Published by Sourcebooks on August 4th 2015
Pages: 336
When I met Oliver Perry, I had no clue he was the lead singer for the Heartbreakers.
And he had no idea that I was the only girl in the world who hated his music.
Stella will do anything for her sister—even stand in line for an autographed Heartbreakers CD…for three hours. At least she met a cute boy at the Starbucks beforehand. A blue-eyed boy who looks an awful lot like…
Oliver Perry. Of course Starbucks guy is the lead singer for her least favorite band. Thanks, universe. But there may be more to Oliver than his world-famous charm, because even after she insults his music—to his face—he still gives her his number. Seriously, what is her life?
But how can Stella even think about being with Oliver—dating and laughing and pulling pranks with the band—when her sister could be dying of cancer?
This past summer I was cleaning up my book shelves to get ready for summer, so that I could figure out what I wanted to read and I stumbled up The Heartbreakers by Ali Novak and I am embarrassed to say that this has been sitting in my TBR since I picked it up at BEA in 2015. Yes I do still have a few books sitting on my shelf that I picked up at BEA.
This is the first book in The Heartbreakers Chronicles and it was a fairly quick read,
Our main character is Stella Samuel, who is a high school graduate with a passion for photography. Stella is also a triplet. She has a sister Cara who has cancer and is a cheerleader and a brother, Drew who is the joke of the family.
When Cara has diagnosed with cancer, Stella puts her life on hold and stops pursuing her passion of going to college in NYC. Cara is obsessed with a boy band called The Heartbreakers, a band that neither Stella or Drew share the same passion for. Cara basically lives and breathes this band and fears that she will never get to see them perform live.
Stella and Drew come up with an idea of traveling from Minnesota to Chicago to obtain the bands autograph as a surprise gift to Cara. You can tell how much the siblings love each other and what they are willing to do to make their sister happy.
Finally arriving in Chicago. Stella makes a pit stop into Starbucks for her morning coffee, she bumps into a cute guy, Oliver, who buys her coffee, thinking nothing of it she goes about her way because she has no clue what the boys in the band look like until she bumps into them at the hotel. Stella makes it well known that she doesn’t like the band or their music but still Oliver gives her his number and he slowly picks away at her until she starts to like the music and the boy.
Little did Stella realize but this trip was so much more then just getting an autograph for her sister its also making her realize that she needs to move on with her life and do things she wants to do but will she do it or will she remain behind to take care of Cara?
I loved how Oliver was able to get through to Stella and watching their relationship develop was cute. This was a fun read to break up the normal reading routine.
So after attempting to write my review I discovered that this is suppose to be a four book series and each boy in the band will have his own book and encounters with love. I have to say that as cheesy as these books are i want to read them and live my teenage life over again when I used to crush of a boy band and wish I was dating one of the members. Didn’t we all do that?