The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl not only is she an awesome blogger but she is was one of my roommates for BEA. YAY!!

Sundays In Bed With….is a meme I’ve started to share the book we’re spending the morning in bed with, or the one we’d like to stay curled up in bed with all Sunday if only our busy lives would allow! For fun, take a picture of the book in your bed, or simply write up a post or comment below sharing your Sundays in Bed With book. Quoted from Kate’s blog.
Is it really that time for another Sunday’s In Bed post? Where is the time going?
I can’t believe how fast this month has gone by. Only two more weeks left and its Easter.
This morning I did manage to get some reading done because we didn’t need to be anywhere until 10am when Michael does his Faith First classes. There was no hockey games this weekend (that will be next weekend and the following two weeks as well) and it felt good to stay in bed and sleep.
I am suffering with a sore throat and a sinus thing again. The weather here in Montreal has been crazy with a warm week and then back to -0 and below. Its been very cold here and we are suppose to get another snow storm this up coming week so that will be fun…….not!
Anyways enough rambling on, here is what I was reading this morning:
This was a book I picked up at BEA last year and I am really enjoying this.
What are you reading today?
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