Today was the day that the Montreal Book Bloggers met up at our favorite little tea shop.
It was mentioned that it has felt like its been awhile since we have met up (and I have to agree that it feels like its been longer then a month since our last meet up) but really its only been a month. It was great to see everyone again.
In attendance was Avis, Donna, Linda and Tina.
We had some great drinks (2 ice teas made with black tea, oranges and cinnamon and a hot chocolate and carrot cake for me.) I am not quite sure what everyone else had but all the drinks looked really good.
We always have the best talks at our meet ups and they range from book related to life related and everything in between.
This time not many books were exchanged and not quite sure why? But thankfully I came home with The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel from Avis and from Tina I got the Fall Announcement Issue of Publishers Weekly which I am really excited about as I have been interested in Publishers Weekly since BEA.
I am hoping that I can find Publishers Weekly in a magazine store as I am seriously interested in it but not quite willing to pay the subscription fee.
So this is what our August meet up was like, check back in September to hear about that meet up.
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