The Widow by Fiona Barton is a debut novel that I have been hearing all the buzz about lately and every time I have been in Chapters the girls are always pitching me this book because they know that I enjoyed Gone Girl and Girl on the Train so when I noticed that chapters was offering 2x the points when you purchased the book and it happened to be on sale so I figured it was time to pick it up.
What can I say for this book except for the fact that I think there was more twist and turns then any book I have recently read. I really enjoy books like that because you are lead to think one thing and then question everything else. I hate when you know what happens half way through and this has you sitting on the edge of your seat until the very last page. I should say that we know what has happened and they are basically trying to find a way to proof that it was done. That is the thing that I thought was interesting about the book. Its easy to point the finger at someone but you have to have the proof to put them away.
One thing I have to say is that even though the storyline is disturbing the author kept all the graphic material out. Which I have to say I appreciate as a mother. We all know from the premise of the book that a little girl is taken from her yard but we know really know how she died and I am okay with not knowing that just as long as she is found so that a family can be put to rest.
I really tried to hold myself back from trying to read it in one sitting and honestly it was hard because so much was happening that you wanted to stay and read to find out what was going to happen. It was a page turner.
The story is told in various view points such as the widow, reporter, detective, and there is alot of flipping back from 2006 to 2010 so you really have to keep on eye on who is talking in that chapter and what year it is. At first I found it to be a little distracting and trying to keep the story straight but once I kept track of the speaker and dates it was a little easier. I think it would have made it a little easier to read had it begun in 2006 and worked its way to 2010. That is just my personal thought.
Over all it was an interesting read but I have to say that its not really a Gone Girl or Girl on the Train kind of book that it was hyped to be like. So if you are expecting that you might be disappointed.