Today is the day that the 48 Hour Book Challenge starts. I am all set to go and I am really excited as this is my first time taking part in a challenge like this. I missed out on the Dewey Read a thon earlier this year so when I heard about this I knew I had to take part.
I have my books ready and snacks to go with it. Sorry I have no picture of my snacks but I have a big selection and will pick and choose throughout the challenge. I think I have too many books put aside for this. These are the books that I really want to get through if I can but if not then I am happy to at least make some kind of dent in my TBR pile.
My starting time will be 9am Friday June 5th. I have to get Michael out the door and on the bus. I should finish 48 hour later at 9am Sunday at 9am.
Anyone else taking part? Leave me a comment and I will stop by your blog to wish you luck and check your progress. Happy Reading everyone.
copyright 2010, Cindy (Cindy’s Love Of Books)
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