Blog Tour/ Hope At Christmas



hope at christmas

Hope at Christmas
Serendipity Series  (Book 1)
Keeley Smith

Genre: Romance/Chick-Lit
Publisher: Feedaread
Date of Publication:  18th December 2015
Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 78,000

Book Description:

With only 25 days left until Christmas day, Hope makes the rash decision to quit her job.  After a weekend wallowing in self pity, she takes this new opportunity to finally get the job she’s always wanted…only she doesn’t know what she wants to do… She doesn’t think her life can get any worse.

Until she throws coffee on a stranger.

Having finally told his parents that he planned to never follow his father’s footsteps in business, Daniel’s morning didn’t start out that well either.

Until a woman throws coffee on him.

This chance meeting sets off a chain of events.  A wedding.  Downton Abbey.  The roaring 20’s…and a drunk, sexually frustrated cousin.  Neither of them are prepared for this connection, but when does romance ever run a smooth course? With secrets and exes throwing road blocks their way, will it all become too much and end their blossoming romance before it’s even begun?

About the Author:
Keeley Smith is the author of Young Adult series, The Pendle Hill Series and The Soul Keeper Trilogy.

When she’s not writing, she’s reading, eating (chocolate, usually), spending time with her husband and gorgeous dog and colouring- because a genius created colouring books for adults!

She lives in the UK, but would prefer to live somewhere less likely to experience all four seasons in one day.

Ways to connect with the author:

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If We Were Having Tea…. #7


If we were having tea… I would tell you that we are in our last hockey game for 2015. That game is happening this afternoon. We tied our game yesterday. We are half way through our regular season.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that last weekend we were in Hawkesbury for a tournament and the kids on the team won their first game 2-1 and we lost our 2nd game 3-0. So that was it for the tournament. A few of us went out for lunch before heading back to Montreal.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I am officially done with my Christmas shopping, I managed to finish it all this past week with the exception of having to pick up a book Michael asked for yesterday but that is just a quick running in and out. Then the wrapping begins.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I am going to start my Christmas baking. I feel as though I am behind and don’t think I will get to make all that I want to.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that in last weekends tournament Michael got hustler of the game. He was so happy with this and he skated his butt off for this.

A photo posted by @cindysloveofbooks on

If we were having tea... I would tell you that I am excited for winter break as is Michael. He has been swamped with projects for school and I just found out that he has a Faith First project that is due in January. He will be doing his confirmation in May.

If we were having tea… I would tell you a funny story that happened last weekend. I was strolling through my facebook when we got back last Sunday and saw that a friend I went to elementary, junior high and high school with had posted a photo of her son getting the same hustler of the game like Michael did. They were at the same tournament as us and I didn’t get to see her.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week. I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Tag/ Christmas Cheer 2015


Favorite holiday movie?

My favorite holiday movie has to be Miracle on the 34th Street.

Do you have any holiday traditions?

One holiday tradition that we have stuck with since Michael was a baby was each year we buy  special ornaments. At first I would buy a special  ornament for him but once he got old enough to pick his own he would pick that one he wanted. We have a bin for his ornaments so when he moves out he will have his own set of ornaments for his tree.

Favorite holiday candy?

My favorite holiday candy hands down is the barley candies and chicken bones.

barley-pops-christmas-3pieces Chicken-Bones-3








Favorite winter candle scent?

From Bath and Body Works it has to be Frosted Gingerbread and  the cookie one. Smells so good this time of the year.

Favorite holiday memory?

My favorite memory has to be when I was a little kid and we didn’t have alot of money but a neighbor made it a point to go out and spoil us. He said that Santa mistook the packages to his place instead of ours. It was a wonderful Christmas.

Do you stay in your pajamas or get ready for Christmas morning?

This year w

What is your favorite Holiday song/album?

My favorite holiday album is Michael Buble’s one. My favorite song is Last Christmas by Wham.

Who is the hardest person on your list to shop for?

The hardest person to shop for on my list is usually my sister. I always have a hard time thinking of what to buy her. 

Eggnog or Hot Chocolate?

I love having Eggnog but on super cold days its gotta be the hot chocolate.

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Dasher, Cupid, Comet, Blitzen, Rudolph and Donner.

Any New Years resolutions and do you actually stick to them?

Some of my New Years resolutions is to loose some weight (this will mean watching what I eat and exercising more), cleaning up the house and getting rid of things we no longer need or use, budgeting and sticking to it (no more impulsive shopping and getting things I really don’t need) and blogging/vlogging more (this means sticking to a plan and following it through)

Do you have a real or fake tree?

We always have a real tree.

Do you buy your presents in advance or wait until the last minute?

I always buy my presents in advance because I hate the crowds of people this time of the year.

Where you live do you get a White Christmas?

I live in Canada and yes we do have a White Christmas. I can recall there being one year that we had a green Christmas.

All I Want For Christmas Is… #3

alliwantforchristmas (1)

Danya from A Tapestry of Words started this fun little feature on her blog called All I Want For Christmas Is… and basically what you do is share your wishlist of books. I thought that this would be something fun to do perhaps on a weekly bases until Christmas.

This week the book I am hoping to get is:

I flipped through this book at Chapters when I heard about it and it seems like a fun book to do next year.

The Broke & The Bookish Secret Santa (Reveal)


This is one of my favorite Secret Santa exchanges that I take part in pretty much every year.  With the exception of missing one year.

In the secret Santa you have a few options that you could select a) 1 book and a small gift/candy b) 1-2 books and a couple goodies or c) 2-3 books and goodies and I opted for c and I was matched with someone who requested the same thing.

I was lucky enough to receive my gift Friday afternoon and I was going to wait to open it but then decided that I was because it was a rough week.

A photo posted by @cindysloveofbooks on

As you can see it arrived all nicely wrapped. I almost didn’t want to open it. The candy canes were yummy. 

My Secret Santa is a fellow Canadian and her name is Kelsey and she blogs from her home in Ottawa region (which is super close to me roughly about two hours away from me and her blog is Kelsey’s Cluttered Bookshelf . If you click on her button it will take you directly to her blog. I invite you to go and check out Kelsey’s blog and say hi.

Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf

A photo posted by @cindysloveofbooks on

Here is the lovely goodies she sent me. The candy canes were yummy as was the chocolate “C” which I managed to hide before anyone got home. I wasn’t as lucky with the jelly beans though. I thought they were hidden some what on the desk but someone spotted them. Not included was the Christmas card she sent because I hung it up already.

The books were all books I have posted on wishlists which Kelsey said was a huge help to her.

  • The Boy With The Hidden Name by Skylar Dorset (This is book 2 in the Otherworld Series)
  • Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood (book 2 in The Cahill Witch Chronicles)
  • Sister’s Fate by Jessica Spotswood (book 3 in the Cahill Witch Chronicles)

I am super excited to read these fantastic books.

Thank you Kelsey I love my package. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

If We Were Having Tea …. #6


If we were having tea… I would tell you that this we are having a busy hockey weekend. We are currently playing in a hockey tournament in Eastern Ontario.

If we were having tea… I would tell you the kids on the team won their first game 2-1 and that was a boost to their morals. We play again this morning (by the time you read this we are there getting ready to play)

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I have not done any Christmas shopping yet. Well technically I guess that isn’t true since I did purchase Tina’s gift (and gave it to her last week) and another friends gift as well since I saw her last week. I do have another present to give a friend hopefully this week and I can’t forget the two secret Santa’s that I took part in either so that is so shopping done.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that this is going to be the last week of school for Michael and then he is off until the beginning of January and he is excited for the break. He is tired and this academic plus program that he is in is tough. There is a lot of homework to do nightly.

If we were having tea… I would tell you we did bring our tree in from outside and it is currently sitting and will be decorated this week.

If we were having tea... I would tell you that we discovered that we have a little bunny taking shelter in our yard. He is so cute and very timid but it reminds me of when I was a kid in New Brunswick and we had a bunny.

If we were having tea… I would tell you I am exhausted. I started the week with a sinus thing and a headache that just won’t go away. A friend recommend seeing someone about it and I plan on calling to see if they can help.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week.