Tina from Bookshipper for breakfast and then in the afternoon I got to hang out with others friends that we have known for about nine years now and we went and cut down our Xmas tree. Plus I got some pretty amazing gifts.

If we were having tea… I would tell you this month is going to be really hard with not having my mom with this. This was also a tough week because this is my first birthday without her. Every time the phone rang I kept wishing it was her. So this month is going to be really low key.

If we were having tea… I would tell you instead of going out for dinner like we normally do I opted to stay home and have this amazing 3 cheese Roasted Vegetable Pasta dish that is so yummy with strawberry shortcake on the side.

If we were having tea... I would tell you that this afternoon we have our hockey team xmas party which will be fun. I am really enjoying the parents on the team.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that this week I plan on starting some xmas baking and I know this week we will be decorating the tree.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week.

If We Were Having Tea…… #1


I recently saw Jennifer from Mrs.Q Book Addict post this on her blog and I thought it was an interesting idea so I thought I might do this as well. I hope that is okay Jennifer?

If we were having tea….I would tell you that this has been a busy weekend. Yesterday Michael’s hockey team had their 6th game yesterday and they won 6-1. So we are now 2 wins and 4 loses. I would tell you that I love watching Michael skate. In a future post I will share a clip of a game.

If we were having tea….I would tell you that I am taking part in a Literary Tea today with my friend Jennifer who has author John Farrow/Trevor Ferguson coming to her house to speak to about 15-20 people about his books.

If we were having tea….I would tell you that I am so tired and once again this time change has kicked me in the butt. I am waking up at 5:30am every morning and by 8:30pm I am exhausted and I want to go to bed. I would ask if this is effecting you too?

If we were having tea….I would ask if you are doing any Christmas shopping yet? I want to start but I just don’t feel like I have the energy to do so. Its been a rough year with my father in law passing last December and then my mom this past August. We are already talking about a tree and you would think by now my family would know its not happening until after December 5th (my birthday)

If we were having tea….I would tell you that I feel like I am back to my regular reading again and enjoying it. I am slowly making head way through my BEA 2015 books and it feels good to slowly be going through them.

If we were having tea…. I would tell you that I enjoyed today and I look forward to next week in seeing you again.