If We Were Having Tea….. #11


If we were having tea… I would tell you that is been a good week even though it was a cold week.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that its going to be a busy hockey weekend because we are in a tournament. Sadly we lost our game yesterday 2-3 (but we could have won it) and since we lost it we play today and fingers crossed.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that last week Michael got his first penality of the season. It was nothing major.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that Michael has a short school week this week as he goes to school Monday and Wednesday for exams and then he is off the rest of the week. He is happy to have a break.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I made it a point  that I was going to ease up on my book buying for 2016 and decided that when I go to Chapters I need to budget myself. This past week I failed a bit but I know I will do better.

If we were having tea... I would tell you that it was a early morning because I had to get Michael to the arena to get his hockey pictures done.

If we were having tea… I would tell you so far I am doing good with daily blogging and reading. I am making it a point to blog daily and to read at least one book a week and sometimes I have to pick up another one because one book isn’t enough for the week. I am doing really good as I have already read 4 books so far this month.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week. I hope you have a good week.