Today I am very honored to have the author of Tempt the Wolf her latest novel and of Heart of the Wolf and Destiny of the Wolf.
Thank you so very much Terry for stopping by to do this guest post for me.
Capturing the Reader’s Imagination
By Terry Spear
First, thanks to Cindy for having me on Cindy’s Love of Books. I had to smile when I saw your posting, Cindy, about the reading program at the library. I had a little different perspective since I work in one. For us, the beginning of school, means our library-reading program is over and the place doesn’t look like a tornado hit it once a week.
I asked fellow librarians what they thought about this question, what captures their imagination when reading a story?
One said she liked Coming-of-Age stories, seeing a character’s growth, if my friends could see me now, and how surprised other characters would be of their success. So whenever she finds a story like that, she feels involved and can share the character’s dreams and success.
One likes more realistic stories, mystery, no fantasy at all. He likes to puzzle through unsolved crimes and figure out who-dun-it. He saw Harry Potter, but couldn’t read the book because he couldn’t visualize the fantasy world until he watched the movies. For him, it has to be realistic, or he can’t envision it.
I tried listening to an audio book, but my thoughts kept straying. I tried another one, same thing. So for me, I have to read the written word to envision the story.
Some love young adult fiction, no matter the age of the reader, enjoying a more youthful journey. When I read young adult fiction, I take a trip through a teen drama that I didn’t when I was a teen. Would I make different choices if I were the teen in the story? Most often, yes. I love reading them.
Others enjoy historical fiction, a trip to the past, like taking a time-travel capsule trip, but not having to deal with all the problems of living in the historical past.
Some fall in love with characters more than plot and others want the meaty plot and don’t care about the characters as much.
So what captures a reader’s imagination? For everyone it can be different. For many the same. Creating a world that readers can fall into and feel that for the few hours while reading the story, they’re there, taking part, becoming the characters that are striving to overcome the conflict and reach their goals. Creating twists and turns so the reader has to keep on guessing how the story is going to end can stir the imagination. And what about those books that linger in our minds long after we’ve finished reading them? Yep, definitely, they’ve captured our imagination.
For me, it’s forgetting that I’m in this world, so immersed in someone else’s lives that I don’t want to leave it. Yet I can’t let it go as I strive to reach the end. And then? I’m looking for more of the work by the same author, or more of the same genre so I can fall into that alternate world once more and start the struggle all over again.
What captures your imagination when you find a book you truly enjoy?
Thanks again, Cindy, for having me!
Terry Spear
Thanks to Danielle at Sourcebooks for allowing me to give away one prize pack of Terry’s three books (Heart of the Wolf, Destiny of the Wolf and To Tempt the Wolf). This is only open to Canadian and US residents with a valid mailing address. Sorry no PO BOXES.
To enter all you have to do is answer Terry’s question from her guest post which was:
-What captures your imagination when you find a book you truly enjoy?
Please leave your answers in the comments of this post. The contest will be running until Sept 7th/09. When you leave your answers please make sure to leave your email address so that I have a way to contact you should you be a winner.
To Tempt the Wolf—In Stores September 1
In this third in the series, wildlife photographer Tessa Anderson must prove her brother innocent of murder charges. But when she discovers a gorgeous naked man barely alive on her beach, she’s got a new world of troubles to deal with, not least of which is how he affects her with just a look, a touch, or a whispered word.
Hunter Greymore is a lupus garou, a grey werewolf. Hoping to keep a low profile at Tessa’s cabin on the coast, he’s drawn into her life—and into her bed. His animal instincts war with his human half, but in the end, the only thing he can do about this fascinating, adorable woman is to leave her forever —unless she becomes one of them.
About the Author

A retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves, award-winning author Terry Spear has an MBA from Monmouth College. An eclectic writer, she dabbles in the paranormal as well as writing historical and true life stories for both teen and adult audiences. Spear lives in Crawford, Texas.
Her 2008 Sourcebooks Casablanca release, Heart of the Wolf was named a Best Book of the Year by Publishers Weekly. Destiny of the Wolf and To Tempt the Wolf are in stores now, and more are on the way: The Legend of the White Wolf (February 2010) and Seduction of the Wolf (August 2010). For more information please visit www.terryspear.com

copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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