It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila who blogs at One Persons Journey Through Books And Coffee. If you haven’t checked out Sheila’s blog you really should. She is an
amazing blogger.
As I am rewritting this post on this very cold (-27) Monday morning, I am so happy I get to stay indoors, well at least until 2.30pm when I have to walk to the bus stop to get Michael. If its cold where you are I hope you are staying warm. Its a good day to curl up on the couch and read.
So I have to say this past week I really didn’t read alot because I as preparing myself for bloggiesta. I wanted to get alot done this weekend so I have to say that my reading suffered the consequences.
With that being said this is what I did get to read this past week:
This will be reviewed later this week with an author interview following. They are great middle grade books by a fantastic Canadian author.
Currently reading:
The book is called Love, Love, Love by Deborah Reber and Caroline Goode. Its two books in one. The one I am reading now is called Language of Love by Deborah Reber. Deborah contacted me in early December asking if I would be interested in reviewing her book and it sounded really good so I said yes. My review of that should be up next week.
Also hoping to get to read this:
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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