The 10th Annual First Book of the Year 2023 Edition

The totally amazing and incredible Sheila from Book Journey is once again organizing the First Book of The Year 2023 edition. This is Sheila’s 10th year of hosting this yearly event.

This is my 10 th year taking part in the  First Book of the Year.

So what is First Book?  First Book is the first book you plan on reading in the New Year.  It can be a long-coveted read you have not had time for, a guilty pleasure read like a re-read of a favorite…  really it can be anything – it is…after all…YOUR First Book.

If you are interested in taking part be sure to head over to Sheila’s blog.

Every December I always struggle with finding the right book to start the new year off with because I want to start the year off right. I have to admit that it takes quite some time to pick out my book.

This year my book is:

One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn’t see coming…

Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.

Which is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.

If Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.

The reason I picked this is that I decided to do the 12 books 12 friends suggested and this was one of the books so why not start the year off with this one? I have been hearing really good things about this.

Have you read this yer?

Cover Reveal: Apex Predator

Apex Predator
Cara Dee
(The Game, #11)
Publication date: January 24th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
Ring in the new year with Lane, Macklin, Walker, and Ty as a group of Mclean members head down to Florida for some fun. More info to come.

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Author Bio:

I’m often awkwardly silent or, if the topic interests me, a chronic rambler. In other words, I can discuss writing forever and ever. Fiction, in particular. The love story—while a huge draw and constantly present—is secondary for me, because there’s so much more to writing romance fiction than just making two (or more) people fall in love and have hot sex.

There’s a world to build, characters to develop, interests to create, and a topic or two to research thoroughly.

Every book is a challenge for me, an opportunity to learn something new, and a puzzle to piece together. I want my characters to come to life, and the only way I know to do that is to give them substance—passions, history, goals, quirks, and strong opinions—and to let them evolve.

I want my men and women to be relatable. That means allowing room for everyday problems and, for lack of a better word, flaws. My characters will never be perfect.

Wait…this was supposed to be about me, not my writing.

I’m a writey person who loves to write. Always wanderlusting, twitterpating, kinking, cooking, baking, and geeking. There’s time for hockey and family, too. But mostly, I just love to write.

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Book Blitz: One Hundred Dreams

One Hundred Dreams
Kelly Collins
(An Aspen Cove Romance, #22)
Publication date: December 29th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
He’s a man trying to keep things under control.
She’s a woman yearning to break free.
Is this a disaster waiting to happen or a love story in the making?

Actress Cameron Madden is sick and tired of being tired. With her last movie failing at the box office and her career in question, she heads to Aspen Cove to lick her wounds. The small mountain town is the perfect place to escape the prying eyes of a critical public, the demands of her career, and the rules set by her team. Expecting a female bodyguard named Valery, she’s shocked to find the script has been flipped and Valery is a tall, dark, and annoying man who goes by Val. The first thing he does is hand her a set of rules—his rules. And she plans to break every one of them.

The last thing bodyguard Valery Armstrong wants to do is babysit an actress, but when the job comes in, he is the only one available. Saving the day and picking up the pieces is what he’s been doing since his father passed away. That single event ten years ago taught him one thing—prepare for every possibility. Before agreeing to take on Cameron, he asks himself how difficult could one woman be? When he arrives, he hands her the list, then watches as she gifts him with a heart-stopping smile—right before tearing the page to pieces. How difficult could one woman be? Cameron Madden is about to show him.

Aspen Cove, where rules are made to be broken…

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He pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her. “These are my rules.”

She seemed to sink in front of him, but it was a momentary muscle lapse before that invisible string pulled her back up. Only this time, it seemed to drag her forward to stand in front of him. She swiped the envelope from his hand and tore open the flap. Once she drew out the single page with his rules, she let the envelope fall to the floor.

He watched as her eyes moved across the page. Second by second, they grew until he was sure they’d pop from her skull.

She raised her head and stared at him. “Are you serious?”

“Why would I give you that if I wasn’t serious?”

“It’s a page with one rule. You said rules.”

He smiled. “I don’t need more than one.”

She glanced at the paper and lifted her head. “You make all the rules?” She stared at him like he’d sprouted a horn in the center of his forehead.

“That’s my one rule. Take it or leave it.”

Her jaw dropped, and she took a step back. “What are you going to do? Leave?” She tore the page in half and let the pieces fall to the marble floor next to the envelope. “You’re not the boss, and you don’t make the rules.”

“Wrong.” He turned around, walked back to the elevator, pushed the button, and waited.

“You’re seriously leaving? How am I supposed to get to Colorado?”

He took several cleansing breaths before he spun around to face her. “Nothing has changed. You have a flight waiting at Los Angeles International Airport. It will take you to Denver, where you’ll have to get a ride to Aspen Cove. Rent a car. It’s only a few hours’ drive from there to your destination.”

She seemed to wobble on her heels. “You’re abandoning me?”

He shook his head. “I’m not. I gave you my rules, and you dismissed them. You don’t get to be the top private security firm in the country if you break your own rules, and my only rule is I make the rules.” The elevator door opened, and he stepped inside. “I’ll give you ten minutes to decide. If you’re not down in the lobby by then, I’ll leave. It’s that simple.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but the doors closed before she could get a word out.


Author Bio:

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International bestselling author of more than thirty novels, Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping love alive. Always a romantic, she blends real-life events with her vivid imagination to create characters and stories that lovers of contemporary romance, new adult, and romantic suspense will return to again and again.

Kelly has sold more than a quarter of a million books worldwide, and in 2021 she was awarded a Readers’ Favorite Award Gold Medal in the Contemporary Romance category for A Tablespoon of Temptation.

You can learn more about Kelly at

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Book Blitz: Between Takes

Between Takes
Morgana Bevan
(Kings of Screen, #1)
Publication date: August 17th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
“So I’m clear: you want me to babysit an off-the-rails actor for six months?”

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

Or, at least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

My family moved, my ex took my friends when he left, and my job is suddenly uninspiring. There’s a silver lining in here somewhere, I’m sure…

It comes, eventually, in a strange package; a last-minute job that’s slightly outside my comfort zone, a long way away. Dealing with a movie star can’t be that hard, can it?

He’s hot, of course. And a mess, no doubt. Hates me and wants to be left to self-destruct alone, apparently. But it’s my job to turn it around, turn him around and when I find myself falling for more than just the job, it gets tricky.

The lights are better here, more magical, and I’m not sure if it’s his lack of charm or the prospects for the future but I can almost taste that lemonade… or can I?

Between Takes is a slow burn steamy enemies-to-lovers, boss-assistant romance. It is the first book in the Kings of Screen series. If you enjoy irresistible damaged heroes and take no-nonsense heroines caught in a workplace romance, you’ll love Between Takes.

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“I don’t need a babysitter. I’m handling it.” He dragged his hands through his thick brown hair, tugging at the ends a little too hard.

Someone is stressed.

“That’s ridiculous,” Shaun muttered. “I’m the star! They wouldn’t.”

They so would – or so Sherry said.

Apparently, he wasn’t the easiest person to handle on set. Just two weeks into a gruelling six-month schedule and Shaun had already alienated half the crew. The producers had been amicable to start, but now they’d started to see that their chosen star was driving them into the sun.

The fight drained from Shaun’s shoulders and the tension bled out of him. Moments later, he slumped against the doorframe. His eyes scanned slowly up my body, and something about his unfocused but softening gaze made goose bumps break out along my arms.

My boss was checking me out.

It lasted for all of five seconds, and then my spine stiffened and I folded my arms across my chest. With a leisurely pace, his eyes rose to my hard face. He smirked before focusing his attention back on Sherry.

“Fine. But it’s a trial and when I say it’s done, it’s done.”

I was fairly certain Sherry wouldn’t agree with his estimations. He tensed and I barely stopped myself from smiling in triumph.

Take that, Hotshot!

“Are you fucking serious?” His eyes fixed on me, eying me like whatever threat Sherry had issued was entirely my fault. Given her desperation to get me here, I was fairly certain it was a threat. I glared right back at him. “Pretty sure I employ you, Sherry. Are you enjoying the beach house my fee earned you?”

Oh yeah, entitled asshole alert. Somebody had forgotten his roots.

My research said Shaun Martin didn’t come from an acting dynasty. He grew up in a small working-class South Wales town, went to a secondary school. If the critics were to be believed, he was a natural talent. He’d never had acting lessons, no Sunday drama clubs or drama classes in school. With all that, you’d think he’d be a bit more humble.

“I’m telling you this won’t work, but whatever.” His lip curled like a sullen child’s. All he needed to do was stomp his foot and the image would be complete. He grumbled one more time then hung up.

Shaun clattered down the steps and sauntered towards me. I tensed and eyed him like the shark he was. He took the coffee from my rigid hands. I was rather proud of myself for keeping the damn thing intact all this time.

“What did you say your name was?”

This close, I had to tip my head back to meet his eyes. I wasn’t short by any stretch of the imagination, but he made me feel tiny and vulnerable. Not a thing I’d ever wanted from a man. And I wouldn’t start wanting it now.


“Fine, Mona. It looks like you’re my PA.” He sipped the coffee, pulling a face when it hit his tongue. I hated lukewarm coffee too.

He lowered the cup and fixed me with a glower meant to make me sink into the dirt, I’m sure.

“Ground rules: Stay out of my way and we’ll be fine. Take my calls. Your number one job is to keep the producers and my agent away from me. Clear?”

Not bothering to wait for a reply, he turned around and walked back to his trailer. I followed him, disbelief and outrage warring for control of my mouth. Outrage won.

“No dice. I’ll do my job.” My firm tone caused him to spin around, a quirked eyebrow raised. “I’ll keep you on track and that includes keeping you out of a bottle and attending creative meetings with the producers who took a massive gamble on your falling star. My job is to get you through this show in one piece and make sure you’re still hireable.”

“Now, wait—” he started, but I raised my hand, cutting him off. His mouth hung open in shock.

“You may not like me. Or the situation,” I continued, raising my voice to discourage any more interruptions. “But I’m what you’ve got. It’s me or a huge fee when you fail to complete this show and maybe the end of your career as you know it. You have no choices left.”

His lips flatlined as my meaning sank in. If he didn’t get his act together soon, he could kiss his A-list status, and all the perks that came with it, goodbye. If he fucked up this show, he’d be too much of a liability for any of the big studios or production companies to take the risk.

With my speech done and my position clear, I waited. And waited some more. He observed me. His hard gaze bore into me, searching for a crack. I didn’t so much as flinch.

“Fine. It’s you. Now do your job and leave me the fuck alone.” Shaun spun on his heels and bounced up the steps.

The door swung shut behind him again.

Oh no, he didn’t. I stomped up to his door and slammed my fists against it. Not looking for a repeat of the last time, I backed away fast. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and put on my best “don’t fuck with me” mask and waited.

The door flew open, slamming back against the trailer.


“You’re in make-up in five minutes.” I was rather proud of my cool, calm tone.

“Then I’ll go in five.”

“No. It’ll take you five to walk there. You leave now.”

His eyes skimmed my body before returning to my firmly set face.

“You’re a hard-ass. Anyone ever tell you that?”

With a grim smile, I crossed my arms and waited.

At that, Shaun Martin sighed and clattered down the steps before following me to make-up like an obedient dog.

But I wasn’t fooled.


Author Bio:

Morgana Bevan is a sucker for a rock star romance, particularly if it involves a soul-destroying breakup or strangers waking up in Vegas. She’s a contemporary romance author based in Wales. When Morgana’s not writing steamy rock star and movie star romances, she’s working in TV production in the UK.

When not writing, she enjoys travelling, attending gigs, and trying out the extreme activities she forces on her characters.

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Book Blitz: Her Best Friend’s Brother

Her Best Friend’s Brother
Yahrah St. John
(Six Gems, #1)
Published by: Harlequin Desire
Publication date: December 27th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Childhood friends become forbidden lovers in this sexy start to the Six Gems series from Yahrah St. John.

Their fiery affair fulfills her fantasies…
And puts everything at risk.

When travel blogger Wynter Barrington’s wealthy, disapproving family cuts her off, she finds comfort in a passionate chance encounter with Riley Davis, her best friend’s brother. He’s hot as hell…and totally off-limits.

And when they meet again months later, they begin a sizzling affair. Wynter knows Riley doesn’t do love and marriage, but her youthful crush is feeling more and more like a real relationship. If she’s not careful, Wynter may put more than her relationship with her best friend on the line. Can she survive falling in love with the one man she was never supposed to touch?

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Riley brought Wynter to his bed. He wanted to make love to her properly. That first time in his living room had been a feverish coupling because of the intense attraction they felt. But now, he wanted to take his time. If tonight was all he had, he wanted to show Wynter how much pleasure they could have together.

Wynter wasn’t some naive virgin. She returned his touches and kisses and showed him she knew exactly how to make him moan. And when she wanted to be on top, Riley let her without hesitation. She was skilled and brought them both to a culmination that had Riley seeing stars.

Eventually, they took a shower together, but even that turned into a sensuous glide of naked bodies that kept them up until the wee hours of the morning. Afterward, Riley fell into a deep sleep, which was unusual for him. For years, he’d never been able to get more than four or five hours of sleep because, when he was a teenager, he’d been on high alert. He had to make sure his mother was okay and wouldn’t harm herself. The pattern stuck when he went to college and then, later, law school. The long nights of studying to stay on top and be the best took their toll until Riley didn’t need much sleep to operate.

But last night, he’d slept like a baby because he’d had Wynter’s lush body wrapped around him. However, awakening this morning, something was very clear.

He was in bed alone.

Sometime in the early morning, after they’d just had the best sex of his life, Wynter had slipped away from his bed. Riley sat upright. That had never happened before. He was used to being the one who left, not the other way around.

Riley didn’t know whether he should be offended or not. Or perhaps Wynter hadn’t been as satisfied as he thought last night? No, he shook his head. Women could fake it, but Wynter hadn’t faked a moment of their intimacy. He could tell. She was responsive and very vocal about what she wanted. She hadn’t been afraid to take charge of her pleasure or his.

Riley groaned when he thought about the way she’d wriggled down the bed last night to position her head close to his groin. The way she’d run her fingertips over his erect shaft. Her touch had been featherlight, as if she’d reveled in the sensation of having him at her mercy. He’d been enthralled, and rather than fight it, he’d given in. She’d bent her head, taken him in her mouth and sucked him.

Afterward, she’d raised her head and given him a triumphant smile, all the while licking her lips as she caught a drop she must have missed.

It was one of the most erotic experiences of his life. Wynter had moved to the top of the list as the best lover he’d ever had. Although he wished they could have a repeat of the night before, Riley appreciated that Wynter understood the parameters. As a result, she’d left of her own accord, without him having to show her the door like some of his ex-lovers.

At least he would always have the memory of their one hot night. But, in the back of his mind, Riley would always wonder what might have happened if she had stayed.


Author Bio:

Yahrah St. John is the International author of forty books. She became a writer at the age of twelve when she wrote her first novella after secretly reading a Harlequin romance. Throughout her teens, she penned a total of twenty novellas. Her love of the craft continued into adulthood. She’s the proud author of thirty-nine books with Arabesque, Kimani Romance and Harlequin Desire as well as her own indie works.

When she’s not at home crafting one of her spicy romances with compelling heroes and feisty heroines with a dash of family drama, she is gourmet cooking or traveling the globe seeking out her next adventure. For more or find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bookbub or Goodreads.

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Book Blitz: A Home for Christmas

A Home for Christmas
Katie Eagan Schenck
Publication date: October 11th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance
Brad has just one wish this Christmas: to find a real home. Having lost his parents before joining the Marines, he misses that sense of belonging and family. When he meets an introverted flight attendant on his journey to start his civilian life, he wonders if this might be his chance.

After a messy divorce, Shelly has decided the only person allowed within the brittle walls of her broken heart is her daughter, Lilly. At least, until she meets a friendly man who hails from her hometown while working a routine flight. When she learns he needs a place to stay, she offers the apartment over her garage out of the kindness of her heart – and her desperate need for extra cash.

Even as Brad endears himself to Shelly by saving the town’s Christmas pageant, she attempts to keep her distance to protect the fragile stability she’s built since her divorce. But Brad’s willingness to walk the fine line between what Shelly’s heart wants and what her head allows slowly wears down her resolve. And when Brad receives a job offer near the only family he has left, Shelly must decide whether she’s willing to risk her heart again before he leaves her home, and her life, for good.

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Lilly’s phone was still connected to the speaker and “I’ll be Home for Christmas” played. “I love this song, though it’s bittersweet.”

“Because you haven’t had a home for Christmas?”

“Well, yes,” he said, staring at the tree. “However, the lyrics aren’t really promising the singer will be home for Christmas. He mentions at the end how he’ll only be home in his dreams. For me, home isn’t about a specific place, but more about the people who make it a home.” He turned toward her. “My parents are gone and, as I told you before, my sister and I aren’t close. So my home for Christmas is truly in my dreams, because it doesn’t exist anymore.”

Shelly’s eyes softened, and she took his hand. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

“It’s not your fault, and I’m not surprised.” He gave her a half smile and patted her hand before letting go. “Leave it to me to turn a lovely Christmas song into something depressing.”

“But you’re right, it is kind of a sad song.”

“Perhaps we can make it happier.” He stood, then performed a slight bow and offered her his hand. “Would you like to dance?”

She raised her eyebrows dubiously, but she accepted his hand and he pulled her to her feet. They faced each other, both unmoving, until Brad brought her closer to him and placed his free hand on her waist. Her hand rested on his shoulder as they swayed together to the beat.

She was soft and warm in his arms and he detected the faint scent of cinnamon and something floral. As they turned in the limited space of the room, he was reminded of earlier that morning when he helped her into her coat. The way his fingers tingled when they touched her skin. He recalled how the look in her eyes made his heart stop. Now, his heart was pounding, and the air seemed to hum with electricity, just like that morning.

He directed her to twirl, then caught her at the waist. This time, she was close enough to rest her head on his chest as they continued to sway. He tightened his arm around her and wished this could last forever. For reasons he couldn’t quite explain, it felt like they had known each other for years, instead of only one day.

The song’s last notes played, and they stopped swaying in the sudden silence. When she gazed up at him, her emerald eyes were sparkling. She was absolutely radiant, the happiest he had seen her since they met. He released her waist, but he held onto her hand.

With a smile, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it in what he hoped was a gentleman-like way.

“Thank you for the dance.”

Shelly averted her gaze. “You’re a wonderful dancer.”

Author Bio:

Debut author, Katie Eagan Schenck, writes sweet romance that warms the heart and gives all the feels. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s either working on regulations for the federal government or binging Hallmark movies. She lives in Maryland with her husband, daughter, and their three cats.

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Book Blitz: The Last Minute First Lady

The Last Minute First Lady
Tinia Montford
Publication date: December 22nd 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Cassian Anders will be the youngest governor in Illinois history… If he wins.

That’s all everyone seems to talk about these days. Jolie Coldwell isn’t one of them. As a journalist, her priorities comprise digging up dirt on crooked politicians and local cover-ups. When her latest exposé on a congressman gets her into hot water, her days boil down to covering the senior center’s casino night.

Then news breaks the on-air investigative segment is looking for a replacement. She needs this promotion to advance her career.

She needs a breaking story. She needs it now.

The road to office is ruthless compared to the courtroom. When Cassian Anders approval rating falls due to his inability to connect with working families, he will do whatever it means to secure votes. Now, not only is he engaged, but he’s getting married to his non-existing fiancée…

He’s never relied on luck, but when a convenient but unorthodox wife falls into his lap, he makes her a deal.

He needs a wife. He needs it now.

Will Jolie and Cassian be able to fool the public long enough? Can she handle the public poking around in her past, one she would rather keep under wraps… Above all, can she be a model first lady or are they destined to be a scandal?

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“You wanna know why I am running for governor?” he began. “I’ve sat. Watched. Defended in the courtroom, the very people this state is supposed to protect. I’ve been in the trenches with you all.” He pointed to the crowd. “I’ve seen the disadvantages in working-class neighborhoods compared to the elite on the Gold Coast and Millionaire’s Row. I’ve seen families struggling to make ends meet, and youth struggle to stay out of street violence.”

Cassian paused for a second.

“Everything we care about is under siege by Governor William Radcliffe.” The crowd booed. “Our very identities do not fit in the governor’s plan, nor will they ever. I grew up on the South Side of Chicago. Englewood. Chicago’s murder capital. I’ve experienced poverty and crime, and I know the beauty there. I see amazing potential if we were to invest in the people there, not ignore them like Governor Radcliffe has.”

A calm, collected feeling rolled over Cassian’s body, obliterating the nervousness he’d felt. The crowd watched him with anticipation. It thrilled him. Fueled him.

The crowd roared.

“Illinois is losing jobs and opportunities. Creative minds. The fiber of our communities. If we continue to let Governor Radcliffe lead, there won’t be a state for us to call home.”

Cassian looked down in the crowd. He shouldn’t have noticed, but he did.

In the center of the room, he spotted a woman. A beautiful woman. As they locked eyes, he recognized her. Jolie Coldwell. He couldn’t forget the fierce reporter.

He observed at her closely, his practiced speech faltering. She wore a pure white, double-breasted blazer dress. From his position on stage, he could see it stopped mid-thigh, showing off the sexy, thick brown thighs. The dress wrapped around her curvy silhouette with decorative button details down the front that led up to her tasteful cleavage.

Jolie lifted her chin, meeting his gaze straight on, a small smirk on her lips. That’s when he realized he had stopped talking. Clearing his throat, he returned her steady gaze, and something intense flared through him.

“I’m not here to only make history. I’m here because I love the people of this state. I want to remind everyone We Are The Change.”


Author Bio:

Tinia (TUH-NIA) Montford is a Pisces who’s a sap for romance, especially when there’s (tons of) kissing. Loves eighties sitcoms and will consume anything with chocolate. She graduated from the University of San Francisco with a degree in English and Graphic Design.

She is a world traveler having climbed a volcano in Nicaragua, scaled Angkor Wat in the blistering sun, and roamed the Acropolis of Athens. Oh, she also dabbles in short stories occasionally.

If you can’t catch her writing, you can bet she’s overindulging on poke bowls, listening to the same four songs, or chilling with her adorbs doggie. She is currently pursuing her MFA in Fiction.

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