As you can see I have another Books Bought post. I wasn’t planning on buying anything more since my last Books Bought post but I had to go in and pick up a gift card for a present and Michael needed:

Geronimo Stilton Attack of the Bandit Cats book 8
Geronimo Stilton A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo book 9
Then as I was walking past the Children’s/YA bargain books I spotted this:
I figured this would be a great book to leave in my car for times when I need something to read while waiting for Michael at school and it was a steal at $3.99 minus 10% for being an iRewards member.

I then spotted Twilight The Graphic Novel Volume 1 on my way to the cash. I love the cover. I have never read any of the Twilight series despite the fact that I do own the first book in the series.
I have actually started to read this and the I really like the art done by Young Kim.
Not pictured in this is a book I bought at the second hand bookstore for Michael and its Geronimo Stilton Book # 25 The Search For Sucken Treasure. We are slowly starting to build up his collection.
So this is what I bought this week, did you buy anything?
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