If We Were Having Tea…. #31


If we were having tea… I would tell you that its hard to believe its Sunday already. Where is the time going? The weeks are just passing way to fast.

If we were having tea… I tell you that its going to be a busy day today. We are planning on going to Laval to look for a skate board for Michael and hopefully that will be it. I also have to do groceries at some point today.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that this week I got to meet up with a old high school (BFF) friend because she was in town for her vacation. It was so much fun hanging out with her and being down town. It was nice to talk about the good ole days of high school.

If we were having tea... I would tell you that this week Michael had a 3 on 3 hockey game and he got another goal. He loves playing this kind of hockey. His team is placing very high in the league which is really nice.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that this was pretty much the last week of high school for Michael and then he goes into exams. Wow that was fast.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I have been making it more of an effort to get out and walk much more. I am determined to lose some weight so that I am ready for NYC next year.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week.