April Book Unhauling #4

April was a pretty good month for me because I manged to read a bunch of really good books this month and we are still slowly doing Spring cleaning. This summer I plan on tackling the boxes in the basement and doing another clean of the bookcases.

Right now I am trying to focus on the children and middle grade books because I would love to make a drop off at my son’s school before June if possible because I know thats when the librarian closes the llibrary and does her count.

Are you curious to see what I am unhauling this month?

These are all books we have read and I know I won’t be rereading them again and for Michael its stuff he doesn’t want anymore.

  • The Haunting of Sunshine Girl (my review will be posted in May)
  • Pokemon DP Battle Dimesion The Secret of the Tower
  • Geronimo Stilton Alerte aux meteorites sur silexcity
  • Geronimo Stilton Qui a Vole le Diamant geant?
  • Tiyi, Princesse d’Egypte
  • J’aime Lire Un Cheval pour Noel
  • Book Of Hockey Lists by Paul Romanuk
  • Hockey Trailblazers by Nicole Mortillaro
  • Pokemon Black & White Emolga Makes Mischief
  • Pokemon Black & white Ash’s Triple Threat
  • Pokemon Black & White Sandile in Trouble
  • Phineas & Ferb Lost at Sea
  • Dear Canada Pieces of the Past the Holocaust Diary of Rose Rabinowitz
  • The Warrior Sheep Go West
  • The Quest of The Warrior Sheep
  • How to Outplay a Bully by Nancy Wilcox Richards
  • Hockey Rules by Irene Punt
  • The Rink Rats by Irene Punt
  • The Wicked Slapshot by Irene Punt
  • Foul Play by Karen Edwards
  • Project Jackalope by Emily Ecton
  • Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader for Kids Only
  • Hockey Superstars all time greats
  • 2011-2012 Hockey Superstars
  • NHL Hockey an offical fan’s guide
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck
  • Don’t Try to Find Me
  • The Girl on the Train

The total unhauling for April is  28  and the total to date is 89,

Sundays In Bed With……..May 3rd Edition



Welcome to my Sundays In Bed With… Meme! The meme that dares to ask, what book has been in your bed this morning?  Come share what book you’ve spent time curled up reading in bed, or which book you wish you had time to read today!

Its hard to believe is that time of the week again. I am hoping that I can squeeze both of these books in today and I think I can because as of late I have been waking up at 5-5:30am most days because of a bird who decides that yea its getting bright out that I need to wake up the neighborhood or just me. So unable to get back to sleep I have been coming down stairs to make coffee and read.

This week I am doubling up again and its rare that I will read two books at one time but since they both are completely different I think its okay and easy enough to keep the story lines apart.

This was a review copy that I was sent so I want to make sure I am keeping on top of the review books so I don’t get behind with BEA coming up.

The totally awesome Bronwyn asked me if I would be interested in reading her debut novel and I said of course I gotta support my fellow Canadian authors and she use to be a rep I worked with back in the day. I am really enjoying this.

Hope everyone has a good day today. We have hockey at noon and then I need to run to do groceries and then come home to bake and cook for the week. Hopefully you have a good day.

Blog Ahead May 2015 Goals

mini blogahead 400

Good Early morning to everyone.

You might recall last November me taking part in the 30 Days, 30+ Pre-Schedules Blog Ahead that Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup where the idea behind this was to actually have pre-scheduled blog post ready for you blog. I loved doing it and it was honestly nice knowing I had posts pre-scheduled ready and waiting for me.

The goal for me in the next 14 days is to actually work on having pre-scheduled posts done and the plan is:

  • to do all my Waiting On Wednesday’s post from July to September (thats 9 weekly post)
  • complete my month of May with reviews etc (I already completed the week I am in NYC for BEA in November so I just have to finish up the rest of the month)
  • prep my posts for the week I come back from NYC/BEA with a daily wrap up

Those are my goals for the next 14 days, wish me luck.

Are you taking part?


Review/ Don’t Try to Find Me

Review/ Don’t Try to Find MeDon't Try To Find Me: A Novel by Holly Brown
Format: Paperback
Published by Ireland Books on April 2015
Pages: 361

When a fourteen-year-old runs away, her parents turn to social media to find her—launching a public campaign that will expose their darkest secrets and change their family forever, in this suspenseful and gripping debut for fans of Reconstructing Amelia and Gone Girl.

Don’t try to find me. Though the message on the kitchen white board is written in Marley’s hand, her mother Rachel knows there has to be some other explanation. Marley would never run away.

As the days pass and it sinks in that the impossible has occurred, Rachel and her husband Paul are informed that the police have “limited resources.” If they want their fourteen-year-old daughter back, they will have to find her themselves. Desperation becomes determination when Paul turns to Facebook and Twitter, and launches FindMarley.com.

But Marley isn’t the only one with secrets.

With public exposure comes scrutiny, and when Rachel blows a television interview, the dirty speculation begins. Now, the blogosphere is convinced Rachel is hiding something. It’s not what they think; Rachel would never hurt Marley. Not intentionally, anyway. But when it’s discovered that she’s lied, even to the police, the devoted mother becomes a suspect in Marley’s disappearance.

Is Marley out there somewhere, watching it all happen, or is the truth something far worse?

I received this book for free from publisher/pr firm in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Don’t Try To Find Me is Holly Brown’s debut novel that came out last summer in hard cover and coming out this summer is Holly’s second book called A Necessary End. Which sounds like its going to be a page turner and I can’t wait to read it.

Don’t Try to Find Me is told in alternating points of view, that of 14 year old Marley and her mother Rachel. Marley is a fourteen year freshman girl in high school and through months of planning she has run away from home leaving behind a note saying “Don’t Try to Find Me”.  I was instantly sucked in because I wanted to know why did Marley run away from home?

It seems like Marley was your typical high school girl living in a small California town, she is an only child and she seems to have to loving parents. Seems like everything is good right? According to Marley its not as clean cut as you would think.

As the story progresses you see that not everything was perfect in Marley’s life. Yes she did have two parents in her life but they were basically just there to provide for her. There was no real interaction between any of them and it seemed like no one really cared about anyone. When Marley needed mental help her parents were clearly divided in that decision and it was up to Rachel to take her and this is where you wonder if something was actually going on between Rachel and the Dr. Could this be why Marley decided to run? Did she know something was going on between the two of them?

Was something going on between the two of them? I wondered that through out the book and I thought at times she did but honestly Rachel was telling so many lies throughout the book that I really had to question Rachel.

I really enjoyed the book and I was surprised at how fast I ended up reading it. There was a night that I stayed up a little longer then I should and times when t

One of the things I really enjoyed about the book was how Holly decided to touch on a subject of a girl meeting someone online and running away to be with them and then using the whole social media outlet to try and get her back.


Book Blitz/ Wash Me Away


Purchase on Amazon

Purchase on iBooks

Purchase on B&N

Monsters have a way of following you.

Immersed in a new world at boarding school, Addy Buckley learns she’s not the only one with secrets. While trying to navigate the minefield of painful lies that seem to be rattling around her family’s past, she meets soft on the eyes and heavy on the heart, Napoleon Blake.

When faced with the darkness, Addy must decide to cling to her new life and friends or let the monster carry her away. The choice is hers, sink or swim.




About Wendy Owens

Wendy Owens is a 34 year old author, born in the small college town, Oxford Ohio. After attending Miami University, Wendy went onto a career in the visual arts. For several years she created and sold her own artwork. In 2011 she gave her true love, writing, a try. Her first novel flowed from her in only two weeks time, as though it had been fighting to get out. That moment was when she knew she had found her calling. Wendy now happily spends her days writing the stories her characters guide her to tell, admitting even she doesn’t always know where that might lead. Her first series, The Guardians, will be concluded with the fifth and final book in 2013.

When she’s not writing, this dog lover can be found spending time with her tech geek husband, their three amazing kids, and two pups, lovingly nicknamed stinks and chubbs. She also loves to cook and is a film fanatic.

For more info on Wendy’s young adult fiction visit http://wendy-owens.com/
If you want to follow her on social media you can visit:

Library Loot April 27th Edition



Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.

I wasn’t planning on going to the library this week because I really wanted to read what I still had borrowed but I ended up getting a call for these two books that I had reserved so I walked over to get them and they were:

i stumbled upon these graphic novels last summer so I am excited to see where the story goes.

Do you read graphic novels? What are some of your favorites you have read?