Blogmas 2014 – The 25 Days of Christmas

As I am slowly wrapping up my posts for the 30 Days, 30+ Pre-Scheduled Blog Posts I was thinking about taking part in Blogmas this year.

If you are on YouTube you know that a good majority of the vloggers are doing a vlogmas next month, which is very popular and you commit to post a vlog daily in the whole month of December. I was thinking of doing a YouTube one but I think that will have to wait until next year because there is just so much on my plate right now that I don’t think I could fit that into my daily life. Although I could do basically one take and not editing, we will see.

So in its place for right now I am going to be doing Blogmas instead and basically I am committing to posting every day this month. I hope you will stop in daily to see the posts.

I was looking online to see what bloggers were going to do this blogmas and I found Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and she posted this prompt list to make it easier to do the Blogmas.

Will you be doing Blogmas 2014?

Counting down the days until Christmas 2014


Growing up I always had a chocolate advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas and its something that I have always done when I moved out, got married and had Michael. Its something that we still do to this day.

Granted we have added to our advent countdown as you will see. It was a few years ago when we moved from those cheapie chocolate ones (you know the ones that the chocolate just taste blah?) to the yummy Lindt ones that we all love. Once Michael got a little older we started to add another one to his countdown and its the Lego one. He absolutely loves the Lego one. He gets to eat a little chocolate and build a toy daily until Christmas.

So this year we will be doing the following Advent calendars and I plan on doing a daily post and vlog (it will be one of those one takes no editing kind) talking about them.



The Lego City Advent Calendar #60063. I always purchase this once it comes out because sometimes they are hard to find.


The Lindt advent calendar has a delicious piece of chocolate daily.



David’s Tea has brought out their 24 days of Tea again. This one is always hard to find. I literally stalk their facebook page to find out when its going to be on sale and get my butt to the store on that day before it opens. I really enjoy this one because you get to try a new and different tea every day in December. Plus you always get a few cups out of the leaves.




Finally the last advent calendar is from Starbucks and I have literally been trying to get one of these for quite some time now so imagine my surprise when I was in Chapters one weekend and we went to Starbucks. There was literally two left so of course I had to nab this one.

Do you do Advent calendars? If so which ones?

Next year I am thinking of making my own, have you done this?

Be sure to come back daily in December to see what goodies we got in our advent calendar.