You know its spring when Friends of the Library sales start popping up at various libraries. Well this weekend (May 21st & 22nd) is my local library sale. Thankfully being a friend of the library I was able to attend the presale and these are all the books I nabbed for $15 Canadian.
Sadly it was mostly used and old library books that were there with the exception of two tables that were donated books. Aparently from talking with my brother in law he said that last years was much better. I didn’t attend last year because that was the weekend I was coming back from NYC and BEA.The first place I headed with a trolley was the children’s section. I was looking for books for Michael since he has been reading alot. The booklet My Dog Does My Homework is filled with poetry. I managed to find a Tintin in english figuring Michael might like it. Tintin is really big in the french community.
This is a close up of Michael’s pile. Its a mix of joke books, pokemon and Captain Underpants. I only realized that once I started to put the books away that we already have alot of the Captain Underpants books. Oh well its okay, I will box them and then donate them to the church when they have their huge sale.
My next hunt was the above middle grade and ya books. Sadly there wasn’t much ya there and I had spotted some middle grade books but as I was about to look at a pile I lady reached over and grabbed them. They were a bunch of books in a series that I would have loved to have grabbed. Oh well. I also nabbed some Judy Blume books I spotted a few that for some reason I never read. Another one I was pleasantly surprised at was finding The Giver. I heard alot of good things about it but never read it.
Then finally I was looking around to see what I could pick up and I found a almost new like copy of Girl Who Kicked the Hornets nest, I have been tempted to buy it since I have the previous two but was waiting for it to come out in paperback. I also found a book on how to pack something I need to learn how to do.
Something that I recently put on my wishlist was The Frugalista Files: how one woman got out of debt without giving up the fabulous life, I managed to nab it and was pleasantly surprised considering this book just came out this year.
I also found Wedding Wars on DVD something I never heard about but sounded good. I am a John Stamos fan so I am sure I will enjoy it.
And finally the last set of books I picked up are:
The above Archie comics are for Tina at Bookshipper.
So that is my library loot sale books. Have you read any of these?
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