If We Were Having Tea…#9


If we were having tea… I would tell you that I decided to take a blogging break during Christmas to spend it with the family and the few post that went up were all scheduled posts.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that 2016 is here and that I wish you a very Happy and Joyous New Year and all the best for the year.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that I am excited for Monday to come so that we can get back into the regular routine of things again. I love the break but its time.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that Tina from BookShipper and myself have begin the new year with doing an Affirmation Jar so that we can keep track of all the good things that happen to us in 2016. I will probably do a little post on that this upcoming week.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that since my last If We Were Having Tea post that I went to the movies to see Joy and the boys went to see Star Wars. I really enjoyed Joy. Have you seen it yet?

If we were having tea... I would tell you that I am working on colouring every day and I managed to complete two already. I am starting small and then gradually working up to the bigger images.

If we were having tea… I would tell you 2016 is going to be the year that I try to eat healthier and get into shape. I am not going to stress about dieting but make the effort to eat more healthier.

If we were having tea… I would tell you that it was great seeing you again this week and that I can’t wait until next week. I hope you have a good week.