The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl not only is she an awesome blogger but she is was one of my roommates for BEA. YAY!!

Sundays In Bed With….is a meme I’ve started to share the book we’re spending the morning in bed with, or the one we’d like to stay curled up in bed with all Sunday if only our busy lives would allow! For fun, take a picture of the book in your bed, or simply write up a post or comment below sharing your Sundays in Bed With book. Quoted from Kate’s blog.
I am currently writing this post at 6:30 AM Saturday morning along with a few other posts while Michael is at his hockey practice. He had to be at the arena (which is about 10 minutes away from my house) at 7am and then once the boys get back we will be heading to Plattsburgh (New York) for a day of shopping. I have my list of things I need to get and places to go.
Sadly I won’t be in bed reading this morning (Sunday) because guess why? If you guessed hockey you would be right. We have a hockey game this morning and we are at our arena.
But if I was lucky enough to be in bed I would be curled up reading this:
I am part of the Sourcebooks tour for this (and my review will be up tomorrow morning) and really excited because this was one of the books I picked up at BEA this year.
What are you curled up and reading this morning/today?
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