Title: Eyewitness Wonders of the World
Author: Dorling Kindersley
Pub Date: June 2014
Pages: 72
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Source: I was provided a copy for my review from DK Canada
Michael and I love the books put out by DK LTD so when ever we get asked to review any of them we quickly jump on board.
I love how much work goes into the books to make them appealing to kids and adults of all ages. The photographs are real and there is just enough text to keep the kids flipping through the book.
This time around we got an email from DK Canada telling us about the top 12 classic non fiction books plus a bonus book that was going to be released in paperback for the very first time. They were going to get a whole new look with a new cover.
Do you know what the top 12 classic books are?
I honestly had no clue until I checked it out. The top 12 books are: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Cat (which I should have known because tons of kids take this out of the school library), Dog (the same as before), Crystal and Gem, Dinosaur, Ocean, World War 1 and World War 2, Rock & Mineral, Titanic, and Hurricane & Tornado.
The bonus book is the one I am actually going to talk about today and its Wonders of the World.
I first have to start off by saying you will always learn something from DK books.
As soon as you open the book you see real pictures of wonders of the world such as Palmato gecko, a geode lined with quartz crystals, Andean flamingos, crown-of-thorn starfish and more.
Flipping through the book you don’t know where to look because the pictures are beautiful and every picture suits the Wonders of the World. With each wonder there is just the right amount of text that would interest a child. Its not heavy in the text which makes the books so nice.
Do you know what some of the Wonders of the World that might be included in the book?
I won’t tell you all of them as there is 30 listed in the book along with a list of 16 record breakers that talk about the tallest mountain, the largest ocean, the highest tide, largest lake and more. There is also two pages of man made wonders and my favorite a glossary section just in case you need to know something.
Here are some of our favorite Wonders of the World: the Neuschwanstein Castle in the foothills of the Alps (it was built in the late 19th century and it looks amazing), Victoria Falls in Africa (anything to do with falls is a favorite of mine and it looks so pretty and breath taking), The Great Barrier Reef is a favorite of Michael’s, and The Eiffel Tower which I am hoping one day to visit.

From now until the end of August you can pick up these great books for 30% off which makes them roughly $8 a book compared to the full price of $10.99. Its a great time to pick up some or all of them. All you have to do is click on the image and it will take you to the DK Canada page.