As you might have noticed the local book bloggers didn’t have a meet up in November. So much happened and we had to reschedule. I think we all wanted to meet up before the Christmas holidays when we knew it would be tough to get together.
Sadly this time Donna was unable to attend because she had other plans that couldn’t be broken. So it was just Avis, Linda, Tina and myself in attendance at our favorite little tea shop.
I was really late in getting to the tea shop due to a heavy amount of traffic getting on the bridge and into Verdun. I was 45 minutes in traffic. This is normally a 20 minute drive from door to door. When I finally got into Verdun to see what the delay was, I was thinking for sure it had to be an accident but it wasn’t the Police had closed the straigh traffic through so you had to loop around. I have no idea why they did that but anways.
Then when I finally got to the tea shop I found the best parking spot right in front of the shop but of course the car in front of me just had to go there so I ended up finding parking across the street. Of course we all know what happens when I get out of the car, right? Yea you guessed it the car that stole my spot was now gone. AGH!!!
Needless to say I was a little frazzled when I got in. The ladies were kind enough to let me rant and rave (not that they had the choice LOL) so I ordered my hot apple cider to drink. It tasted so good.
We talked about books, our blogs, the holidays, Linda’s exams, school, jobs, life and of course NYC.
Thanks to Tina and Avis because also at this meet up we celebrated Linda’s and my birthdays and Tina bought our cakes (with candles and all- should have taken a picture and no there was no happy birthday songs) and Avis bought a round of our hot drinks. Thank you so much you guys. It was a nice way to spend a birthday.
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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