The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl not only is she an awesome blogger but she is was one of my roommates for BEA. YAY!!

Sundays In Bed With….is a meme I’ve started to share the book we’re spending the morning in bed with, or the one we’d like to stay curled up in bed with all Sunday if only our busy lives would allow! For fun, take a picture of the book in your bed, or simply write up a post or comment below sharing your Sundays in Bed With book. Quoted from Kate’s blog.
Is it really that time for another Sunday’s In Bed post? Where is the time going? Can you believe we are already into April? The time is flying by. Gee before we know it, I will be heading to BEA/NYC.
Sadly I won’t be in bed reading because I have to have Michael at the arena for 7:15 to play his final game in one tournament (its being hosted by another hockey club). Its the finals so someone will be going home with a trophy. Will it be our team? Lets hope so.
Then after that game we will be going out to breakfast with the team to celebrate either a win or getting to the finals depending on the outcome.
Then if that isn’t enough we will be heading to another arena for our city tournament game. I found out just before writing this post that we are currently at the top in the Atom C division for our city tournament with 1000 points that is about 500 more than the other teams so we are looking GREAT!
Its going to be a busy hockey weekend and depending on how we play that last game will determine if we are out or are in for another game which would be next Saturday and then that’s it for another season.
What are you reading today?
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