I have been a bad blogger but I have some good news

I am sitting here tonight and looking briefly at my blog telling myself that I have been such a bad blogger lately. This month I have hardly been posting. What’s up with that?

When summer vacation started I had all kinds of plans and goals for my blog but sadly real life has taken over. I figured that I probably couldn’t blog during the day but I had hoped my evenings would be blog time.

My days are filled with swimming lessons for Michael (four days a week) and throughout the week various library activities which is always a given every summer but throw in various appointments and family members who aren’t doing so well health wise and that leaves no time to blog and I hate to say this but honestly after supper I am so exhausted and tend to sit down to read and head to bed early.

Sounds like fun right?

Anyways I thought that I would share some good news with you. The week I was in NYC, I had my dentist office calling constantly but leaving no message so I kind of thought that perhaps it was due to a dental procedure I have to have (root canal and cap) done in August but why wouldn’t they leave a message?

So finally my dental hygienist got a hold of me to tell me some good news. If you are on my facebook page you might already know this but if you don’t well I found out that I won…….

Its a iPad. I was so excited and well so was Michael.  We have had the iPad for well over a month now and love it. Its a great way to check email and go online to check facebook and so many other sites that you need to get to quickly.

We have various game apps downloaded and I was able to download the Kindle app so I have been able to download a few books to read off of and I really like the Kindle app. With all the problems I had with Kobo I was thinking of getting a kindle when I went to the US in August but since winning the iPad I don’t have to now.

Michael has been loving all the free game apps and has gone on to purchase a few of the game apps. I am loving all the additional magazine apps that I can now use.

I just want to send out a huge thank you to my dentist office for this amazing win. We love it

Do you have an iPad? What apps should we download?
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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