PUB DATE: Originally came out in hard cover January 2008. This version of the book came out September 2008. This is the movie tie in version.

As many of you know Beth Fish Reads is hosting the Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read all nine books in this series by June 30, 2010.
I saw this on twitter in June and decided that I wanted to take part in this knowing that I probably could finish this challenge without a problem. I have managed to convince my partner in crime Donna and hoping to have convinced Michael to take part in this challenge too. Its easy 9 books to read in the next year. How hard could that be right? I have bought all 8 books for now and I am hoping that by the time I get to the 9th one it will be in paperback. I am one down and 8 to go.
The books in this series are:
Dead Until Dark *COMPLETED*
Living Dead in Dallas
Club Dead
Dead to the World
Dead as a Doornail
Definitely Dead
All Together Dead
From Dead to Worse
Dead and Gone
Charlaine Harris is the author of 28 books. This is a new to me author. Dead Until Dark is the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. True Blood is an original series that is based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels that airs on Sunday nights on HBO.
When I first picked up Dead Until Dark to read I wasn’t sure at first and kept thinking to myself what did I just get myself into? I am not into the gory, scary stuff and I can’t watch horror movies etc because they creep me out. So I am probably sure that I couldn’t watch this on HBO.
Surprisingly enough once I started to read the book, I realized that it wasn’t going to be gory with details and ended up devouring the book in a weekend. I am so excited to read Living Dead in Dallas and I keep picking it up and wanting to read it but I am trying to limit them to a monthly read if possible.

I loved Sookie. She is a waitress in the towns only bar called Merlotte’s in a small town in Louisiana. I felt I could relate to Sookie very well as we both are fairly quiet, don’t get out a whole lot (personally I find that come 10:00 PM I want to be home in bed reading), keep to ourselves and back in the day I didn’t find or think of myself as dateable. Look at the tv version of Sookie who wouldn’t want to date her?
I have to admit that I never read the back of the books when I bought them and I wanted there it be an element of surprise when I read them, so when I came upon people calling her Crazy Sookie and her disability I was curious to find out what it was. I was surprised to find out that it wasn’t what I thought it was.
Shortly after the book begins Sookie is working one night and a tall, dark and handsome guy comes in and she discovers his name is Bill Compton. For once Sookie can’t read this guy but she does know what he is. She manages to save his life one night and from that point they are together all the time. She likes him and he likes her.

I want to say more things about the book but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. All I have to say is that I really enjoyed it and looking forward to starting Living Dead in Dallas in August. If you are looking for a quick and exciting read that is fast paced then let me suggest this to you.
For me I happen to live the above cover with the cartoon like cover mainly because all the over books I bought are done in this format.
Have you read the book? If so let me know and I can add your link to my review.
For more info on Charlaine Harris you can check out her site here.
I am applying this book to my Buy a Book Read a Book Challenge for July. Buy a Book, Read a Book is a yearly challenge that is being hosted by My Friend Amy and you can check out her blog here. For this challenge you basically are required to buy a book a month and read it that month. You are required to read 12 books in the year.
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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