The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl

Sundays In Bed With….is a meme I’ve started to share the book we’re spending the morning in bed with, or the one we’d like to stay curled up in bed with all Sunday if only our busy lives would allow! For fun, take a picture of the book in your bed, or simply write up a post or comment below sharing your Sundays in Bed With book. Quoted from Kate’s blog.
Is it really that time for another Sunday’s In Bed post? Where is the time going?
Sadly I wasn’t able to stay in bed reading because I have to go to the hospital to visit my mother who is currently still in the hospital recovering from her surgery on her broken shoulder and then when I get back we have to leave to go get my in laws and go to a church dinner.
But if I could be reading I would be finishing up this book:
I really like the cover. Aren’t the red eyes striking?
What are you reading today?
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