I have decided to do something new here on the blog and that is sharing with you the products I have used up through out the month. As you know I get tons a beauty boxes and samples through out the month and I need to become accountable for that and not just put them away.
So I have to apologize for the crappy photos. For some reason I thought they were clearer. Something I need to work on for next month.
This month we went through two bottles of bath & Body Works hand soaps.The first one is sweet pumpkin and the other is hot apple cider foam soap. We loved them both but I think my favorite is the hot apple cider. I still have a few more bottles in the cupboard.
This hot chocolate mask was a mess. If you happen to pick one up to use its really good but don’t use a white face cloth like I did. This will stain it even after washing in cold water. I liked this mask because it felt like it really cleaned my face and it left a nice soft smooth face. This might be something I would re-purchase after using up what I have now.
I also used up some of my fortune cookie items and they both were bath bombs I got in October Cram Your Face in my Sweet Pumpkin Pie and Cram Your Face in my Sweet Pumpkin Pie the pumpkin shaped one. I loved both of these items and this would be something I would repurchase.
Also used up were some items I got in the October Natural Beauty Box was Happy Pumpkin Exfoliating Mini Sugar Pumpkin Soap and Burst Organic Beauty Bar Love Bubbles Body Wash. I loved the smell of the pumpkin exfoliating soap it smelled like the spices you use for making pumpkin pie. I loved that one said was for exfoliating and the other side was smooth. I have to admit it took me a few times to get use to using it but after I did I loved it and I ended up using it every other day.
Burst Organic Beauty Bar Love Bubbles Body Wash was used on the days I didn’t use the exfoliating and I loved the smell (coconut & vanilla) and it lathered really well on my sponge. It was the perfect item for the cool fall November days.
I also used up another item I got in a sample and it was from Sampler Village and it was lotion from a Canadian Company called Me and the Boy. I loved this for the smell (cotton candy and citrus) and for the texture (it was like a whip cream) and it went on nice and not cakey or greasy. This was the perfect summer reminder scent. I managed to get three uses out of it.
Speaking of summer scents on one particularly cold November night I decided I wanted to soak in a hot tub and use something that was summer or fallish and I remembered the Yves Rocher Apple Delight bath fuzz so I popped that in and wow it was like being in a apple orchid. I loved that for awhile afterwards you could still smell this even when the water was long gone.
I also managed to use up an Algemarin foam bath (after getting one in a previous sample box I had to find this and I managed to find a pack at the dollar store so I picked up one) and at Walmart I found this stress away and it was perfect to unwind after a stressful day. These are all items that i would repurchase when I run out of what I currently have.

Many years ago I slipped at work and banged up my knee pretty bad and many years later I still suffer from aches and pains in the knee and I finally found something that works amazingly and its Aleve. I am so happy that they finally came to Canada.
One of the candles I got from Bath & Body Works was finally used and its Sweet Pumpkin. I love the way it burned (nice and smooth) and the scent it gave off. It was very much like pumpkin pie very warm and enticing. Although I have to say that one morning I forgot I was burning it and was like hmm I smell pumpkin pie I wonder where its coming from.
I had cleaned out a make up bag I took to NYC in June and stumbled upon this small Colgate Total toothpaste and figured I should use that up before it expired. I love going to the dentist because he always gives me these samples and I am finally making it a point to use them up. Thankfully I didn’t have to throw any away yet. I love this tooth paste and its one I have repurchased and use.
I also got a sample of this Downy Unstoppable in the mail and i wish I could remember the scent but I can’t. Sadly this is something I wouldn’t repurchase because I discovered I am allergic to it. It had a nice scent.
I noticed this month I wore alot of nail polish (I think it was to distract from my pale white hands) so I wanted to finish up my cutex bottle (this has been open for about a year now and it was a small bottle) this would be something I would repurchase because you always need a nail polish remover.
I also made it a point to use up these little pouches of the wipes. When I got Julep in the past they sent out little wipes and I found out. It was an okay wipe it did remove the polish. Since its part of a subscription service I won’t be getting any more.
Another item that was from a beauty box was the LA Fresh ones. I liked the scent and it removed the polish since discovering you can only order online this won’t be something I would purchase.
The other wipes are from Walmart and I found them in the travel section (where you get mini’s of products) and I really like them and this would be something I would repurchase again.The wipes are soaked in solution and the polish comes over very well and in most cases with just one wipe of the nail.
This summer when we went to Lake George I made it a point to not travel with full size items so I found this Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner sample in my cupboard and figured I would use them up will months later I still had some left so I used them up. Not my favorite shampoo and conditioner because of my hair.
I was thrilled when I spotted this can of Frizz Ease John Frieda hair spray in the US that I had to pick it up. I love the John Frieda line for Frizzy hair. This is now my go to items in shampoo and conditioner as well as hair spray.
Another sample I really loved was the Fekkai I got in a beauty box recently. I managed to get two uses out of the shampoo and conditioner. I loved the scent and the way it made my hair feel. Upon checking them out online I saw they had a line for frizzy hair so I will be purchasing that very soon in the next few weeks when I finish up what I currently am using.
Another sample I got to use up was the Olay wipe and I like it. Not sure if it will be something I would repurchase only because there is so much out there but it was nice to try something different.
Sadly I had to throw away this Quo eye primer because it smelled weird. I don’t think I was more then half way through it so that was a disappointment considering what I paid for it.
Alot of the times I have to admit that I get lazy in removing my make up at night and instead of cleaning properly I use the make up remover wipes and I have to say that I am loving the Simple wipes and this was a pack I had from the summer that used up. I also tried out the Equate ones which weren’t my favorite as I found them to dry out really fast. I also made it a point to use up the sample ones I got and both are from a beauty box. LA Fresh I didn’t like at all and I think it was the lavendar scent that did it and the other was a bamboo one (which I can’t remember). I think for now I will stay with Simple unless I hear of some good recommendations. Do you have a favorite?

Don’t ask me why I picked this up because honestly I don’t know. I saw these at Walmart and was like wow eye brow shapers and its quick and easy. This would be perfect in between waxings on my brows. Well I took one out and would you believe that is just a piece of freaking tape that did nothing to remove hair around my brow? I followed the instructions and in all honesty its just tape so sadly this went into the garbage and it will never be bought again.
So this is what I used this month. Not to bad eh? What about you? Did you get through your products this month?
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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