Blog Ahead Begins Today

I was super excited to see that The Herd Presents is once again doing the Blog Ahead. I mentioned this earlier in September that I would be taking part so that I could have a supply of blog posts either scheduled or ready to schedule at a moments notice if I needed it.

It begins October 1st and lasts until November 1st. So the gist of this blog ahead is to have at least a min of 31 scheduled post on hand. So currently I have 12 scheduled posts right now so add another 31 (days in the month) so I should end up with 43 scheduled posts by the time November 1st rolls around. Is this possible? Of course anything is possible and currently I have 11  in drafts that I are currently in the process of working on or not finished so this is the time to get them done.

My goal during this Blog Ahead is to get some Christmas post scheduled and some much need reviews written up. I have a list that I am currently working on.

If you want to take part all you have to do is sign up HERE… I believe you can still sign up.