Book Blitz/ Murder on The Lake

Murder on the Lake of Fire
Mikel J. Wilson
(Mourning Dove Mysteries, #1)
Published by: Acorn Publishing
Publication date: December 1st 2017
Genres: LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance

At twenty-three and with a notorious case under his belt, Emory Rome has already garnered fame as a talented special agent for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. His career is leapfrogging over his colleagues, but the jumping stops when he’s assigned a case he fought to avoid – to investigate an eerie murder in the Smoky Mountain hometown he had abandoned. This mysterious case of a dead teen ice-skater once destined for the pros is just the beginning. In a small town bursting with envious friends and foes, Rome’s own secrets lie just below the surface. The rush to find the murderer before he strikes again pits Rome against artful private investigator, Jeff Woodard. The PI is handsome and smart, seducing Rome and forcing him to confront childhood demons, but Woodard has secrets of his own. He might just be the killer Rome is seeking.

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Britt hadn’t been able to even look at her skates since the embarrassment of her last competition, and now as they dangled from her shoulders, she faced the frozen lake like it was a pervy ass-pincher about to get slapped. Knowing someone had drugged her didn’t soothe the humiliation of that night and didn’t make returning to the ice any easier.

“I can do this,” she chanted while her shins cut through the crouching morning fog and her boots crunched a path onto the snow. As she unburdened her shoulder at the lake’s bank, the blades clinked against each other like engaged sabers, shocking the silence to attention. She changed her footwear and stepped onto the frozen water, prepared for battle.

Britt plowed through the thin layer of snow atop the ice and warmed up with minor moves of little friction that evolved into grander displays of gifted athleticism. From a Y-spiral she leapt into a butterfly jump and followed it with a double Axel. When she landed, she spotted something protruding from the ice in her path. Branch! She shuffled her feet and averted a tumble, but the back of her blades scraped each other, which caused a slight spark.

Composure regained, Britt twisted into a purposeful spin. As she drew in her arms to increase her speed, her visible breath encircled her head like the arms of the Milky Way. She couldn’t focus on the white and grey world that whirled around her, but she noticed that the sun had risen and was now warming her face.

The sun, however, was still in its place, hiding behind the snow-covered pines.

Fire surrounded her petite frame and spread across the lake. Britt tried to scream, but the smoke she gasped in gagged her throat.

She continued spinning, unable to stop, as the blaze engulfed her body. In a fiery vortex, Britt plunged through the melting ice.


Author Bio:

Mystery and science fiction author Mikel J. Wilson received widespread critical praise for his debut novel, Sedona: The Lost Vortex, a science fiction book based on the Northern Arizona town’s legends of energy vortexes and dimensional travel. Wilson now draws on his Southern roots for the Mourning Dove Mysteries, a series of novels featuring bizarre murders in the Smoky Mountains region of Tennessee.

Murder on the Lake of Fire, the first novel in the Mourning Dove Mysteries series, will be available December 1, 2017.

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Hello December

Its hard to believe its December already. Where is the time going?

Hopefully your December isn’t too busy but I am sure it is. Mine is looking like it will be busy with my birthday coming up, hockey (we have 5 games left for this year plus a tournament), plus I am prepping another team for this tournament plus doing all my manager stuff with them, baking, family coming in and school wrapping up. Its going to be busy.

All I Want for Christmas 2017 is… #2

Danya from A Tapestry of Words started this fun little feature on her blog called All I Want For Christmas Is… and basically what you do is share your wishlist of books. I thought that this would be something fun to do perhaps on a weekly bases until Christmas.

Can you believe we are almost into December and Christmas is in a few short weeks?

I am no where near being started so over the next week or so I will be shopping, shopping and more shopping for gifts for my family.  Hopefully I am out of the boot by then and I am able to get around more. Are you ready?

A Million Owls: Fine Feathered Friends To Color by Lulu Mayo

I really don’t need another coloring book but this is with owls and its so cute.

3d Coloring New York City

Another coloring book I don’t really need but hey its NYC..

Beware That GirlRebel Of The SandsThe Bookshop on the Corner: A NovelThe Curious Charms Of Arthur PepperYou Will Know Me: A Novel

What is on your Christmas wishlist?

Review/ The November Girl

Review/ The November GirlThe November Girl by Lydia Kang
Published by Entangled Publishing on November 7th 2017
Pages: 340

**A November Goodreads Best Book of the Month!**
I am Anda, and the lake is my mother. I am the November storms that terrify sailors and sink ships. With their deaths, I keep my little island on Lake Superior alive.
Hector has come here to hide from his family until he turns eighteen. Isle Royale is shut down for the winter, and there's no one here but me. And now him.
Hector is running from the violence in his life, but violence runs through my veins. I should send him away, to keep him safe. But I'm half human, too, and Hector makes me want to listen to my foolish, half-human heart. And if I do, I can't protect him from the storms coming for us.
"Three-dimensional vividness...An emotional and dramatic tale of an otherworldly relationship."--KIRKUS REVIEWS

Before getting into my review I just have to thank Entangled Teen for sending me a copy of the book so that I could read and review it for my tour stop with Chapter By Chapter Book Tours.

This is going to be another book that I have to watch what I write so this could be a short and sweet review. I don’t want to spoil it for you in case you want to read it and I hope you will. This was a fantastic book, The writing was beautiful and descriptive. At times I felt like I was a part of the book and I love books like that.

I just have to say that this book tackles a lot of social issues so be prepared as it seems like its all discussed in this book from self harm, abuse etc. This was in no means a light read.

I have to say right away that I was a little confused at first because I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Ande and who/what she was because her father is human and her mother is a lake. Yes a lake. How is that possible? That alone I wanted to know more about. As the story progresses you learn a lot about Ande and I grew to love her.

The November Girl is told in alternating points of view from Ande and Hector so you are able to find out more about each character and I like that.

Hector is 17 years old who does not live the ideal life and my heart broke for him. Hector is a mix of Korean and African American. His mother has chosen to live in Korea and has sent Hector to live with his dad but his dad is in the military so he is living with his uncle. His uncle doesn’t view him as a human basically because all he sees is the money. In order for Hector to deal with things he self harms. Feeling like he has no where to go he decides to run away until his 18th birthday to the Isle Royale because he knows once winter comes the island is deserted and he can be alone.

What can I say about Ande? She is definitely mysterious and intriguing. Ande has lived on Isle Royale all her life. Ande lives on the island with her  her father and tries to live a normal life but once November rolls around she is itching to be who she truly is. She is that the November storm that wrecks havoc on sailors and sinks their ships. She has to do this so that the she/the island can survive.

I loved watching the relationship between Ande and Hector grow. It was so sweet and innocent. It was nice to see that even though they are both broken and similar that they are different at the same time. If that makes sense?

What can I say about this book? I really enjoyed it and it was definitely a change of pace from what I have been reading. This was not a fast paced book, but it was something that was mysterious and kept you on the edge of your seat forcing you to keep reading.

Isn’t the cover gorgeous?


Book Spotlight/ The November Girl

The November Girl by Lydia Kang

Publication Date: November 7, 2017

Publisher: Entangled Teen

I am Anda, and the lake is my mother. I am the November storms that terrify sailors and sink ships. With their deaths, I keep my little island on Lake Superior alive.

Hector has come here to hide from his family until he turns eighteen. Isle Royale is shut down for the winter, and there’s no one here but me. And now him.

Hector is running from the violence in his life, but violence runs through my veins. I should send him away, to keep him safe. But I’m half human, too, and Hector makes me want to listen to my foolish, half-human heart. And if I do, I can’t protect him from the storms coming for us.




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Tour Schedule:


Lydia Kang is an author of young adult fiction, poetry, and narrative non-fiction. She graduated from Columbia University and New York University School of Medicine, completing her residency and chief residency at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. She is a practicing physician who has gained a reputation for helping fellow writers achieve medical accuracy in fiction. Her poetry and non-fiction have been published in JAMA, The Annals of Internal Medicine, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Journal of General Internal Medicine, and Great Weather for Media. She believes in science and knocking on wood, and currently lives in Omaha with her husband and three children.

Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads


Giveaway Info:

Here’s the rafflectopter widget for this giveaway:

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• Three (3) The November Girl Swag Packs.

Planner Hop Dec 1st-15th

Yesterday I just happened to be going through my emails and I spotted a email from Anna from Herding Cats and Burning Soup talking about a planner hop that she was organizing with Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag so I had to go and check it out.

As some of you may or may not know I am a planner junkie and in the new year I want to start sharing more of my planner stuff on my blog in weekly posts.

If you want to know more about this planner hop be sure to go and check out Lauren’s blog post HERE.

They are looking for planner girls to join in on the hop so if you are a planner girl be sure to sign up. I did and I can’t wait to read the other bloggers posts and to share mine as well. I am hoping to get some inspiration during this time for my upcoming planner.

During the time period I will be doing a give away or two so be sure to come back and check it out.

Are you a planner girl? If so what kind of planner do you use? Do you decorate it? Do you blog about it, if so share your links below so I can go and check it out.


Cover Reveal/ The Last Savior

Today is the cover reveal for The Lost Savior by Siobhan Davis. This cover reveal is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours.

The Lost SaviorThe Lost Savior (Alinthia #1)
By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Reverse Harem
Age category: upper Young Adult / New Adult
Release Date: 30 January 2018

They came from another world to protect her. Now it’s her destiny to save them …

Tori King is a normal senior in high school. Head over heels in love with her childhood sweetheart, she is busy making plans for college when a chance encounter with an alien bounty hunter turns her world upside down. Now, she’s experiencing terrifying changes and developing supernatural abilities that leave her questioning her entire existence.

Then the arrival of four hot new guys at school has everyone talking—especially when they become fixated on Tori, following her wherever she goes. She can’t shake them off, and as they grow closer, she finds herself drawn to all four of them in ways she cannot explain.

When they finally reveal their true identity, and why they’re here for her, she discovers everything she thought she knew about herself is a lie.

Because there is nothing normal about Tori King.

And she’s about to discover exactly how underrated normal is.

This mind-bending paranormal alien reverse harem series is only suitable for readers aged seventeen and older due to language and mature content.

You can find The Lost Savior on Goodreads

Sign up here to be notified when this book goes on pre-order! You will also receive an email when it’s released in January.

Check out the cover for The Secret Heir (Alinthia #2)!
The Secret Heir
Add The Secret Heir to your to-read list on Goodreads

SiobhanAbout the Author:
USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis writes emotionally intense young adult and new adult fiction with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She is the author of the international bestselling True Calling, Saven, and Kennedy Boys series.

Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

You can find and contact Siobhan here:
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